Elden Ring: The Noob's Guide Part 1 (Ultimate Beginner Guide)

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You can't look up things you have no idea exist, so videos like this really help show you things you would have never known


This is my first youtube comment, but this is such a good guide I cant help but make a suggestion for the people like me that didnt get into it until now. This is my first Souls game, but this should help you save time.
1. Do everything he does, except waste time on the somber 7 stone, there is a dip in the rocks where you drop down in Volcano Manor, where he drops was patched, dont waste time on the ledge jump, just accept youre not getting the 7 yet.
2. Dont waste time farming the dragon for runes. When he levels his sword to +9 pause the guide, and go to the Atlus Highway Junction grace to farm and practice. Be careful at night, that night calvary is a pain in the ass. As long as you dont get too close you wont agro it. There is a variety of enemies in the area for you to practice fighting on horseback and on foot(including a knight you can get the brass shield from, 3 1100xp trolls you can practically get to kill themselves, riders on horseback, foot soldiers with shield and spears, and one of those brass head mfs.) Its not the best as far as rune per minute farming, but the time you save not attempting the jump and the dragon, you can spend mastering the timing of weapon and its skill, and how the camera moves when locked on. After an hour or two, when I got comfortable fighting the knight on the platform (without falling off or getting hit, on horseback and on foot) I easily leveled vigor str and dex to 25, if you want something else to dump levels in, youll be abusing bloodhound finesse, so throw in some focus(I got faith to 12 because I know I'm using poison mist at some point.) Then go back to the guide after you've leveled and got your 6+ or...
3. This is where I got cocky and decided to fight Margit before continuing the guide, just to see if I had actually gotten better, and if I really missed out that much not getting the +9. Beat him first time with the floor summon and the wolf summon. They distract him enough you can finnesse him to death. By now you should know the timing of the L2 R2.

I still have 30 min left in the next video and I'm not making another comment on the other video.
1. Dont R2 Patches, you will kill him.
2. Kill the monkeys before you try to talk to the NPC, they will follow you apparently and people are killing him accidentally, if you do he drops a golden seed.
3. You have to travel to another grace, then back at night for the shack, even if you didnt fight Margit like I did, this mini boss battle is as easy is he makes it look if you did what I told you in the first video. As soon as he begins materializing you can lock on, and as soon as you can lock on you can begin the first strike of the BHF, 2 full BHF will stagger him, appreciate how easy that was and finish him.
4. Theres also an ash of war where the jellies are.


For newcomers, PLEASE READ DESCRIPTION! just now finding this, the Volcano Manor Jump for Stone 7 has been patched for sure as of 1.05 with no real easy way to get it. So far, up to 6 has been plenty for early game having defeated Margit after a few tries to learn mechanics. Good Luck gamers! Thanks again for getting me off to a great start.


As a new player to Elden Ring, and not a pro gamer, this was seriously one of the most helpful videos ever. I literally went through this step by step and it took me a little while because I had to start and stop and go back a few times but absolutely would recommend this to ANY new player. I can't wait to see what the other two walkthroughs have in store!


Timestamps for future reference:

1:15 Starting class and gift recommendation
4:30 Explanation of controls
7:00 Tutorial
25:00 Start of Limgrave (path to church of marika grace)
27:30 weapon upgrades, merchant, crafting kit
28:52 using the world map, using beacons, and how to find in-game maps
29:30 Combat tips
31:36 Map and path to Agheel Lake North grace
32:33 leveling up, horse, pouch
35:20 monkey questline
37:10 Somber Smithing Stone 1, path to Agheel Lake South grace
42:23 Detour to Starlight Shards and Royal House Scroll
44:30 Beacon for Fort Haight
46:00 Fort Haight Golden Seed, Left Dectus Medallion
48:26 Waypoint Ruins (1st time)
50:00 Discovering Siofra River grace (the underground)
53:04 Start of Blaidd questline, getting the Spirit Calling Bell and Lone Wolves Ashes
55:27 Spirit Ashes showcase, how to talk to Blaidd, Axe Talisman
58:39 Dariwil boss fight, Bloodhound's Fang, Somber Smithing Stone 2
1:03:21 Flask of Wondrous Physick, Sacred Tear
1:06:50 Ash of War: Sacred Blade, Summonwater Village grace
1:09:12 Path to Caelid
1:10:20 Graves for free runes
1:11:19 Caelum Ruins Grace, Dragonbarrow West Grace
1:13:47 Somber Smithing Stone 8 and 9
1:16:20 The Round Table
1:20:00 Fort Faroth Grace
1:21:40 Right Dectus Medallion, Radagon's Soreseal
1:25:26 Church of the Plague (sacred tear)
1:26:54 Stormhill Golden Seed, Jellyfish ashes
1:29:42 Getting to Liurnia without fighting Margit
1:31:36 Church of Irith (sacred tear), Thops questline
1:32:48 Lantern, Liurnia of the Lakes map, Laskyr Ruins grace
1:36:02 Teleport to Academy Gate Town grace
1:36:59 Golden Seed, Liurnia North map
1:38:39 2nd Diallos location, teleporter to Liurnia West, Blacksmith Ijj
1:40:43 Liurnia graces
1:42:49 Academy Glintstone Key
1:43:46 Golden Seed
1:44:53 MEME
1:45:20 How to get past the mages, Somber Smithing Stone 3, Church of the Cuckoo grace
1:46:59 Safe route through zombies, path to next grace
1:48:14 Longtail Cat Talisman, Abductor Virgin shortcut to Volcano Manor
1:55:03 Subterranean Inquisition Chamber grace (allows warp to escape)
1:57:51 Bellum Church sacred tear
1:59:40 Capital Outskirts
2:01:08 Capital Highway Junction grace
2:02:38 Golden Seed, Altus Plateau map, Sacred Tear of Second Church of Marika
2:03:48 Safest path to Somber Smithing Stone 6
2:06:28 Golden Pickled Fowl Foot
2:08:00 Merchant, Coastal Cave (monkey 2nd location)
2:09:35 +100k runes by killing giant dragon
2:12:54 Upgrading weapon, leveling character
2:16:02 Farming Brass Shield at the Gatefront
2:17:36 Flexing on the Erdtree Sentinel


