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Hello! I've thought about getting filler on my nose, but after finding out that filler doesn't stay in the same spot where they inject it, I decided to look for an alternative, and I FOUND IT! 🥳 So today I'm going to show you how you can transform your nose in just a few minutes at home instead of paying a lot of money for filler or rhinoplasty!
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Just an old lady here telling you your nose is beautiful already! In fact it’s perfect.


I can see a difference and I am getting some! Yes, absolutely I agree with everybody that you are incredibly beautiful without these but I can understand from a personal perspective just how much a tiny change like this can make you feel a little happier with your appearance. You're totally logical and realistic about it and that's awesome! So thank you so very much for this! I didn't know they existed and now I am excited to get some! I do have Body Dysmorphic disorder but I have manged to get to 44 years old without having a single thing done to my face..yet😏 So I think I deserve this little bit of help now! 😅 And I am taking it! Thank you beautiful girl! You have a beautiful soul which lights up your already beautiful face 🥰💜🙌🏼


i dont even think this would work on my nose because of the bump i have on it but i dont want to get plastic surgery because my whole family would shame me for it


You're one of the prettiest already without changing anything


Oooo as someone who's considering nose filler for exactly the same nose shape as you're wanting as well, that little nose tip lift, this is definitely something I'm going to try out first and maybe filler won't be needed 👌🏻


I tried these a few years ago. They kept falling out and they would get gross because my nose would run trying to flush them out. So, if you want these for a photo session, it could work, but this is no long term solution for everyday use IMHO.


your nose is perfect girl! in my opinion you don't need a nose job at


I wasn’t born with a big nose but over the years, I’ve been getting very puffy, inflamed in my face and especially my nose. So it makes my nose look nothing like what I was born with and used to most my life!
When I do face exercises, it clears my nose and seems to de-puff it but only for maybe a half hour

So I’m thinking a lot of other ppl may hve this issue also. If we could find a good way to de-puff our bodies or find a good facial tool, I think we would have lasting results, we just have to work at it


I had filler put in the upper part of my nose long before anyone ever heard or thought of it, which is definitely not a brag. I always wanted a nose job too and when Botox and fillers first came out it just seemed that it would work to lift my nose a bit. The entire bridge, not just the tip so that it would look much more straight. The esthetician looked shocked at my request. One of them refused due to lack of experience because she was too scared of the possible result. I already knew that it worked well without having to get surgery if done correctly. I had it injected where the bridge starts from your forehead to raise it a bit so that it could look like your natural nose before the nose shaping prosthetics. I have a Roman shaped nose and l feel and think I look better with it looking more straight, without a bit of a curve. I thank you for making this video. I was excited when I first came across it until I clicked on the extension and read the reviews which were all terrible with complaints with almost everyone of them saying "don't bother" "it's a waist" etc. so I'll stick with what works for me. I honestly think your beautiful and look better without it. You naturally have a perfect nose as it is.
*P.S. Don't follow trends just to be trendy, especially when it comes to your face. You can highly regret it, just as many, as in most likely do or will who have gotten their buccal fat removed who never had a very full face/cheeks to begin with. Fat in the face is precious, and it's the one place in the human body where you really don't want to lose a lot of it. Your face can look very hollow as you get older. ... Another face trend that was not as invasive, but still affected the area and changes the look of your face were very thin eyebrows in the 90's. Many woman's eyebrows never grew back, or grew back patchy. Good thing for microblading and brow extensions to fix it now that it's no longer a trend, although it's still not the same. Stay beautiful!


Your nose is fine already. You don't need enhancements, seriously for real


Not only does filler migrate to other parts of face.but if needle hits the wrong nose nerve it can blind you !


Can we all just appreciate the amount of effect
puts into these videos


You don't need them your nose is perfect


These items are just for instant photo shooting, dont talk or eat after usage, they move inside the nose before you use the apparat to take them out and guess what happens next, they go down behind, this is horrible, l personally experienced it.


your nose is already perfect, i don't understand what is there to improve... you are so pretty already.


Looks like you’re just tilting your head up more in the after. Your nose is great. You are very beautiful either way.


Your beautiful already, you don’t need that or a nose job. Seems like that would be annoying inside your nose for such a small difference


I was born with cleft lip and my nose and nostrils are so small, I cannot even fit the smallest one of those devices in my nose. When trying them out, I panicked at one point because I actually had part of the end of one lodged in my nose. I almost had to have a doctor remove it, but thankfully, after a few agonizing minutes, I pried it out with tweezers. If you have a tiny nose with very small nostrils, this product is dangerous and could obstruct breathing.


You have such a nice nose it fits your face structure so well it’s so sad to see girls who have such unique pretty features want to change them for a trend:(


Your before is what I would want my after to be, lol
