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They do a great job breaking down this topic.

The Full message of Paul Washer sermon:

The Full message Justin Peters:
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New Video on Apostle great scriptural insight click link check it out!


Justin Peters and Paul Washer doing an awesome job in preaching the truth. I love these brothers Supreme. They always bring me great comfort and joy in teaching and sharing the truth from God's holy word. May our Lord Abba Father richly bless and protect them and their families in Jesus Christ Our Lord! Amen


God bless Justin Peters and Paul Washer.


I’m not a Calvinist anymore but I thank you for a lot of your teachings brothers and agree 💜💜💜 Gods speed to many of you ⚔️🛡❤️‍🔥🕊


For those criticizing this video, think theologically what do we need apostles if we have pastors, teachers, bishops and above all the word of God?


All very interesting but there are huge gaps that they have not answered.
1. 11 of the Apostles(sent ones) already had that title given to them by Jesus before he ascended. Matt 28:19-20
2. Paul is the only one who says he was born out of sync with the others. He received his apostleship after Christ's ascension on the road to Damascus.
So there is clearly one distinction between the 11 and Paul, although I would agree that the commonality was that the same authority was given to them all and to lay the foundations of the Church with Christ as its cornerstone.
3. Paul who wrote the letter to Ephesians, when talking of the ascension ministry gifts given to the church uses the pluralisation of the word apostles and speaks of these apostles as given to the church post ascension. "When he ascended on high he led host captive and he gave gifts to men....And he gave the apostles, the prophets, the evangelists, the pastors and teachers, " Again look when that took place, after he ascended. So it is clear other men were called as apostles, otherwise Paul would have used the singular because he was the only apostle called after the ascension according to Washer and Peters. The 11 were pre-ascension apostles and Eph 4:11 makes it clear there were post ascension apostles. The qualification list by Peters of Apostles (capital A) is only for those that would set the foundations. The clear understanding of Eph 4:11 is that the remainder of the ascension apostleship ministeries is that they are to build upon the foundations laid. They cannot add or subtract doctrine but to build the church up on it.
4. Another problem for Washer and Peters is that it said Christ gave the gifts for the equipping of "the saints for the work of the ministry for building up the body of Christ, until we all attain to the unity of the faith and the knowledge of the Son of God, to mature manhood, to the measure of the stafure of the fullness of Christ..." Well let's ask ourselves a basic question. Is the church at that position? The answer is clearly, no. But for her to get there Jesus in his ascension said the way she gets there is through the ascension gifts given to the church. Again, these are the gifts that he said are needed to attain that place. Yet Washer and Peters tell us they are no longer applicable, or at least that of apostle and prophet. I see they don't say their own gift of teacher and pastor has ceased. Is it because of their false teaching that these gift have ended that the church hasn't grown into Christ because we deny the right of Christ to govern his own church the way he wants it to be governed. All ascension gifts are needed for today and they can exists because they are gifts from the ascended Christ who still ministers and distributes those gifts, for if he does not, the Church cannot reach the maturity that he desires for her. Washer and Peters are dead wrong. Where I would agree is that some who claim to have these ascension gifts are charlatans, but that is always the case, that were you have the genuine the satanic counterfeit also exists. And if Jesus did cause these gifts to cease to exist, why does the devil want to counterfeit them now. A counterfeiter only counterfeits that which is current legal tender. He doesn't counterfeit unused or defunct currency. Therefore the ascension gifts are for now.


This Video is thought provoking. However because of the finality it bears we have to look at it a bit more carefully.
Some of the signs and wonders that qualifies one to be an Apostle as mentioned in the above Video are also captured in Mark 16:17-18 as the signs that will follow anyone who believes.
Moreso, if we go with the conclusion of Christ having just 12 Apostles, this means we would have to choose between Mathias and Paul to arrive at the number 12, and I don't think we have the clearance to do that as it is not explicit in Scriptures.
Furthermore, Ephesians 4 tells us about Apostles, Prophets, Evangelists, Pastors and Teachers without saying anything about the duration any of these offices will be open for. The only clue we have is that these offices will be in operation to edify the Body to the fullness of the stature of Christ (we have not arrived here yet). So, if there are still Teachers and Evangelists today then there are still Apostles.
Finally, I think the Scriptural reference used to suggest Paul as the last Apostle is used out of context. Paul used lastly as a conclusion of his chain of thoughts not because he was using to suggest himself as the last Apostle.


Very good and I have always agreed with this ! Good biblical teaching!


