Crafting & Base Building Completely Changes The Idea of Star Citizen

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One of the biggest features to come to Star Citizen is base building, and with the recent showcase of current plans, crafting also received a highlight. Both of these systems go much deeper than I expected, and offer what made many love games like Star Wars Galaxies. Here is the rundown of what to expect.

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00:00 Base Building is Coming
01:26 Crafting
07:37 Base Building


Music by Artlist

Tobii Eye Tracker 5

#starcitizen #basebuilding #spacetomato
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It changes THE IDEA of Star Citizen. Until it's actually in-game, we don't know just what it will do, but this could have a HUGE impact on how the game is MEANT to work as we previously understood.


Looking forward to upgrading hotdogs with tier 3 wagyu quazigrazer meat.


Can't wait till see all this in 5-10 years.


I like how they're following what SWG did for base building, resource gathering and crafting.


I saw a lot of complains on reddit that this year's citizencon was too speculative and conceptual and not enough information about whats going to happen next year. But to me, this is the first time I could really see how this game will actually work and why it will be fun, and the scope seems to be something they can actually deliver. Even if it will take a few more years...


3 hours worth of info from cit con delivered in an easier to digest and understand manner in 15 minutes. The ultimate TLDR. good job tomato


These are the kinds of features we so desperately need to give meaning and purpose to this game.


Now this, is what the space civilization would really look like. Industrial expansion with the absurdly advanced technologies. Still, there are some lacked backbone structure of the society in the game but this is really cool. An entire industry line is constructed to operate a mini-society with dedicated economy. This is immensely cool indeed.


I feel like this system does a lot to increase player agency, as it gives us a lot more options and things to work with. It's a direction that works well for many games, however I think it takes too much away from the NPC economy we're supposed to have here.

When guns built by a reputed weapon company like Behring, or ships made by an established manufacturer like Crusader who even bought an entire planet to facilitate ship construction ends up producing items that aren't as good as the stuff random players can build in their backyard, complete with the original manufacturer's logo and everything, it makes the world economy feel like a joke to be ignored entirely while players just trade amongst themselves if they want anything worth obtaining.

I liked the idea of being just a dude who takes part in a big universe that's doing great without me, and feeling like taking part in it by buying items from those fancy NPC shop was me getting getting rewarded for taking part in something greater. Doing the same thing now means I'm just making due with second grade stuff until I can afford the better versions built by the average Joe who didn't use bottom tier materials instead.


Well-scripted and informational video. Nice one, ST. =)


A lot of this is exciting to me. All of it really. Long ago I decided that I didn't particularly care for the direction the flight model was going and I decided I would instead be an industrial player, not a combat one. I decided my end goal was to be able to mine, salvage, grow, research, etc to make goods which I could then sell to players. I picked up the BMM and Privateer to provide storefronts.

This is all leading to exactly what I wanted to do (though now that we can build storefronts in bases, it does make me question my BMM/Privateer).

One of the things I really like about this though is that I can see the best setup being to have multiple bases, such as a store setup in a lawful well traveled system (probably Terra for me) but also resource outposts in other areas, even unlawful ones. You then need to built a distribution network across all those.

Honestly I could have a hell of a lot of fun with this entire system in a Single Player game, but we'll see how much I can manage to do in this MMO :)

Really looking forward to it all! And if anyone has need of building services, me and my Pioneer will be available for hire :D


Tomato! You make explain everything so clearly. I appreciate it.


Well made video. Informational without being boring, exciting but without being naive. The content comes across as a journalistic in nature.
Well crafted mate.


This has to be some of the best content I've watched. You're interesting, don't yap too long about certain stuff, and have a killer voice. Thanks for giving me a good 15:40 minutes.


Star Wars Galaxies is exactly the way I explained the player housing the crafting.



Have loved your videos lately, man, it's become a daily visit to your page. Keep up with rad work.♡


Nice video very clear and entertaining to watch


Great summary of a lot of info! Looking forward to the future of SC!


If they let us modify the titan suits to be a few times larger, I am sold! again!


correction at 2:15:
The primary material changing quality and secondary material changing yield/speed and catalyst changing speed was mentioned for refining blueprints only.
You notice in the screenshot that the secondary material effects fire rate.
Check the 'CitizenCon 2954: Crafting Your Home' video at 10:16. Quote: "most items require multiple different materials to make which may *each* influence different stats"
