How were believers SCRIPTURE ALONE before the Bible was printed? (Sola scriptura)

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You are such a blessing. I am so happy that Jesus paid the penalty for my sins so I know longer have to feel unfounded guilt for my past.


We need to pray for Catholics that they would hear the gospel of Jesus that saves people


Crazy and ironic story. After finally getting it thru my thick skull and believing the gospel....holy spirit told me to talk to my neighbours....I'm like....I don't think so. Lol I'm shy, I never leave my house, I have no friends....I'm not talking Jesus to strangers. know how holy spirit works...3 days later I go talking. Turns out my neighbour thought Jesus was an alien. I said... Lord....I'm not equipped for this. Lol. Month and a half later of me sounding like a and his wife believe on the gospel that saves. Praise Jesus. The irony who already confess to know Don't trust him or what he did for us.


Renee Roland Well tomorrow I will be surrounded by the ones you are speaking of. Every major holiday. Last year I gave a brand new bible to one of them and he's reading it. Ha, wonder why he is seeing holes in Catholic doctrine? Now for the rest of them. Praise God.


A remnant here, exCatholic here, ❤️❤️❤️ but thank you Jesus for saving me!!! Thanks Renee for all your time and teachings😀


Amen, there has *always* been a remnant and local churches in the *BODY* since Jesus the head of the church established the church. Good message from beginning to end. 🐑🐑🐑
Sometimes, we read things too quickly and miss little hidden things:

And he (Jesus) is the head of the *BODY, * the church: who is the *BEGINNING, * the firstborn from the dead: that in all _things_ he might have the preeminence.
Colossians 1:18
Who now rejoice in my sufferings for you and fill up that which is behind of the afflictions of Christ in my flesh for his *BODY's* sake, which is the *CHURCH.*
Colossians 1:24

Remember them that are in bonds, as bound with them; _and_ them which suffer adversity, as being *yourselves* also in the *BODY.*
Marriage is honorable in all, and the bed undefiled: but whoremongers and adulterers God will judge.
Hebrews 13:3, 4

These were more noble than those in Thessalonica, in that they received the word with all readiness of mind, and searched the scriptures daily, whether those things were so.
Acts 17:11


+Renee Roland Praise the LORD great teaching, sister Renee. God bless. Agape love


I escaped the Roman catholic cult at age 24. You speak truth, Sister Renee...


Thank u Precious sister Renee for that rightly divided edification:-) like a cup of ice cold watwr on a hot summer's day:-)


Renee Roland my dad officially left the Catholic Church because of all of the disgusting abuse done by the priests and just finds it creepy in general with all of the statues and stuff. A few months before I found your channel and really listened to what you had to say I was an agnostic not because I didn’t believe in any existence of God or because I was this horrible person but I couldn’t take the heavy requirements of what the catholic church and lordship salvation wanted me to do. I couldn’t fathom before I found you a God who didn’t require you to be good because he was so portrayed as that it sort of sets into your mind even though I was saved. But the backlash I got for questioning why people did things in their tradition not even using scripture but just saying “why?” And people made me shut up and they’d say “it’s tradition” and during that time when I said I was an agnostic which wasn’t true I was just tired of trying and saying I was a Christian was too much of a loaded term because you’re made to feel like you gotta live up to something to call yourself that but when I said I don’t know what I believe in anymore I’m gonna be agnostic they took 10 steps back at me like I said I murdered 10 people and my mom thought If I didn’t have fear I’d become this goth girl put in juvenile detention. It’s so sad when someone questions something or changes what they think people look at them like a common criminal. None the less I am not agnostic and even if I did go as that I would still have the Holy Spirit because once your saved your always saved


Happy Thanksgiving 🍽🦃🍁. About 10 years ago my uncle and his family did a “first thanksgiving video” about the pilgrims and the Indians and it was all done in claymation. It was so funny I think he put the video up on YouTube as well


HAPPY THANKSGIVING Sis!! God bless you richly and care for all your needs and for Jim as well. I pray blessings for you and your family and all this beloved family of God. Amen!!


The woman clothed in scarlet and purple has got to be the catholic "church".


Amen my dear sister Renee.. i thank God for you.. Happy Thanksgiving!!


Amen Sister Renee...another Biblically accurate teaching.


HAPPY THANKSGIVING Sis to you and your household Peace and blessing xoxo we had ours last month 🤗😚😁♥️🦃🍗🤗🎊 love you xo


Agree, God has had people survive throughout history and in different ages to keep His word and has been preserved even though satan always tried to kill the prophets and followers and many were spared and continued to hold the torch of truth to the end


Amen 🙏. Exactly one Church and eternally secure.


Where is that video where you talked about your friend saying that he could where Halloween clothes eating candy in front of a Christmas tree and know that he is secure in Christ?


I had a catholic friend that stopped talking to me when I told her were are living in the end times.