I hand this dilemma when I first heard this teaching from these reformed teaching from these reformed teachers. I was pretty confuse and strongly opposed their position of no last day Apostle. But at this point I can agree with them because of certain reasons. Firstly, in Luke 10:17, Jesus’ disciples increased to 70 (but the the close disciples, better know as apostle, 12 in number did not change). 120 where in the upper room waiting for the Holy Spirit, 11 Apostles only one was appointed to replace Judas). Mathias was not approved by Jesus and so I believe Jesus himself appointed Paul (make it 12 apostles). Now, study the early church in the book of Acts, the church grew mightily and souls where won cities where taken over, and this was within the 1st century AD (100years +) and the number of Apostles did not change in the entire bible. Only after the 16th century, the rebirth of Pentecostalism after the reformation then we started hearing of modern day Apostles. If apostles where the norm then like nowadays, we would have seen several surfaced in the book of acts (because it is ‘Acts of the Apostles’) since it record events that span about 70 years.


According to these "men", God is a respecter of persons The 12 had special abilities. In Ephesians 4:11-12 God gave apostles, prophets, evangelists and pastors and teachers for the equipping of the saints. Cutting off the first two makes saints less equipted


Sorry l know of l person so for that met those accomplishments, he establish Churches and when l went to one of his revivals he Spoke what God said was going to happen and when he told a truck driver what was going to happen to him he gave this truck driver his tie placed it around this truck drivers neck and l was on my way to a business appointment with my son and on the way back home the winds started blowing real hard it was so scary l was praying all the way, home and the heavy lines on the utilities poles began to move and the trees began to rock so hard and l was still praying and trying to be strong for my son l said God, please protect us because this Apostle had predicted this was what God Said would Happen, even trees being uprooted, big pot holes in the roads meaning highways, because l wanted to know if this man was a true Apostle l prayed and ask God to reveal to me if this man speaks truth and God showed me this Apostle was sent by him to proclaim what God was about to do and the man whom the Apostle tied his tie around his neck came back and said that through that storm the wind was so strong his 18 wheeler flipped 3 times and he was so scared he had forgotten and grab his neck and the Apostle tie was still around his neck and that his life was spared and the man began to shout and scream Thank You God For sending this Apostle to deliver God's Message of Warning And l also Thank God For Confirming This Warning From God, if there's anything that people really want to know What's real, Who's real Pray and Ask God And He Will Truly Reveal lt To You, It's Best to Seek Ye First The Kingdom of God and He Will Reveal His Will On This Earth, Blessings!


Cessationism, DESTROYED. Miraculously.


Yes there are apostles...even in the Baptist denomination. Let's break it down scripturally.

"And he gave some, apostles; and some, prophets; and some, evangelists; and some, pastors and teachers;

For the perfecting of the saints, for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ:

Till we all come in the unity of the faith, and of the knowledge of the Son of God, unto a perfect man, unto the measure of the stature of the fulness of Christ:" Ephesians 4:11-13

Unless Paul thinks that we have come into the unity of the faith and the perfect man, we still have apostles. Twist it however you can't win against the Word of God. I could stop there, but why?

As I mentioned, even the Baptists have apostles. Lots of them. They even ordain them and send them forth. They are mislabeled as "missionaries." Find the word "missionary" in the Bible. It doesn't exist. What a missionary is, is actually an apostle. The word "apostle" comes from the word "apostolos" which means "one who is sent, a messenger." The work of the original apostles were to spread the gospel to the world, planting churches. Period. They were sent forth to preach the gospel. That is what our "missionaries" do today.

I love Paul Washer, but he needs to get his denomination's religious tenets out of his head and get the Word of God in there.


Oh woww he really answered my question to his last post. I really led astray. I really appreciate this video Justin Peters i believe in my heart this true. Christ only have 12 Apostles he appointed with special miracles, tongues and gifts


Please make more videos on this topic. Who is called Apostle and Prophet.

I am from India and it is a great discussion in my land because some are calling themselves Apostle and Prophet.


Mr. Washer and Voddie Baucham need to get in touch with the Apostle Gino Jennings.


Excellent Greek pronunciation Paul. Thanks for this teaching Paul and Justin.


The following is my reply to a guy who asked me: "What teachings specifically do you disagree with?", which he posted in the comments to a Jonathan Con video titled: "02/24/2019, We Will Know This Truth! It Will Come Soon!" Here's my reply (edited):

@ Scott Hall ~ As far as the teachings go, one thing I object to is these self-appointed do-gooder religionists violating Hebrews 6:1-3 (King James Version) in which the Holy Spirit proscribed majoring on the elementary principles of the faith, and their making use of those elementary teachings to exploit Christians (who lack spiritual discernment and spiritual experience) for their own self-aggrandizement.

