At home nose job??

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“Plastic surgery is where I draw the line” lmao well this video didn’t age well


Its sad when you see actually gorgeous women who want to change the parts of themselves that are true to them.


I feel like ever since the breakup, you’ve been wanting to change your appearance in your videos. Please don’t do this to yourself, you’re beautiful just the way you are. Don’t change your looks for anybody. I don’t want to see such beautiful women become insecure of their body and facial features.


Girl this isn’t a glow up anymore, this is just a complete manifestation of your insecurity! A glow up would be taking better care of what you already have, not changing everything. Also, it seems many of your insecurities are rooted in not having eurocentric features (slim nose, no hyperpigmentation, single toned lips)…


ain't no way someone this pretty wants to change their face.

directioners, this is at 28 replies this is perfect.

edit: nvm i ruined it.


I’ve seen that you’ve posted a lot of glow up videos lately after breaking up with your bf. And that’s totally fine, but as you keep going, I feel like you’re trying to fix all of your insecurities, even the things that make you so beautiful! Glow ups are meant to enhance the beauty you already have, not change everything about yourself!

I know I’m just a random person on the internet, but I’m also an Indian girl and I hope you don’t try to change yourself too much to fit the beauty standards of today. Because honestly, beauty standards are overrated.

This isn’t meant to be a hate comment, it’s coming from a place of concern because I love watching your shorts ❤


“Plastic surgery is where I draw the line”
A few months later*
“So, I got plastic surgery-“


"plastic surgery is where I draw the line" lol this aged like the lifespan of a mosquito


You are beautiful. Don’t change yourself to fit in an unattainable mold. Think about it. Even the prettiest and wealthiest women get cheated/dumped on. People who aren’t for you won’t be for you. Enjoy your self care! You are gorgeous!


Younger audiences will start to compare is all I have to say, stop saying :" It's completely normal but, *how to change it*" . I get you got through a breakup and you want to glow up, but why? Why change your features, to look "better"? Instead of that, focus on yourself and how to move on and become a better person. Why are you so focused on your face, everyone here can agree you're gorgeous.


Girl, your nose is already fine the way it is. No need to change it, or you lips or your hyperpigmentation. I feel like you’re fixated on the “””negatives””” of your appearance. Maybe that’s not how you really feel, but that’s the impression you give off with your videos. You don’t even need a “glow up”, you already look nice, healthy, and clean. Another way to improve yourself and grow is to take up new hobbies or invest more time into ones you have. Maybe focus more on the artistry of makeup if that’s what you’re into? Or something completely different like gardening or art?


Brooo no way her natural nose looks sooo good man🥺


I’m not gonna lie- this isn’t a glow up anymore it’s just changing ur biggest insecurities with temporary satisfaction
No hate <3 u r beautiful and don’t feel like I have to change


Almost a year ago, she was on my shorts page, inspiring ppl on how to take care of their hair and skin, now she’s trying to change her appearances as a “glow up”


People seeing this after she got her nose job


“Plastic surgery is where I draw the line” *gets plastic surgery* also what upsets is me that this girl claims to be all about loving ur insecurities and stuff but it seems like most of the time she’s tryna “glow up” “look better” and even get a nose job like gurl what


“Plastic surgery is where I cross the line”

At this moment she knew


"plastic surgery is where I draw the line"
*proceeds to get nose job
no hate‼️😭 but this is an account where ur supposed to feel good about ur insecurities which is why I've been subscribed for a long time but now it's just giving me more insecurities :(


Ok please listen to this. This isn’t healthy. It’s awful and you filming what you don’t like about yourself and trying to change it is very toxic and isn’t helping you glow up. I’m not trying to be harsh but please take care of yourself. The key to a glowup is taking care of yourself. If you continue on this terrible track, you’ll just feel empty. Your confidence won’t changed until you accept yourself for who you are. Don’t glow up your looks because it isn’t necessary. Just keep growing as a person and learning and changing in a healthy way. Your very pretty and you might not see it for yourself but you are.❤


She had a PERFECT nose. Can't believe she gave in.
