Do Prophets Still Exist Today?

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Do Prophets Still Exist Today?

In other words can God still use someone to tell you something about your future? That’s coming up next on the BEAT.

Hey everyone my name is Allen Parr thank you so much for visiting my channel. Here on the BEAT we release a brand new video every Tuesday and today we are talking about the controversial subject of prophecy and whether this gift still exists today. And so I want to give you 3 things that I see that are different about prophets in the Bible and modern-day prophets then end by answering the question “what should you do when someone comes to you and says ‘I have a word from God for you’”

1. Prophets confronted SIN and called to REPENTANCE
a. The prophets of the OT challenged the people head-on on sin issues that they were dealing with in that day (whether it may be immorality, adultery, idolatry, oppression of the poor, obstruction of justice, etc.) and then called the people back to repentance.
b. These guys were HATED by the people and often times got stoned because their message consisted of things people DIDN’T want to hear rather than telling them what they DID want to hear
c. This is a very different message than what we hear today where modern-day prophets often avoid confronting our generation on issues of sexual sin, adultery, divorce, abortion and instead focus more on things they know people do want to hear such as pronouncing blessing, prosperity, healing and financial breakthrough over people’s lives.

2. Prophets were SPECIFIC not GENERAL
a. You ever go to a church service and someone who claims to be a prophet says “there’s someone in here with cancer? And that could be like half the people in there.”
b. There is someone sitting on the third row who went to the doctor on Thursday and got diagnosed with pancreatic cancer who has been given 3 months to live.
c. Prophets in the Bible were very careful to make sure that they were truly Deut. 18:20 says, “Stoned which means they were very careful to make sure they were speaking on behalf of God” which means we need to be very careful about saying that we “have a word from God” for someone or “God told me to tell you…”
d. So, when you are assessing whether someone is a prophet or not make they are specific with their prophecies.
e. Accurate – they came to pass 100% of the time. There was no hit or miss with a true prophet.
f. And the didn’t depend on whether the people receiving it had enough faith to believe it.

3. Prophets were not MOTIVATED by MONEY
a. You got so many prophets today who will charge people an arm and a leg to attend a conference knowing how desperate people are to hear a word from God. Then when they get into the conference they promise people a financial blessing if they further sow a seed into their ministry.
b. The prophets in the bible lived and led very humble lives which is much different than much of what we see today. WITH ALL OF THAT BEING SAID…

What should you do when someone speaks a word of prophecy over you?
a. Receive it because it could very well be that God is trying to get a message to you through them – 1 Thess. 5:20-21
b. Check it against the Scripture because God never contradicts Himself and the Bible says He is not the author of confusion. He will never tell a prophet something to tell you – 1 Jn. 4:1
c. Ask God to confirm it to you – I’ve seen people adjust their entire lives and make decisions based on what a self-proclaimed prophet told them only to later discover that person didn’t hear from God but it was too late.
d. Ask God for wisdom – James 1:5

So, does the gift of prophecy still exist today? I don’t see anywhere in the Bible that clearly says it doesn’t but the problem is you may have to sift through a few false prophets who will lead you astray to get to a true prophet.
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When I feel like I need a word from God I simply open my bible


5 years later and this video is still so relevant. This helped me a lot. Thank you!!!


Oh My Goodness! This young man has it 100% correct. As a person who has seen the decline over the past 50+ yrs in the accurate understanding of a true prophet, it is refreshing to hear a young person vet it right. The prophet, designated by God, generally had a corporate word for nation or leader. This contemporary "version" of prophesy amounts to fortune telling which is demonic and self-serving. Thankz young man, you got it RIGHT!


This is the 3rd video I've watched today. This channel is awesome. So many of us need this! Thank you for what you do!


I absolutely agree with what you said about the so-called prophets of today. It is so refreshing to hear the truth. You tube is inundated with people calling themselves prophets. They never speak of sin but seem to have much to say about financial blessings tied to supporting "their ministry". May God bless you for speaking the truth.


I'm so glad you made this video! I have to send this to so many people. Thank you JESUS! ❤🙏🏽✝️


And he gave some, apostles; and some, prophets; and some, evangelists; and some, pastors and teachers;
Ephesians 4:11 KJV


I've never met a true prophet but I've run across many false ones. Waiting for Christ.


I think what people think is “prophetic” is actually the gift of a “Word of Wisdom”


While living in Miami, Florida with my children's mother, she follows a man (preacher) people claim to be a prophet, this video was very helpful as I do not attend this man's service. I will continue to learn and will make my decision to accompany her to his service. Thank You Mr. Allen Parr


You don’t have to be a prophet to hear a word from god about someone that’s a word of knowledge


Thank you, Mr. Parr for liberally explaining the current existence of prophets and comparing Biblical prophets with contemporary ones. Following my comment, I will have to review your video footage because I admire the manner in which you have presented your topic of discussion. I may have to take notes down so that in the future when the Jehovah Witnesses know at my door, they and I will approach this topic reasonably. 👍🏽🙏🏾🇯🇲


I’ve been on the fence about the prophets/“prophets” I’ve seen and it’s because they’re always so full of positivity and generalizations. The last man I watched, stood in front of the congregation and announced that someone would be gaining a very large inheritance and would write a $250k check to the church. I’m definitely testing this to see if it happens.
Thank you for all you do, Allen; you’re always very uplifting and help to open my eyes to the Lord with every video.


Finally a more balanced teaching on the office of a prophet rather they are for today or not and how to confirm from the LORD on things you get from a person....Glory to Jesus,


I'm a Southern Baptist woman who has had dreams and a vision about the end times. I had no help from the SB because of cessation. Went to a charismatic church for advice and their ideas of prophecy don't match scripture. Someone claiming to have new revelation not in scripture, is not something I believe. I also can't plan a date to have a dream, a vision or a word and charge people to come to it. Scripture should do the heavy lifting of revelation. The Holy Spirit should help with specific application. My dreams and visions do not contradict scripture and I wasn't given a date. But a sense of urgency came over me to let what I've been shown set my priorities. One vision I had was seeing the church as people with their heads down busy sitting at desks. Too busy with what's in front of them to notice the time of day, much less to look at the clock to see it's almost time to go home. The sense of urgency first made me think it was coming now. But I think I'm supposed to live like it's coming now, even if soon to God is 50 more years. If God gives us more years of freedom in this country, it's so we can fill the lifeboats, not to make us prosperous. When the dreams came, a sin issue I struggled with for years was taken. And I don't care a thing about the comforts of this world.


Thanks. This video has aged like fine wine. Now, we have a modern voice that passes the tests you mentioned, Celestial of the Masters Voice. God bless you.


Numbers 12:6 
he said, “Listen to my words:

“When there is a prophet among you,
    I, the Lord, reveal myself to them in visions,
    I speak to them in dreams.


I’m pretty impressed by this video. It was not expecting it to go the way it did. I agree 100%. I have a prophetic calling and I know for fact that God ain’t having me charge no one and He makes me give hard corrective words 90% of the time and people HATE It is well with my soul tho. Good video brother !


"Prepare the way for the Lord, make straight paths for him."


A very balanced and, more importantly, biblical video. Thank you for posting.