One reason it works so well for them is because the elementary principles are all most Christians are familiar with, and hearing the 'guru' religionists recite what they know comforts them and makes them feel spiritual (when nothing could be further from the truth), which in turn ends up being one of the fundamental ingredients of the itching ears syndrome which the Apostle Paul foretold about in 2 Tim. 4:3-4 (King James Version).

Another thing (the main thing) I object to about it is the spirit behind it. About twenty five years ago an old Christian prophet named Art Katz made the statement that whenever a preacher walks up to the pulpit, if he doesn't already have the anointing of the Holy Spirit when he gets there, but goes ahead and preaches anyway, that he will automatically have the anointing of the Spirit of Antichrist (i.e. counterfeit Christ who seeks to mimic the Holy Spirit). I agree with that, but I would add that I think what happens is that they get anointed by religious spirits (who are groomed by the kingdom of darkness overlords to mimic the Holy Spirit). But then, the Spirit of Antichrist is the leader of the kingdom of darkness (per Revelation 13:2, King James Version), and is over all the religious spirits, and in unity with them spiritually, so in that sense what he said is correct.

Back during the period from the late 90's through about 2007 Art Katz had an excellent website, but he passed on in 2007 and not long afterward some do-gooder religionists took it over and pretty much ruined it. I think it may still be up under the title "Ben Israel." They kept quite a number of his articles and sermons, all of which are very good (because he had the anointing of the Holy Spirit), but the most profound ones are gone. So I never look at the website any more and haven't in years.

Anyway, as I said, the main thing I object to about what these do-gooder religionists on YouTube are doing is the spirit by which they speak. Seeing as how you're a fan of Jonathan Con you probably won't believe this (but it's the absolute truth), which is that there isn't a single person posting videos on YouTube who speaks by the anointing of the Holy Spirit (they're all running on soul power, most of which is energized by religious spirits). I've been looking for such a person for years and I haven't found a single one. And I challenge you to find one, just one. And if you find one please come back here and post a link to it because I'd like to see it. I really would.


Thank you .I love to hear the truth. God .Son is Jesus & the Holy Spirit are one. The Trinity. Amen 🙏🙏🙏


Correct me if I am wrong: There were 12 disciples who JESUS called. They became Apostles after JESUS rose. The requirements to be an Apostle: you had to be called by JESUS, an eyewitness to JESUS' baptism AND resurrection - Acts 1:21-22. Judas did not witness the resurrected JESUS. He remained a "disciple" only. The Apostles were not just "sent ones or messengers", they were "special messengers" because of the stipulations. We, believers, are also "sent" in that we are to tell others about JESUS (The Great Commission), but we are not Apostles. We don't fit the rules. Matthias and Joseph called Barsabas both qualified, but after the 11 PRAYED, the lot fell to Matthias and he became the 12th Apostle though JESUS did not "directly" call him as HE did the other discipled Apostles. Matthias had witnessed the baptism and resurrection of JESUS and thereby qualified for the position. 

JESUS directly called Paul, formerly Saul, who became the 13th Apostle. He qualified in that Paul encountered, saw, the resurrected JESUS and was blinded by the light of HIM. Paul said, "...follow me as I follow Christ..." There are no more Apostles today. There never was a woman Apostle though Mary "might" have qualified had she been male. She witnessed the resurrected JESUS, but I don't know if she witnessed HIS baptism. Nevertheless, JESUS did not call women to the positions of Apostle, Bishop, Elder or Pastor.

Rather than the body, members of Christ's church, jockeying for position and titles to be importantly prideful, we should put our hands to the plow with strength from The LORD to be Christians - humble, obedient and continually repentant - telling others the GOSPEL - GOOD NEWS - about HIM with boldness born from above in The Holy Spirit as did 
John The Baptist. This explanation gives a little more detail, and by GOD's grace, I hope it helps.

PLEASE read and research The Holy Writ in prayer and The Holy Spirit will guide you into all truth. There are some mysteries that will not be known until later. But this we do know: Love the LORD, your GOD, with all your heart, soul, mind and strength (Commandments 1-5). Love your neighbor as you love yourself - doing no harm, taking no revenge (Commandments 6 - 10). These are the "two" JESUS was talking about. 

Father GOD bless you, and please, let us pray for one another.

I remain HIS disciple and servant... a Christian I want to be.
