Spiritual Pregnancy | Story & Symptoms

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On youtube trying to find others in my I have been spiritually pregnant for months last three days I have been experiencing labor I have actual contraction in my back that's getting stronger and now is in my abdomen 🥺 so many more details maybe I should do a video as well idk but this is my first time ever experiencing anything like this


Please listen I'm not forsaking anyone but if it isn't from God then it's something from the enemy to kill, steal, and destroy please protect yourself


As I type this, my hands are swollen as if I was in the third trimester, N I'm not physically pregnant, so yes you're being prepared to be a mommy, as am I. Congratulations!!!!


Mam pray against the succubus and incubus spirit you have a spirit husband that's actually a demon I had a child in the spirit to prayed to God for him to remove any child from a demon


Maybe A. You've had a baby shortly after making this video. Or B. Your husband had a baby/ended a pregnancy??? Or C. It was all just a dream 🤷🏾‍♀️


Im definitely a spieitual saragate i have had so many angels there gorgeous


I’ve recently met a guy that has brought out more of my soft, feminine qualities and even brought healing to my inner child. qualities of ones of which I did not know I even had. I started learn to be more understanding, patient, caring, and nurturing. The embodiment of a true mother. I even began to wear more colors instead of black and like the color pink. I hated that girly stuff, I didn’t even like wearing dresses. I became so in tuned with my emotions, my feminine side, I could picture or visualize myself even having a baby with him. A girl to be exact. I thought I was manifesting it so much to the point where pregnancy symptoms started to physically occur with my body, even though we have never even officially had sex. I’ve always tried to ignore it and not manifest that desire because we are both young, trying to focus on building our career. And I had even initially had plan to have kids in my 30s. But the more I tried to ignore it, the more symptoms started to physically impact my body. I literally began ovulating waaay more than normal. and when aroused, I would get more aroused than expected. One night I had a dream that my spirit guides had came to me to tell me I was pregnant. I was panicking, freaking out because although I could picture myself with a family, and deeply desire it, it’s also one of my biggest fears because I’m currently going through a transformation and I feel like now is not the right time. I’m an 8th house stellium going through an 8th house annual profection yeAr, so I’m already having a hard time at change and surrender. Meeting this guy has eased things, but getting pregnant to me would be the worst as of now. In my dream they just kept telling me that I was pregnant and to calm down. I’m still panicking saying “how can I be pregnant, I’m a virgin? It’s not the right time.” they just said, if you don’t relax, you’re going to self destruct and ruin it. Have peace, balance, and moderation.

I have a dream journal and I wrote this down. Over the pass few days after that, I was trying to make sense of it. I stumbled across a reel on Instagram and it said screen shot to see which goddess you are embodying as of now. I took a deep breath and screenshot when I felt ready. I got that I was embodying the goodness Oshun. Representing of fertility, abundance, beauty, change. She was wearing the colors I had recently started to like and wear. I started thinking back one of my tarot cards from a deck I use. The empress in the image looked exactly that. At that moment it was like I ahead an epiphany, I felt like the dream and what I had been feelings wasn’t a forewarning of me about to get pregnant, but message stating how I’m changing, tapping more into my spiritual feminine side, growing more spiritually. That it’s no reason to be scared and run from it, but to surrender. The empress is about birthing new ideas, new changes, tapping into that feminine energy. And as I’m dating this guy I so happenedly met during my 8th house profection year, I am being taught this through my union with him.


I am spiritually pregnant. My symptoms mimic real pregnancy, but I am not pregnant. My belly is more outward, I have morning sickness every day, I am feeling tickles in my lower abdomen, and sometimes I get visted by a little girl spirit calling me mommy.

One of my symptoms is a rather burning sensation across my belly from my throat down to my loins. I don't feel horny, I have baby fever, and I always feel like I need to nest. I used to have spiritual pregnancies in my past, but they were always so small and insignificant. However, this time around, my spiritual awakening had made me become Spiritually pregnant and I feel like I am carrying twins.

A little boy spirit is next to me (I am here at a hospital after getting chest x-rays due to pain in my lungs) and he's just running back and forth through the room. And the little girl spirit is sitting next to me, playing with her little dolly.

My Guardian Angel is standing next to me, my spirit guide is away for now.

I keep getting swollen ankles, but I am overweight. I keep getting cravings like mad.

For example: I am craving fried chicken strips with a creamy honey mustard sauce, pickles on the side, and a bowl of ice cream.

I need to know. How many people irl actually go through these symptoms?


Im experiencing the same thing but I also know Ive been spiritually molested. Do you know anything about having a spiritual abortion? 😮‍💨


Omg this is wild 😮😮 I hope I don't go through this funny u mentioned baby smells mm


Hi, I am wondering how this turned out for you.


Oof the visions are intense when it comes to the spirit kids. My children are wild ones bro 🤣😏😁💯😁💓. Their smell, does come up with my visions and it's four of them.


Any updates on this situation? I’m currently going through this and not sure what to expect.


I’m spiritually pregnant and about to birth a miracle …


yes and to those pushing the jesus narrative im sorry there is more tan one god and not all demons are evil. now the question remains do you have a spirit flame or godspouse? i heard this can happen with these and in the astral realm. yes be careful not dismissing that but its safer when you know your spiritually preggo with a spirit spouse/god,


Odd cause im ageless that ive met my older self and i dont look old but that makes sense cause im turning 40 this may and told i look like a teenager cause my youngest son is my Halloween baby and he was asked by a stranger if i was my son's sister or babysitter and in shock with my sons response cause he said Naw that's just my hot Mom. You have a spirit baby not pregnant silly its not my first rodeo child. Meaning your love with your partner is promising a chilf when your ready. Its a soul that wants ya as there mom i kniw all about it cause im a child that survived Chernobyl and i knew about my kids before I had em. So congratulations you are promised a love child thats it and drinking just not for you and the baby wants to be born i get cause i figured out gods blue printe as a secret weapon from heaven and im also a warrior since i was a child inwas called the narc slayer and she bavk and better thrn ever and always slaying the day away


i’ve been experiencing this too the past year or so. ever since i met my man a 5 or so year old girl started coming to me in my dreams and as time went by the dreams got more and more vivid and intense. then her spirit started visiting me on and off when me and him actually started dating, now ive been seeing her spirit constantly, she doesn’t leave and sleeps in my arms most nights. shes always talking about all the things she wants to do when she gets here. my uncle also had a dream of her as a baby, so did two of my sisters and one of my sisters godmothers. ive been way more sensitive than usual recently, every time im supposed to get my period in the month im always waiting for the month that i dont get it and anticipating it because ive had dreams of the exact moment i take the test so the day it happens i’ll know immediately bc everything will be exactly the same as in my dreams of it. a little terrified tbh as im still only 16 turning 17 this year, but me and my man live on our own and we’ve been providing for ourselves for a few months now. any advice on what i should do during this time of spiritual pregnancy?


The body of Christ is about to be delivered via the rapture…Jesus is calling out to you please listen! Be ready, have your garments washed and cleaned.


Mam pray against the succubus and incubus spirit you have a spirit husband that's actually a demon I had a child in the spirit to prayed to God for him to remove any child from a demon


Mam pray against the succubus and incubus spirit you have a spirit husband that's actually a demon I had a child in the spirit to prayed to God for him to remove any child from a demon
