Stop These Simple Mistakes in Dota 2

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Are these mistakes often in your games?

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agree with playing bo3... i was stacked for like 5y on 3k in half year when i just do this i gained 1, 6k mmr. all is about selfcontrol nothing more.


It's a nice tip to stay together as a team in lategame, but the problem is they often keep playing the wrong side of the map. The number 1 reason why I lose games is because cores choose to play our jungle under enemy wards instead the perfectly warded enemy side of the map with a tower to push. Often even with aegis.


Hi, Im a new Dota player, I play pos5. A friend of mine who was top500 few years ago and is top3k now coaches me sometimes and I am trying to take game seriously.

To me it feels that basics are often ignored and even when I watch friend at top 3000 immortal he complains about people doing very simple mistakes

I saw some negative comments and Im surprised, I doubt all of these people are in immortal top 3000 or above. Feels like "Ive watched so I know" moment when new players think they know everything. Keep the content


I have video suggestion, which is kind of unusual - self control and how to apply yourself in Dota?)

The biggest issue with Dota is selfcontrol for tons of people (including me). I am playing for ages, I would say I have very deep knowledge of the game, I know what I should be doing, I often know what is the optimal play, I often know something is bad play, but I still get baited into bad plays. I see opponent with 20% HP under tower? I try to dive him, even if I know he has a stun and I might die. I get on top of enemy hero, I chase him instead of taking that juicy doublewave. Maybe killing, maybe not, but losing more than gaining.

The game is designed that way as well to bait you - kills are basically slot machine/casino - flashing lights, sound effects, which tells everybody how awesome you are and give you boost in dopamin, if you get that tripple kill, you are dominating etc. And the hype is increasing with every kill, you want that rampage, you want to go godlike - but it doesnt show the real gain is getting lower and punishment is just getting bigger because if you die after all those flashy lights and cool words, you fund rent to opponent team for a year.

The rest of the game - farming, stacking, denying, perfectly lasthitting, blocking camps, taking runes, that is just regular work, which is not exciting.

Nobody cares, whether you take 50% of HP of the tower, push opponent out of the lane and farm efficiently while they dive on the opposite side to die under their tower. In the end they are upset about you doing the correct thing.


As support player, i have the luxury to first pick almost whatever fk i want 😂

But even in my Divine bracket, my cores also pick whatever duck they want and i what i learned is while you don't want to tell them which hero to pick, it's highly valuable to speak out what's missing/needed in the draft so your team can pick a hero type that complements what's already picked


Hej!! Your videos are getting better and better. Keep doing the good job.
I just got into immortal rank.
Two things.
First i would really like to see a video about how immortal players can climb higher (5800 to 8000 for example)
Second… i would really like to have some coaching session from you.


Draft picking properly affects all levels in Dota, obviously the higher you go in MMR the better match up knowledge you need to continue to perform but yes don't just pick counter vs enemy heroes look at your lane partner, if someone picks Grimstroke bloody suck it up and pick a laner who can get value out of his Ink Swell don't pick Drow for example who will never have the balls to get close to an enemy.


5:45 most of the time your mid is gonna be the most mechanical and godlike edgy teen who will outplay enemies, you need to make him happy because mid players tilt so fast and in poop mmr they struggle to recover and they give up


1:54 what's this insane Slark range


Vídeo muito bom! Precisamos de canais para posição 4 e 5


Hi, why not vessel, as it feels a good fit against lesh and pugna ?


Bro do a video on what things carries do that supports hate


Hoffe du bekommst bald mehr attention <3
Nice vid


what is that on your mini profile at the start 😭


do you think its a mistake for a support to not itemize for pushing lanes (like meteor hammer) if your cores lack lane push? had a darkwillow game with riki and nyx core and it feels like getting objectives are very hard


You can’t expect an offlaner to pick a ranged hero. Tho I’m unsure how Valid riki is as an offlane but same for terrorblade sup.

6min rune is also stack timing, bounty spawn and lotus it also requires you to leave your lane for dead and give up experience it also is hero specific as a tanky sup with a good stun can but a weak sup risks getting bodied by the high level mid.

If your 5 your leaving your pos 1 who will get bodied. if your 4 your forcing 3 to be a range hero or your running double melee which is bad unless your running a kill lane in which case leaving instead of killing the pos 1 is bad.

What I’m saying is your style of game play is a ganking pudge which may win all lanes as long as it works but if it doesn’t work your probably going to lose all lanes. Lot of risk and definitely going to fail initially if you start playing like that from scratch


Good job! Just continue making more informative videos. Ignore the ungrateful 3k mmr people who comment on your videos.
