MINIMALISM AND DECLUTTERING » 10 Questions to ask you haven't heard before

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MINIMALISM AND DECLUTTERING » 10 Questions to ask you haven't heard before // Let's declutter your home! How to decide if an item stays or goes? That's the question we're going to answer today.

When it comes to minimalist living, one thing that's on a lot of people's minds if how to declutter their space. What are the minimalist basics? How can I have a minimalist wardrobe, or a small wardrobe? Should I practice extreme minimalism? Or can I just get rid of some smaller things? What are the things to declutter for me personally? And how to deal with some things to get rid of that are harder, because of different emotions, thoughts and feelings?

I often get questions about decluttering sentimental items, gift items, collections, expensive items, and about feeling guilty when getting rid of family stuff, kid's stuff etc. And what to do with that giant book collection? No worries, we're going to handle it today.

If you want to change your life, simplify your life, declutter your life, then this is where to start.

I would love to hear your biggest challenge when it comes to decluttering, and how you ultimately overcame it! Please share this in the comments, so it can help and inspire others.

Lots of love,
🌼 Vera

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» Simple Happy Zen's Ultimate Decluttering Guide
» A 90-page ebook where I teach you how to tackle all categories of clutter in your home and create the space of your dreams.

» In Love With Your Life, the online course
» Learn to simplify your life, clear the chaos and create more of what you love in 20 weeks.

» Unhurried, The 30-day slow living program
» Get practical guidance and realistic challenges to slow down your life in 30 days

» Capsule wardrobe guide:



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Much love, Vera


Decluttering is sometimes a deep exploration into the uncomfortable times of my life. It's therapy.


My biggest decluttering problem area is craft and handicraft materials. Papers of all sorts, yarn, material for sewing, all sorts of stickers and punchers and everything possible, paints, brushes and more. Then one day, I realized that I actually use only a fraction of what I have. I want to do so much, but time and energy put a limit to what I can do. Gradually, I have been reducing my supplies. I've given away a ton and I still have a lot. I am working on reducing it even more because I like knitting the best. I will also keep a few paint supplies for my kids but the rest can go. You know what! It feels so liberating saying that. The rest can go :D A few days ago I could not have said that. I've watched this video three times now and as I result, I feel confident in saying: The. Rest. Can. Go :D Thank you Vera!! :D


"What if this wasn't a gift?" Never thought to ask that one. Really clarifies things. Gem of a tip! Great content in this video.


My mom was a hoarder, and growing up in that environment and hating it, I went the opposite direction. At one point, I moved cross country and everything I owned fit in my car. Since then, I’ve been accumulating a lot of stuff and as time goes by, I feel myself becoming more and more anxious when I’m at home. I knew it was time to purge, but I kept putting it off. So, a few weeks ago, I started a donate pile in the corner of my bedroom and I’ll be taking it to the thrift store in a couple of days. I worried that I’d go back through it and change my mind about some of it, but the longer it has sat there, the more excited I am about getting rid of it. I’m not done yet, this is just round one, and I already feel so much better, and so much lighter. Even though I’m not literally carrying it around, it definitely has been weighing me down. I’m more than ready to let it go and start round two! Thank you for your videos. Very insightful and encouraging.


I love the idea of asking "is this item happy living here?" As a very sentimental person, this is a great perspective shift to consider. Also, the idea of someone else being responsible for letting go is a good consideration! I'm an artist, so potential art materials that I've collected over the years with my intention to upcycle have been my biggest area to downsize. I like to breathe new life into old items that would probably otherwise be trash, but there has to be a limit!


If somebody else forced you to get rid of the item would you feel relieved.
This is a great one!!


One of the most common decluttering ideas of boxing things up and putting them away always struck me as double the work. I believed that decluttering once was the way to go. However, i recently found some boxed items and realized I didn’t even remember I hadn’t used them in 2 years or missed those things. Wow, the lesson I learned is that if you absolutely can’t part with items, try boxing them and removing them from your everyday space. If you go back to that box in 6 months or a year and never once even thought of those things, let alone needed them for anything, you have broken that attachment and can part ways.


My biggest challenge is getting rid of items I’ve been given as gifts. It’s not that I want to keep it, but I care about hurting the giver’s feelings, or I don’t want to deal with offending them. I need to watch the decluttering gift video 😃


My biggest decluttering struggle is getting rid of art and craft supplies. It's probably because of two things: firstly, they cost quite a lot of money and secondly, I hope I'll still use them some day (because I know how to name it... so it's kind of wasting the potential). It makes sense, seemingly. But the truth is I have no time for everything and I like doing too many things. So I've recently made a list of priorities and it turns out that way most important for me is music and there's so much I can work on in this field that there's not much time left each day for any other hobby. The second on the list was physical exercise and that would be it, no more time left during the day. And you know what? That was it. Just realizing what's most important solved the problem. I've found new homes for all the obsolete items and made some friends really happy with awesome presents. And as a bonus I got my kids do the same just because they saw how big a relief that was for me and how much more time and "mental space" I got because of that.


A couple years ago I did a HUGE purge of my entire home. It felt so good getting rid of all those things that no longer served me. The only thing I had a hard time parting with was my makeup of all things. I don’t wear much makeup at all anymore but I had a hard time getting rid of it because it was barely used and such a waste of money. I don’t regret getting rid of anything. I regret buying some of those things in the first place.


Interesting points covered Vera.
I have loved living in a studio
apartment for many years. So
although it is not so small as such,
there is a limit to the amount of
things one can put in it. I now use
the one out first rule before the
next item enters my life. Have
never had problems getting rid
of things due to having lived in
a few countries. Besides nice
things can be found or bought in
most larger cities. Also being
recently retired, it is amazing how
fewer clothes I need. Love my
lifestyle and things as they are
all enjoyed and used.


I love the coin toss method it definitely works for me.


Saturday is my day for tidying up and it always make me joyful to see notification from you! Thank you, simplifying my home helped a lot in dealing with anxiety and also makes cleaning much easier when rainy days come.


Up to now the question; “does this deserve my service” helped me a lot (like dusting, ironing, moving, giving space…). Now I have 11 great more ways to help me decide, thank you.


The last question relieves a lot of guilt. Thank you!


Great tips! I had a china cabinet that I loved, but I didn’t really have the space for it when we moved. I kept it and put it in an awkward space, until one day I said “I am ready for you to have a new home.” I know, crazy, but I put it for sale and a mother bought it for her daughter who was starting in her first home away from home. She loves it and that makes me very happy.


I moved so many times. Eventualy from a huge farm to a small town house. I have this huge 4 meter table, it's antique from India, it's a elegant beauty from jati wood. It was filled with food, laughter and my kids, friends and pupils. It's time to let it go and buy a small one. This time in my life asks for a small table and a small desk. I experienced decluttering as part of changes in my life. Moving helped a lot 😉


Excellent, excellent video ; such clarifying questions !! Thank you !!! Thank you !!! Thank you !!!💕💕💕


One of the areas I still get stuck is expensive items. If I paid over $200 for something, I seem to have a harder time just donating. And it’s not that I would mind donating an expensive item, it seems to be more around feeling like you said, “I haven’t gotten my money’s worth, yet” so your tip on would it be happier somewhere else is a good one. Even expensive items want to be used and loved. So I have a few items that are ready to be moved along where someone will give them more love and use! Great video as always 😀