The way you describe things concisely--all the particular things and protips, exactly what noobs will be trying to know in that moment--is exceptional. Great work, and thanks!


Bro even a year later your helping the noobs. Honestly man some of the best content on YouTube is how your laying it down.
Keep up the awesome work my man.


I had uninstalled this game back when it was new because it was so damn hard. I followed this video exactly, and now I'm loving the game! If it wasn't for you, I would have never experienced this incredible game. Thank you very much for all the hard work!


As a souls vet i really appreciate you making a guide this comprehensive for the newbies. Much love to you man. Im 100% subbing


This guide is incredible. I have been struggling with this game for weeks as a total newcomer. This guide is idiot proof and so helpful. Thank you so much! 👍


The jump has been patched, you can still make it to the bottom just don’t jump off the edge gently walk where the 2 rocks have a dip and land but after running past the slugs and guy on the bridge that jump is patched 🙃


I just got Elden Ring less than a week ago and have spent many hours playing it now and I still learned a lot from this video. Thanks for making it! ❤️🙏


Bought the game today, thought I’d run a tutorial rather than getting lost in the vastness of this game. About halfway through the guide (I’ve died a few more times than you have 😂). As said in previous comments, clear, concise and not condescending in the slightest. Thanks from a complete noob ❤️


I have to thank you so very much for this.

I'm a 46 year old longtime gamer and i got this game about a month ago.I was really excited but my lack of experience and knowledge quickly put the breaks on my efforts.

I'd give it a go every day but I was SO lost. Never played any fromsoft games at all ever before this, and to me this was a difficult game experience because I just didn't have a clue what I was supposed to be doing or what anything did. Sure I read up on it but alotta things were just simply to geared towards previous souls games players so the basics they'd cover were kinda way over the heads of the basics I needed to get how it all connected.

I found this vid when my char was a lvl 16 vagabond and getting creamed by the golden knight daily and that boss I think stunted my thinking cause I didn't realize the trap it was and thought damn if in getting roflstomped this bad already by an opening boss maybe I just cant handle these newer games.

This vid though was so accurately detailed and you always took time to explain the plot behind the actions. Not just the what's but the whys and that turned around everything for me. Just finished the first vid and this included me taking 3 hours on the volcano jump (no joke I didn't realize it had been nerfed since the release). The rest though went quite quickly and really helped me learn important stuff like opening battle moves and stuff maybe taken for granted by the experienced souls gamers but totally unknown to noob me.

I cant thank you enough because I knew there was something special about this game, was why I kept trying, and this opened the curtains to just how special it just might be, I just needed a compass and a crash course in the basics and the goals. And getting to gut stomp that golden *#$@ at the end was like... Heaven.

Again thanks, this went a bit long but this really mattered and helped me to enjoy this finally, and also to give me the foundation ill need for future characters and playthroughs. Much respect bro.


I am so grateful for this guy. I just completed the game just because of him I was able to enjoy this game.


A year later and this guide was so helpful, I started this game having no idea what to do and being completely lost to now having a basic understanding of the game and unlocking a good amount of starter stuff by the end of this video ❤


Dude you killed this guide!!! I can’t imagine the work and time you put into it. I’m going to be buying this weekend finally, and I’m pretty certain this is guide is how I’m going to build my character. Thanks for all your work; much respect!!!!


You're on guide 11 currently. But the most pivotal thing in all these guides gets said in the first 4 minutes of this video. Absolutely best guide to be found anywhere.


I just finished dark soul 3 while watching your whole noob guide play through and look at me now again watching another noob guide of yours
I just love your videos man keep it up


Ok I made the vulcano jump.. you have to jump at least 5 meter before the point he drops in the video, right before a small boulder. This way you land on the same kind of beach near the lava and you survive the drop..

Hope it helps!
