We are all divine beings

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Hello, everyone.
We would like to extend a warm welcome to ‘TrueSelf Meditation’ channel.
TrueSelf Meditation channel will bring you Eastern meditation and spiritual traditions. We also call it by TSM, an acronym for TrueSelf meditation
TrueSelf Meditation's practices are based on traditional teachings and practices from Buddhism, Christianity, Taoism, and yoga and adapted for the modern world.
Many meditation practices focus on mindfulness. Mindfulness meditation is an adaptation of the Sati and Vipassana meditation techniques, which are part of the Buddhist practice.
Sati and Vipassana meditation is a very beneficial practice, and one of many great practices.
Along with the Sati and Vipassana practices, TrueSelf Meditation offers many other great meditation and mindfulness practices.
This practice contains the love and blessings of the masters who have brought great light to humanity.
We believe it will help you achieve happiness and peace.
TrueSelf Meditation is not affiliated with any particular religion or spiritual organization.
We simply want to convey the excellent teachings and practices of Buddhism, Christianity, Taoism, and yoga in a way that anyone can easily understand and practice.
TrueSelf Meditation has many teachings and practices that are not known to the rest of the world. These are highly effective methods that have been passed down among practitioners who have left the world.
We hope TrueSelf Meditation will be very helpful for people who have meditated for a long time but have not made much progress.
By practicing TrueSelf Meditation, you will be able to practice the teachings of the masters with joy and delight, and you will be able to practice these great practices with ease.
The practices in TrueSelf Meditation are designed to help both beginners and advanced meditators.
It will be very helpful for those who are new to meditation and mind study or those who practice at a higher level.
TrueSelf Meditation is a meditation that helps your body
and mind become healthier and happier through meditation and mindfulness.
With TrueSelf Meditation, you can live a happier and more peaceful life.
Your life will be enhanced by having good relationships with other beings. The Mind will be enlightened. the Consciousness will be wise, and you will live a life of particular value.
We wish your healthy mind and body with TrueSelf Meditation. And we wish your happy life.
We also pray that your heart will be enlightened and your mind will be wise, so that you can realize a life of extraordinary value.
Thank you.
We would like to extend a warm welcome to ‘TrueSelf Meditation’ channel.
TrueSelf Meditation channel will bring you Eastern meditation and spiritual traditions. We also call it by TSM, an acronym for TrueSelf meditation
TrueSelf Meditation's practices are based on traditional teachings and practices from Buddhism, Christianity, Taoism, and yoga and adapted for the modern world.
Many meditation practices focus on mindfulness. Mindfulness meditation is an adaptation of the Sati and Vipassana meditation techniques, which are part of the Buddhist practice.
Sati and Vipassana meditation is a very beneficial practice, and one of many great practices.
Along with the Sati and Vipassana practices, TrueSelf Meditation offers many other great meditation and mindfulness practices.
This practice contains the love and blessings of the masters who have brought great light to humanity.
We believe it will help you achieve happiness and peace.
TrueSelf Meditation is not affiliated with any particular religion or spiritual organization.
We simply want to convey the excellent teachings and practices of Buddhism, Christianity, Taoism, and yoga in a way that anyone can easily understand and practice.
TrueSelf Meditation has many teachings and practices that are not known to the rest of the world. These are highly effective methods that have been passed down among practitioners who have left the world.
We hope TrueSelf Meditation will be very helpful for people who have meditated for a long time but have not made much progress.
By practicing TrueSelf Meditation, you will be able to practice the teachings of the masters with joy and delight, and you will be able to practice these great practices with ease.
The practices in TrueSelf Meditation are designed to help both beginners and advanced meditators.
It will be very helpful for those who are new to meditation and mind study or those who practice at a higher level.
TrueSelf Meditation is a meditation that helps your body
and mind become healthier and happier through meditation and mindfulness.
With TrueSelf Meditation, you can live a happier and more peaceful life.
Your life will be enhanced by having good relationships with other beings. The Mind will be enlightened. the Consciousness will be wise, and you will live a life of particular value.
We wish your healthy mind and body with TrueSelf Meditation. And we wish your happy life.
We also pray that your heart will be enlightened and your mind will be wise, so that you can realize a life of extraordinary value.
Thank you.