Is It Speech Delay or Autism? | Early Autism Signs in Toddlers

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Dr. Mary Barbera discusses early autism signs in toddlers, and how to differentiate between whether your child may have a speech delay or autism.

Language delay warnings that your child is giving off are always stressful for parents. But it doesn’t always have to be autism as a result. In today’s video, I’m going to review the signs of autism, and help you understand the difference between when it’s autism or some other sort of speech delays. We’ll cover some of the key skills children should have at certain stages, as well as talk about child developmental milestones that’ll help you identify key events on your own.

Not only will we review the speech delay signs, but we’ll also cover what action steps to take after you’ve spotted some of these developmental delays. After this video, you should be able to recognize and know how to tell if it’s autism or speech delay that’s affecting you and/or other children you may be working with.

If you enjoyed this video about autism and speech delays, be sure to subscribe to the channel, like this video and visit my website below. If you have more questions, leave them down in the comments section, and I will do my best to answer you. Thanks for watching today's video on language delay warnings and let's #turnautismaround together!

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🧩 About Mary Barbera 👩‍⚕️

I'm Dr. Mary Barbera and I fell into the autism world more than two decades ago when my first-born son, Lucas, was diagnosed with autism. Since then, I became a Board-Certified Behavior Analyst, Host of the Turn Autism Around podcast (with more than 1 million downloads), and best-selling author of two books (including my newest book Turn Autism Around: An Action Guide for Parents of Young Children with Early Signs of Autism).

In addition to free content, I post daily across YouTube, Instagram, Facebook, and TikTok. I also offer two online courses for parents and professionals: The Toddler/Preschooler course to help young children ages 1-5 showing signs of autism (with or without a diagnosis) and the Verbal Behavior Bundle course to help kids over the age of 6!

Behavior Analyst BACB CEUs and Early Intervention contact hours are also included for professionals.

Whether you have a toddler showing signs of autism or you're a parent or professional helping an autistic child, I encourage you to subscribe to the Turn Autism Around YT channel and join me for videos almost every day that will help you increase talking, decrease tantrums, and improve eating, sleeping, and potty training!

#TurnAutismAround #ABA
Рекомендации по теме

My son has asd and had speech delays until around 7. He is now 14 and travelling international in debating competitions. He won best speaker a few weeks ago ❤


My daughter was very speech delayed. Didn't speak until she was around three! She's now an English teacher.


I just want to give a shoutout and virtual hug for all the worried parents here. we’re all in this together. 💛 please also remember having a child during covid WILL naturally set some things back, life is so weird right now our little ones are trying to adjust to new norms as well. 💛


My daughter had speech delay . She couldn't make up a sentence of 3 words....when she turned six she started to speak very well. Today she 11 yrs and doing well.


This has relieved the weight off my son is 2.5 years and can’t speak but he does the rest so well.i believe it’s just speech delay. May God answer all our prayers


My friend's son had speech delay, but he is fine now in high school, now speak very well, doing extremely well in high school.


I noticed my daughter at 19 months with the following symptoms
-not much eye contact
-no name response
-no waving
-not pointing
-no words
-started spinning with corner eyes
-tip toeing occasionally
-lining up toys

I decided to take away screen time and replace it with a lot of-face interaction (which she didn’t have before). A week later she started making eye contact and 2 weeks later she started to respond to her name. She also stopped spinning completely as well and shaking her head. She also used to hold on an object on each hand for a big part of the day now she rarely does it. She now high fives and waves. She imitates gestures when we sing nursery rhymes like (baby shark, twinkle little star if your happy and you know it clap your hands etc.) She still lines up certain toys but now she’s more busy exploring the house and more interested in books. It has been a month now and she has made so much progress.

She still has no words and doesn’t point yet and on her own but started to point if I point. She would also spin (not excessively) but she would do it almost everyday and now she never does.

So now I’m confused if it can be autism or screen induced behavior due to the over stimulation on her brain. (She watched cocomelon on repeat) She also didn’t have much interaction with me since I worked so much and I just feel so guilty. I quit my job and now I’m dedicating all my time to her.


Other videos are so scary.Thank you Mary for being positive and making me have hope.


Thank you so much! Very helpful ❤ god bless you and your family 💛


I love that your desire is to help, not sell a product. Thank you! So informative for those of us who couldn't see it nor recognize it as something more than the idea of all babies are different and develop differently.


Thanks Mary. This video have helped me feel relieved. I've subscribed your video


I highly appreciate your generous time and imparting your knowledge to us. God bless you Dr. Barbera.


My son was speech delayed too until he reached 3.2 years old. I suspected it was because he was always watching tv which is in English, we parents don't speak English in the house. It resulted confusion for him. Now he just turned 5, he's very talkative, talks in english & doing very good in school.


My younger brother had a speech delay and suddenly out of nowhere at about 2.5 years old he just started speaking fluently. He is now a man in his 30s! It was just a speech delay. My daughter is 20 months old and I was concerned with her but once she started daycare about a month ago she’s suddenly saying way more words and stringing a few together. Not nearly as worried now.


Thank you for this information, its really helpful. My son is 9yrs and had been in this journey when he was 3yrs old discovered that he had delayed speech. Thank God, he can pass some words and do follow instructions. As a mom, I still want to see him developing well, help himself, sharing stories with me. Thanks, South africa


Thank you for sharing this! It’s so helpful.👍


I know I am very late, I am a first time mom, and man this helped me in a way that I felt a weight lift off a bit ❤️


Just had our doctors appointment yesterday for our 25 month old and she referred him for a speech delay/ autism evaluation along with a neurological and hearing exam. Wait time is currently up to 45 days. Just found this video and already learned so much. I just subscribed. Thank you so much for all the information!


Thank you for a brilliant video - really useful


This was really helpful. Thank you so much Mary.
