The Step Pyramid of Djoser, an Architectural Revolution I SLICE HISTORY | FULL DOCUMENTARY

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At the heart of Saqqara, the largest necropolis in Egypt, which was built around 2600 BC, is the Step Pyramid of Djoser. It is surrounded by a wall, covered in hieroglyphics which form a priceless book of the dead, the greatest body of texts in all humanity. This pyramid, with its unusual design, is the first and most complex of all.

Under Djoser's reign, there was a veritable architectural revolution with the construction of mankind's first high-reaching monument, built entirely of stone. Kilometres of secret galleries stretch out beneath Djoser. Their conception and building were an incredible technical accomplishment for the people of Egypt.

Documentary: The Pyramids: Solving the Mystery - EP1: Saqqara, the First Pyramid
Directed by: Lionel Langlade
Production: Label News

#documentary #freedocumentary #history #egypt #pyramid #saqqara #necropolis
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Hawas has set back Egyptian history and learning more than any other person on purpose


Where did they get the idea? Try the (just) earlier civilisation of Sumer.The Ziggurats we’re of a similar construction technique.Ok using brick but that’s why they started with brick stones.
We know they were in contact with Sumer as their emblems appear on the Narmer palette the pharaonic dynasty that came just prior to the step pyramids construction.


"The archaeologist who first explored the site" ... No comment ... From wikipedia: English archaeologist Cecil Mallaby Firth (1878-1931 CE) arrived at the site. It was Firth who, in 1924 CE, discovered the Serdab and Djoser's statue. In 1926 CE, Firth was joined on site by the French architect and Egyptologist Jean-Philippe Lauer (1902-2001 CE) who would make the major discoveries at the complex and contribute the most to modern-day understanding of pyramid construction generally and the Step Pyramid specifically.


what happened is - how ancients built pyramids was common as far as technique & know-how. the issue that we refuse to address nowadays is we current humans have been so dumbed down and tricked that we honestly believe we are the most civilized and innovative people that ever existed. when i watch awe inspiring videos like this one i am always amazed by ancient structures sure, but at the same time it makes me feel lame; as i comment from my overly comfortable lifestyle.


42:43 Everybody can poke and prod as much as they want, but as long as you don’t understand the ‘what for’ you will not understand. The important things are revealed only to those with pure intentions.
Maybe the pyramid was a recreation of the world in an attempt at making it endure- the banben surrounded by waters. It was a labour of love, not forced labour and not even civic duty (which was a thing), but that is incomprehensible with the current mindset. The ‘human sacrifices’ were not sacrifices at all, people would have rather died than being separated from their king. They knew about life and death- that’s why they were unafraid of death and were smitten with the sheer beauty of living.


I worked heavy construction steel and concrete for 34 years with the modern equipment that we have it would be a challenge to build a pyramid ancient Egyptian builders has always amazed me


So all this was built in 19 years, tunnels and superstructure. As a builder I don't think it was possible, level the ground, dig out those tunnels without proper ventilation, iron tools and lighting. Source the stone and transport it. Then build the superstructure. That doesn't include all sculptures, decoration etc. This is a fairytale!


If we can have a documentary of Ancient Egypt without Hawass in it, it is far better


Do you know what you’ve said ?? According to the video wood from the Step Pyramid dated from 2, 570 BC. Wood from the boat at The Great Pyramid has been dated to 3, 300 BC. If this is accurate everything has been upended.


That music at the start, the"opera", what is that, who's singing it? It's beautiful.


📜Ancient Egyptians were mad!😏 Mind 🤯 blown!!!


How do one know it is the tomb of pharaoh djoser


Yet, there is no trace, in the labyrinth images, of the Siatic Passage (dug by grave robbers 3, 000 years ago), or the gorgeous Seb Court beneath the burial chamber. It is as though they've been erased. Why? The Huge Seb court's walls are covered with unusual paintings (not the usual pictoglyphs), and the floors with faience tile. Something valuable had been originally stored there.


We will never know for sure as to "who" actually built many of the ancient Egyptian Pyramids. Some were built by Egyptians, but you can tell two different types of building techniques. More important, we haven't found any documentation or hieroglyphics depicting the Egyptians building pyramids. Very curious, and important.


Pause @5:33 and we see a close-up of the step-pyramid's casing stones. You can clearly differentiate between the two different coloured stones, one being much lighter than the other and appearing less weathered. I am not convinced that the structure is the accumulation of men moving thousands of tonnes of incredibly heavy materials across a terrain made of sand. The practical limitations of lifting and transporting in this kind of environment can't be ignored. I personally interpret this site as a natural structure which since discovery has undergone extensive reconstruction work to present itself like 'this'.


🤔 Water pumps
and/or Energy Source 🧐


Why do they always use music like this? It is just annoying when a lot of them sound the same.


I think the notion that Egyptians were using "copper" tools for stonework is beyond silly. Copper is a terrible compound for tools. Herodotus is the earliest writing about ancient Egypt that survived and in it he states: "Imagine the amount of Iron needed to make the tools necessary for all the workers to build pyramids". The reason archaeologists "find" copper tools because that they were the originals tools tried, but discarded and left because they simply did not work. Steel tools would have been re-smelted into something else at a later date as steel is easily "recycled" into other objects. Most likely swords. But engineers need answer this question not archaeologists. Copper simply cannot cut stone. And has not been shown to do so. And today we use special diamond tipped steel blades. Because little else works. Should we think the Egyptians less capable to do the same? The Pyramids say otherwise.


These “smart” archeologists just sweeping sand and dust underground with no ventilation, with no masks👍.


Whether they knew about iron or not in ancient construction using iron for worships was forbidden
Man always wanted to be Godlike so no iron
And in ancient construction till 20th century, building materials was always sourced locally nearby to site
Why constructed? Along with the opinion of afterlife one needs to big tombstone so that people would know this is the graveyard of a King
Civilization ended in Egypt, we cannot find graveyards of ordinary people except the king
Man's psychology hasn't changed since time build big for a bigger name.
It's just a thought that the higher your death place the easier you would reach heavens
