Another look at core IPC using Statuscore on an Intel Skylake CPU

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In this video we are going to take a look at the core IPC of Intel's Skylake processor when rendering the AMD Ryzen image that AMD demonstrated at their New Horizon event in Austin on December 13. Analyzing this information will give us the exact IPC of Skylake and should allow us to extrapolate the IPC of Zen. This video also looks to validate the results and conclusions that we came up with on our previous video by using 2 completely different configurations to arrive at the same answer. I will be exploring Intel and AMD core IPC in up coming videos, and I am super excited to get my hands on Ryzen to verify AMD's claims so please subscribe to my channel to be the first to find out! Stay tuned!
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The temp on Core 3 was kinda buggy, later on in the video it kept switching between 100°C and 37°C while running idle. Then again, it'd be pretty easy to tell what the overall core temps are when the other cores are likely to have similar temp readings.
Anyways, can't wait for Statuscore to go public though.


Nice job, subbed :) Hope to see more Ryzen related stuff, and other CPU's from Intel too. What country are you from?


I really like what you are doing, but once Ryzen releases I hope you do these tests with SMT disabled. Similarly for Intel with HT disabled. We really don't know how good or bad AMD's solution is compared to Intel's, so testing with one thread for each core would be a truer indication of IPC. Also, subscribed.


fantastic work! One nice feature you might add to status core... would be a logging feature to log this info at 1 second intervals to a .csv file which you can then load into a spreadsheet.

btw, if you want me to test Status core on an i7-4770, i7-5930K, or a 48 core Opteron system... i'd be happy to beta-test it.


Check out the temps of core 3 at 10min+
When it drops under 37C the temp goes to 100C :)
A light bug in the code


So how does this compare to the Skylake IPC?


wait are you running this in a virtual machien or are you simply using your main zeon system to capture it off the skylake system.
