Maingaining SUCKS!!

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Here’s why I prefer bulking and cutting over maingaining. I’m defining maingaining as eating at maintenance calories. I personally use a lean bulk method of around a 3-500 calorie surplus. I’ve found that this works better for ME mentally. This isn’t to say it’s better or worse in terms of muscle growth (I’m not sure if this has actually been quantified). Find what works for you and keeps you motivated!

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It's all about who you are, I maingain because I dislike changing my dietary needs so frequently and it works for me, it's slow for sure, but we all like certain stuff.


Bottom line is, whatever is sustainable for you is the way to go.


You're slightly wrong. Maintaining is still the best long term strategy but it only applies once you have reached your dream weight, for example, my dream weight is 70 kg, so I'll bulk up till i reach 70, then I'll start main gaining, in that way I'll be bigger already and my weight will stay the same, but I'll keep putting on a lot of muscle mass


Also u forget to mention when u should maingain or when u should lean bulk. If u have a high body fat % and overweight why would u lean bulk . Thanks for mentioning the cut part. A lot of lean bulkers arguing over the small surplus with the maingainers leave out the cut part. A lean bulk is still a bulk and cut rinse and repeat and more a chance to get fat.
Both work in my opinion .
If u fat u slowly cut calories, if u to skinny lean bulk. If u happy with your physique and body fat maingain. Pick what’s works best for u.


PSA: both strategies can work! The purpose of this video is to show that there is no 1 right method. Find one that keeps you motivated! (check the description)


By the time bulking and cutting is necessary to make progress you will already have a great physique. While you are working your way to reach a physique that you can be proud off, you will be able to gain muscle even in a slight calorie deficit, let alone if you maingain. This doesn't apply to skinny people though, this applies to people like me who get fat when they stop exercising and stop paying attention to nutrition. When I built a great physique for the first time in my life, I started at 24BMI, having very little muscle, being fat despite my BMI being below 25 and yet I gained muscle while I was on a cut. I did a similar thing later when I was not a beginner but I had a little bit more fat then I wanted. I cutted and gained muscle at the same time.


Whatever keeps u in the gym buddy. Granted I have always and will always tell people to maingain but I can see how bulking and cutting keeps you going mentally, and that is the real battle.


You've misinterpreted the meaning. You're never meant to eat at maintenance while maingaining, that instead is body recomposition, an entirely different term. Maingaining is still eating in a surplus but a small enough surplus that just balances new muscle mass with new fat mass to maintain the same bodyfat percentage, hence the "main" part of maingaining. This way you'll never have to cut because your bodyfat stays the same. It's better compared to a leanbulk, you're still in a surplus but a small surplus that keeps excess fat gain slim to none.


The thing with bulking and cutting it's un-healthy. Your mentality changes with a healhier maingaining diet, your patience is higher and you'll get to the same resoult but a lot healthier. The problem with bulking is that on a bulk you look a lot fatter and the problem comes when you'll have to cut and you'll lose some muscle on a cut as well. It in the end depends on who you are and what your goal is, but for me maingaining is way healthier and you do look more leaner while building muscle.


main-gaining is great for people who just lost 100 pounds and want to gain a decent amount of muscle without gaining fat back during their metabolism recovering. Afterwards, I would recommend lean bulking of 300 to 400 calories above maintenance.


Maintaining relates to body fat from what I’ve heard for example maintaining at 12% body fat is way easier to build muscle than the maingaining he explained in this video


Since I I hit my weight goal 3 months ago, I've been enjoyin maingaining, stayin lean enough so my abs show but I'm still feelin strong and makin constant gains. Plus I get to eat more calories than when I had to lose weight.


Maingaining is fine if you're a higher body fat. If you're lean, good luck maingaining without making slow progress.


That's fair man. Have to do what works best for you. Maingaining is just more so cautionary for the type who easily put on body fat and have a hard time burning it off.


It just comes down to preferences;

Strength Training vs Hypertrophy


"building muscle while gaining minimal body fat" is just bulking. Maingaing is just a cope for people who don't want to lose their precious abs. If you want to build any substantial amount of muscle you need to be in a caloric surplus, gaining a small amount of body fat is not avoidable.


So “main-gaining” sucks because you personally do not like it? Great logic there buddy.


Bulk season followed with a cut is the way to go 100% after the cut then maingain for a time I maintained for 6 months stay ripped and got stronger! Now I’m bulking again to add more mass


Maingaing is not staying "shredded" 24/7. If you're too lean, your hormones will tank, and you won't have energy to train hard and build muscle. You're never meant to be shredded while Maingaining.


i could never do bulking/cutting because im recovering from bulimia and bulking would trigger me sm 😭
