5 Brilliant Tips For Handling A Difficult Boss

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Do you have a difficult boss at work? He's a really bad boss, maybe even disrespectful or even an incompetent creep? And now you are wondering what you can do about it? How do you deal with someone like that? What can you do?

I will give you 5 tips that will help you to deal more calmly with such a difficult boss.

But be warned:
If your boss is a flawless psychopath, my tips won't help you. Then there is only one solution and that is: Just get away. Quit as soon as possible.
I'm going to show you my 5 tips on what to do if you have a bad boss.

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I don't play games at work. The moment I perceive you to be a pain in the butt and you make the job not worth it, I'm updating my resume and plotting my exit.


I think staying calm and ignoring the boss is an ideal way to deal. Because, no one can control his actions.. we can control ours


I can appreciate what this person is attempting to do. It's just that, there are bosses who you may have rubbed the wrong way, and they are on a vendetta to dismiss you. I have one right now. She is looking for any mistake, no matter how insignificant, to dismiss me. And I do mean any mistake, even things that to anyone else do not look like mistakes. I know she hates my guts, and I've accepted that. I won't give her the satisfaction of dismissing me. I will triple and quadruple check every solitary thing I do moving forward so she has nothing on me. You may ask, why stay in such a toxic place? Because I will leave when I'm good and ready, not when she says.


Feels like this is written by a bad boss


Your advice is to ignore the problem and just live with it. A toxic boss is toxic because he is in the wrong position and has no idea about effective leadership. Individual like that should be removed, but HR is their case is as useless as the trash we throw out.


Your advice only empowerd the accidental and incompetent POS the company place in a position of leadership. If their bad behaviors don't get addressed the company will never know in order to replace him or her. As a result, the company or operations will eventually fall apart due to poor leadership.


I think the reason why bosses are bad or toxics it's because no one calls them up on their B.S. A good boss it's like a good commander, always ready and understanding about people below them.


So your video title should be how to suck up to a difficult boss


I am sorry, but you are encouraging toxic behavior. Nasty people need to be stopped on their tracks.


Also remember that bosses, managers etc are not above the law 👌


So basically you as the employee are the problem. The boss bears no responsibility in the negative situation. Got it! 🙄


I like your 4th point Bernd... listen and work strategically. This is the area where 'you' the individual has control. One cannot control the actions of others but one can control his/her reaction to others. Thanks for the tips.


My boss tricks me into working extra hours without pay 😖. If he doesn't pay I Quit!😡


I have a boss that has a personal vendetta against me. He trained me and taught me a lot and i appreciate that. but he was a control freak and i was stressing really bad about my performance. {yelling at me because i didnt do what he thought of in his head. when i was training} so i went above him and talked to our manager and he said i didn't have to go with him anymore. great except for the fact that he took it personally and told everyone at my work places im not cut out for this, when in fact Ive done multiple projects at the worksite by myself. he then proceeded to silently curse at me in the parking lot and mean mug me. now this went on for a few days and im a tough person so words don't really get to me. but when the manager is out and he is in a position of power, he purposely targets me. just now got sent home from work because i was 2 mins late to a meeting that started at 9:00am. he said "why are you late, i told him ive been feeling under the weather. and he said "I dont want you here if your sick, get out." in front of the whole team. i just dont know what to do too be honest. im a very respectful person and a very upbeat and happy person but this is stressing me out. like i feel like he is trying to make me quit.

TLDR: A 42 year old man child is mad at a 22 year old for not wanting to be his trainee.


While I do agree that it is good advice to examine ourselves and ways that our own attitudes and behaviours may be contributing to the problem, I do not agree with this video's suggestion to help a manager "save face". One of the reasons that a manager may arrive late for a meeting would be poor time management and inefficiency with handling their own tasks. If I as their subordinate cover for them, not only does it mask the problem which may get worse due to this enabling, but it may cause me to miss out on a promotion when I could have been considered for their position. Or they may get a promotion based on perspective that I falsely created. Don't get me wrong. I have a great boss, and you had better believe that I have covered for him a few times when there were circumstances beyond his control. But your advice sounds codependent. Sorry.


Thank you for the tips and I wish I knew these tips earlier.


Yeah my manager is am asshole. No matter how hard i work, he will o ly praise the other two co workers f mine


I got the feeling that this suggest " its all in the mind" of the employee - If they curse and swear at you, all this may not be relevant.


Quite useful and accurate. I would like to see a video for difficult employees.


My boss is sending emotion my way like a flame thrower. The only way to focus is to ignore it as much as possible. Hard though.
