10 Worst School Punishments Ever (Part 2)

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10 Worst School Punishments Ever (Part 2)

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When it comes to disciplining students in school, how far is TOO far? It seems there are many
cases where students of all ages are handed punishments that are totally disproportionate — and
inappropriate. From organizing a fake prom for a kid to suspending a kid for a pretend gun, let’s
have a look at 10 more of the worst school punishments ever! Let’s begin:
Number 10. Fake Prom
What happens when your school’s teachers are horrible bigots who want to punish you for being
gay? Well, not something good! This unusual school punishment directed at a student, Constance
McMillen, is guaranteed to leave you speechless. McMillan took her school to court after they
denied her and her girlfriend the right to attend prom. She won and the school was told to stop
being like that. The school though decided Nah and hosted a fake prom in a nearby town. The
fake prom was attended by the principal and 5 other students while the rest of the school was
partying at the “good” prom. Oh, and two of those other students had learning disabilities. This
guy is just waiting for his “Principal of the Year” award. The school district was forced to pay
McMillen $35,000 for the bizarre humiliation they put her through. But while the settlement was
helpful, it couldn’t repair the trauma of being set up by both school administrators and her
Number 9. High School Student Punished for MySpace Page
On December 10 of 2006, high school senior Justin Layshock created a MySpace profile page
for the principal of his high school, Eric Trosch. The page included a picture of the principal
from the school’s website and listed a series of joke answers (mostly “fat jokes”) to the profile
questions. Layshock tried to remove the page after three days, but it had already been taken

down. Then, on December 21st, both Layshock and his mother were called into a meeting with
the school superintendent, district solicitor, and the co-principal of the high school to discuss the
MySpace page. After the meeting, Layshock apologized to Principal Trosch in person and also
sent him a former letter of apology. He thought the matter ended there. But then, Layshock was
contacted by the local police department and informed that Trosch had asked that harassment
charges be filed against Layshock. He was suspended from school for 10 days and then ordered
to finish high school in the Alternative Education Program. Layshock contested the decision and,
when his and his parents’ requests to reconsider the harsh measures were denied, filed suit
against the school district. In 2010, the court ruled in his favor and Layshock was awarded
$10,000 in damages from the school.
Number 8. Burping
You better be careful next time you feel something rumbling in your stomach because burping
might land you in jail. Alright well not jail…just juvie. In 2011, an Albuquerque student was
taken away from school in a police cruiser all because he had the audacity to burp in the gym.
So, the teacher called the cops and had him hauled down to be tested at juvenile hall. The police
quickly determined the kid was not a problem but they probably should have worked that much
earlier. I mean did the teacher call 911? “Hello, yes a I need you put this monster in handcuffs,
HE’S BURPING EVERYWHERE!” What has the world come to!
Number 7. Chopping off hair
One fine morning, Lamaya Cammon sat in class minding her own business and playing with the
beads in her newly braided hair. A few minutes later, her teacher called her over to her desk.
Cammon thought she was going to get a piece of candy but what she got instead was shocking.

Her teacher proceeded to grab a pair of scissors and chop a braid off. Lamaya claimed that
playing with her hair wasn’t disruptive to others, though the teacher, whose name wasn’t
released, claimed that she cut the girl’s hair because she was distracting other students. The
incident happened in front of the whole class, who began laughing as Lamaya went back to her
desk, crying and embarrassed. The teacher has apologized for the incident, claiming she did it
out of frustration. She was fined $175 for her bizarre act but has been allowed to keep teaching.
Now that is very less fine for such a big punishment.
Number 6. The monster closet
There was a monster, and the monster was going to eat me.” Those are the terrifying words of a
4-year-old that got locked in the awful “Monster Closet.” He was not the only one to be punished
in such a creepy and also creative, manner.
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