The Galactica Welcomes Helena Cain | Battlestar Galactica
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Adama and Cain Plan their Assassinations | Battlestar Galactica
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Keep in mind people, she was only in three episodes and in Razor, and yet she managed to make such a lasting impression.
Michelle Forbes was an excellent pick to play Admiral Cain, a do not mess with me commanding officer who had excellent knowledge for fighting the Cylons but was personally broken by what happened to her in "Razor". She was also very appealing & classy, same as when playing Ro Laren in Star Trek TNG.
CAIN: I don't take orders from you.
ADAMA: Call it whatever you like: I'm getting my memes.
CAIN: You are making such a mistake.
ADAMA: I'm getting my memes.
Roslin: "I am sure that Pegasus would prevail in any fight"
Frakin' Adama "I wouldn't count on that" XD
The Cain-Pegasus episodes represent some of the best in the series.
1:29 As she shakes Bill's hand, She turns her hand to be above his (90 degrees counter-clockwise). That's a power move to establish dominance. Very subtle, very telling. What a show!
Admiral Cain's sin is that at her level she should not only have the small scale tactical in mind, but the larger strategic picture of preserving humanity and its institutions of which she is a part. I'd forgive a lot if the alternative was extinction, but it wasn't.
Bear McCreary's score is so haunting at this moment. Relieving and foreboding at the same time, and a great piece of music in its own right. Only shows what genius this guy is and what he's achieved for the show. Masterful.
7:20, it was this point in the story when I realized that Cain was in fact suicidal and would doom humanity. She plans on trying to take back the colonies from a Cylon force which wiped all but TWO of humanities Battlestars. One being an older, decommissioned Jupiter Class and the other, while being the modern Mercury design, was comprised of a crew which no doubt hates the Galactica's crew after the death of one of their personnel during Starbuck's recon mission... Genius....
Love when she finally confronted her own mortality and the end. There was rage for feeling helpless with the gun pointed at her but there was also fear, she know she was going to die and that fear make her even more vulnerable that's why she cried just before she was shot.
The thing is that Admiral Cain represents one half of what is needed in the military - cold, calculated decisions. Unfortunately, the other thing needed is compassion and to know when the line has been crossed. Cain didn't have that ability. She did what she thought needed to be done at any particular time. If you got in the way of that, she wouldn't hesitate to remove you as an obstacle. Adama, while calculated, possessed compassion. He knew when he needed to make an order that would likely result in men being killed but had the compassion to understand who those people were, even the enemy, and base that against what he needed to get done. If there was another way, even if it was a harder way, if it saved lives, he would do it. Cain stuck to the plan, always. Adama inspired confidence and respect, Cain inspired fear. People would give their lives for what Adama needed because they wanted to, those under Cain would do it because they had to for fear of the repercussions.
It's a pity Cain didn't have YouTube. She could have watched one of those "How to disarm an opponent with a gun" videos and stay alive.
I always loved that though Cain and the Pegasus represented a dark mirror of Adama and Galactica there was still layers to her character. She is not evil for the sake of being evil. She was pushed to make difficult decisions that changed her and her crew, but despite all of that there was still echoes of the fine officer and Commander she used to be. Her decision to spare Adama even if it was only a reprieve makes her statement in the beginning all the more true: "Trust me when I say that while the chain of command is strict it is not heartless; and neither am I."
Admiral Cain and the Pegasus crew acted as the perfect foil for Adama and the Galactica crew. Excellent writing. I love BSG.
Admiral Cain was a very effective leader in her element. Smart, decisive, strong, effective command skills and her conclusions in combat are usually correct. It's no wonder that she was able to flourish in her environment. But there was a quote I read once about people like that. After a while, they start thinking that everyone else is either clever or stupid. But that's not true. It just takes people a little longer to figure things out. Cain started believing that most people were sheep that needed to be protected, led or slaughtered according to the needs of the fleet... and she believed the needs of the fleet and her will are the same thing. With no oversight or command authority over her, she had nothing to rein her in and she went rogue.
6:34 *when mom calls you and your sibling into her home office*
Edward James Olmos and Michelle Forbes held their own.
Flag officer on detached service..
Once she reported to the President, she's not detached anymore and the President is senior.
She's one of my all time favorite sci-fi characters ever. She was cold, even brutal in her manner of command, but she was looking after the welfare and survival of her crew. Not that it justifies some of her actions, but after all she witnessed and went through it is understandable.