Pagan Origins of Easter

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What are the origins of the Easter holiday? Are these origins Christian or Pagan? Should a Bible believer celebrate Easter? What does the Bible say about Easter? Is Easter the same as Passover? Why does the church celebrate Easter? Why is Easter celebrated with eggs and bunnies? Discover the Pagan Origins of Easter!

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As a wytch myself, I find this very fascinating. This pastor is being totally accepting of the routes of paganism and magickal worship, yet he also pushes his reasons to why we need to believe in the Christian god's ways of celebration. I do not, obviously, think that a wytch is a heathen unless they have ill intentions. I am a good wytch, I do not practice evil magick, nor do I think dark magick should be practiced. As I like to say, "There lies no evil in sorcery, only in the poisioned hearts that sink deep into the depths of the sea." I am totally respectful for those Christians who want to believe this pastor, but to all my fellow wytches, Happy Ostara! May Odin's bloodstone heal all.


Hello, I have been on my own quest for deeper understanding. The Bible says "seek and you shall find", it's been amazing. But a lot of people are not ready to be open to new knowledge, they fear the changes they may need to make.
But teach when the chance occurs and by living it out before them.
I am so working on myself and have learned so much. Just keep teaching truth.


Christmas and Easter both have pagan roots!


Why do so many people who identify as Christians refuse to accept this information? Same thing for “christmas”. Celebrating nimrods “birthday” in Jesus Christ’s name is a slap in the face for Christians. The overall truth is there is nothing Catholic about the Roman church.


As a Muslim I applaud your reasoning. It’s aboutGod, not finding ways to fulfill our desires. We should worship the way God has explicitly asked us to.


The church was always in fear of the Romans I believe the exact days of when Jesus was born and Resurrected was changed to be celebrated along with the Roman pagan festivities. Me i celebrate Jesus birth and Resurrection everyday.🙏


In Jeremiah 10 when it says “learn not the way of the heathen” the rest of that scripture mentions that the heathen goes and cuts down a tree from outside and then decks it wither silver and gold. Christmas is pagan too.


Galatians 6:7 Do not be misled: God is not one to be mocked. For whatever a person is sowing, this he will also reap.

Holidays seem to do this.

2nd Corinthians 3:16
But when one turns to Jehovah,  the veil is taken away. 17  Now Jehovah is the Spirit,  and where the spirit of Jehovah is, there is freedom.

Open your eyes, ears, minds, and hearts Brothers and Sister's. The truth is there but you have to put in the works.


A Christian who actually understands the Bible and uses correct terms?!? I’m pagan but damn I have some major respect for this man


Amein & Amein . I have been telling the same to many Christians, some have now come away from easter & other pagan days, but many more reject the truth saying "does it matter? at least me are worshipping the LORD". I pray that Yahweh will reveal the truth to them, as He did to me.


I came to this video because a girl (most likely Christian), tried to tell me that Easter wasn't taken from a Pagan holiday when as a witch and Wiccan I already learned a bit of the holiday origins, and Easter was my third favorite to learn about (Halloween is first, Christmas is second). I confirmed my knowledge, and I really appreciate the pastor here being straightforward on the answer in the beginning then telling us the explanation after.


I’m a devout Christian. Meaning I worship and honor Christ. I don’t celebrate Christmas or Easter. A lot of folks are pist at me for this. I honor Him. Not man. It’s simple. If you celebrate pagan holidays that’s your prerogative. No hate or judgment. Although, I see that most don’t study the word nor do they honor Christ. Stop being afraid of what people think and serve the creator. This life is a puff of smoke and then it’s gone!


Thank u for the truth. I knew something was not right about Easter and Christmas celebration in the church. I don't go along I didn't go to church on them days


This is a wonderful breakdown. Christian believers have a tentancy to mix in with the festivities of the world. I appreciate your astute teachings of the Bible and your quick download of Easter's origin being pagan devilish evil.


I myself have been teaching for years have been teaching about the pagan celebration of easter, christmas and many other that are not in the bible God bless and keep the good work keep teaching truth above all.


Easter stems from Nimrod and Semiramis, the bunny is a symbol of fertility as are eggs, it also has to do with sun and moon worship, all pagan, that's why it revolves around the vernal equinox and Christmas the winter solstice.
the idea was that Constantine (sunworshipper) adopted Christianity to corrupt and deceive Christians into adopting pagan rituals and customs unknowingly, hence worshipping on pagan/satanic dates and worshipping a false name of Christ ie Jesus, as Yeshua is His name and no transliteration was necessary.
U now find Christians carrying out pagan traditions on pagan dates with an ever decreasing focus on Christ, basically erasing Christ from the picture but reinforcing the pagan rituals, it's a huge deception. The road to hell is paved with good intentions, ie not bothering to look into the obvious contradictions but still celebrating pagan dates with pagan customs. That's also why the calendars were changed from the lunisolar to the Roman lunar, Julian solar and then the Gregorian solar, to ensure the Christian dates continued to fall accurately on the cycles of the sun, sun worship, also the Sabbath is now always on SUNday, where originally the new moon signified the start of the month and the Sabbath always fell on the 8th, 15th, 22nd and 29th of each month, then new moon and the month started again in the same fashion. So to sum up, they have us worshipping a made up name, on pagan dates and on false Sabbath's dedicated to the sun.
it's a pernicious tactic to lead Christians away from Christ and into pagan/satanic festivals etc. it's worked a charm...


As a pagan I actually found this video very informative, reference based, and enjoyable.


Many churches sugar-coat Easter by calling it "Resurrection Sunday" instead..


Come back to God's way, the feasts of the Lord and that if His way! Praise God for this truth!


What a blessing this lesson is. I am more informed of the ways of the enemy then I was 5 1/2 minutes ago. Knowing his ways is the first step to recognizing and abandoning his traditions which are the traditions of the world. MATTHEW 23:3 | GALATIANS 1:4 🙏🏽🙌🏽
