What if you use Avada Kedavra on Bosses - Hogwarts Legacy

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What if you use Avada Kedavra on Bosses - Hogwarts Legacy

#hogwartslegacy #gryffindor #hogwarts
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Lore reasons for why it didn't work on certain enemies:

The Pensieve Guardian was immune because it was not a living thing.

Graphorns are tougher than dragons, hidewise, and resistant to magic, yes, but a simpler reason is that you did not intend to kill it, which is why you can't even cast the spell as you need intent.

Victor Rookwood disapparated before he was hit by it, same way dumbledore dodged Voldy's AK in order of the phoenix.

The Ranrok Dragon was specifically a dragon made out of Goblin silver and Ancient magic. The only way to block AK is by putting an inanimate, nonliving, target inbetween you and the one casting the curse, (Goblin silver in this case)


Also makes sense you’re not allowed to use the killing curse on the graphorn as your objective is to tame it, not kill it.


Finally, somebody wearing proper Hogwarts student clothing and not some edgelord wannabe with hannibal lecter mask


the real unforgivable curse is naming your character 'random guy' XD


Im fine with it not working on ancient magic constructs and ranrok. They use a mysterious power we barely are beginning to comprehend, its stated that most normal magic doesnt seem to work (fig mentions that ranrok was wholly unaffected by his own magic)
It works on Every other boss in the game as an instant kill save rookwood and harlow because they have scripted parts of their duels


I remember using it on rookwood during the battle. Sucked that it didn't insta kill him but having it one shot him to the point where the scripted duel immediately kicks in was good enough. Felt satisfying using that and crucio on him considering what he did to anne


"How delightful. Allow me to put you out of---"

"Hue hue, Avada Kedavra go brrrr"


Honestly I feel that they implemented Avada Kadavra perfectly, it's OP as fuck, except with certain lore friendly instances such as Ranrok because you aren't attacking Ranrok you're attacking an artificial construct, the Penseive Guardians and Inferi which aren't alive so you can't kill them, destroy yes but not kill.
And finally, the Graphorn which you need on your side which couldn't happen if you killed or tortured it.


for anyone who needs it: Any spell with a cutscene can disrupt any and all attacks from enemies even if the enemy is immune. The visual of there attack sometimes plays but all damage is sent to 0. You can use this for stuff like the pensive boss easily. I am not sure if its the same in all difficulties as I have only played through on hard mode.


You can cast Avada on Harlow too, but he isn't instant killed, he survives it and go to Azkaban


The thing is it is a killing curse so no matter what it should be a one hit kill


Well it does make sense for Guardian and Ranrok to resist it as they are mechanical/magical only, you still get to kill all biological beings.
Also it would not make sense to be able to use Unforgivables on the Graphorn you try to befriend.


I remember using avada kedavra on ranrok at the last stage of his fight when he was vulnerable and it did a good chunk of dmg, my character also said "This is for Professor Fig!"

The emotion i felt at that moment.
Casting the killing curse requires the user to truly wish death upon their target, and my wish to get revenge was strong...
It honestly made me more immersed in the story XD


It was so incredibly satisfying to one-shot bosses, especially rookwood and harlow. Just a great neutral good action of using a killing curse to immediately stop threats that had been killing and terrorizing innocent people. It did make me feel better about using it after seeing the memory of the keeper using it.


This is the most fun game ive played in years. I am taking my time and progressing very slowly to enjoy every minute of this.


01:33 I laughed at how the spiders waited as if saying "bruh, the troll was smoked... So... are we, like, going to continue to fight?"


I feel like this has something to do with it being ancient magic. Just like fighting ranrok at the end. They are both entirely made up of ancient magic which was shown not to be affected by regular wand magic


What I'm learning is that it's a 1-shot for everything that isn't made of stone, metal or good at disappearing before you hit it


My brain tryna process the lack of cooldown 💀


I like how rookwood just shits his pants and apparates away
