Working With Todoist | Ep 163 | Prioritising The Eisenhower Way

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In this episode, I show you two ways you can prioritise your tasks using the Eisenhower Matrix and Todoist.

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I help people all over the world get better at time management and become more productive without losing sight of the things that are important in life such as family and friends and goals.

I am a writer of three books on working with new technology so you can focus on the things you enjoy doing, including the popular Your Digital Life and Your Digital Life 2.0, I know what it is like when you feel overwhelmed by the work and distractions.

“Building a life of joy and happiness begins with knowing what you want to achieve and creating a plan to go out and achieve it. My mission is to help everyone achieve their maximum potential."

Why I do what I do:
Imagine waking up every morning with a massive enthusiasm to get started. Knowing exactly what you want to accomplish that day and why you want to accomplish it. Having no stress and knowing that whatever anyone, or anything, throws at you, you can handle it with ease. When you finish your day, you do so with the feeling you have had a productive and successful day. Everyday. 

That is what I teach and that is my purpose. To help everyone learn how to manage their life and their time so they can enjoy their lives and build a life they are truly proud of.

If that is what you want, please join me in helping others find joy and enthusiasm in what they do and to help them build a life of happiness, success and fulfilment. We can all do it. You just need to learn how to do it. 

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I had implimented Eisenhower method using flag few months back. Also included in my dashboard view. Works great


Where would chores like meal prep and laundry go in the matrix?


That is How I use my todoist. I have filter set as start page in todoist. which sorts task based on priority! please try it. Here is the Filter: *p1 & (od), p2 & (od), p3 & (od), p4 & (od), p1 & (tod), p2 & (tod), p3 & (tod), p4 & (tod)*


Hi Carl, on around 8:00 you put Important and Urgent texts on the wrong sides.


With flags you can use p1, p2, p3 and p4 when you are adding a new task and search/filtering. I think using labels is the same of using the “p” feature already provided on Todoist. Is a special label


What app do you use to edit your videos?


Also you can use 1-3-5 rule, it will be good video about that method


That's good stuff Carl. I'd be inclined to use slightly more descriptive labels like 'Urg-Imp' or 'NUrg-NImp', just because I can never remember which quadrant is which!


Great video. I am coming off of the Priority Matrix app (Sorry cannot justify $8 a month). Having the 4 quadrant view on one screen helps look at a birds-eye view and allows for some quick shuffling. In general, it's good to see where your effort is required and if you are driving down the right path. Can the todoist provide you with that one-screen dashboard quadrant view?
