EDC Kit in a Tin Can

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Here is a compact EDC kit that I set up. . I'm definitely going to miss all of the larger gear from my EDC pouch, but I guess I'll see how it goes. Let me know what you think about this kit. What else should I have added?? What would fit?

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Kevlar String:


Thanks for upgrading my little tin box. While on a bicycle ride in Istanbul. My rented bike's fender lost a screw. We did not have a screw, but we had Kevlar string, the small pocket knife, and towelettes. We quickly made repairs and continued our ride.
Tin was small enough that it easily fit in my pocket.
Thanks again.


One of the best kits I've seen on here. Actual practical items. Considering my normal EDC is flashlight, multitool, knife, pen, pistol, ...I'm wanting to piece together practical items other than what I already carry. Everyone is different and should not copy another's kit, but tailor their own kit to what their everyday needs are.


This is fantastic man. In my opinion one of the best Altoids kits I've seen. Thanks for sharing


Very neat and compact kit that has a few useful items. Then it comes to the matches, I've personally opted for a lighter, although I'm not a smoker either. I do however keep it in my pockets, and gives me more uses than matches would, especially when considering that a match is wasted when blown out by the wind, but then again my scenario for EDC pretty much counts as an "outdoors" type kit as I'm on the road more often than not. Either way, your kit is well thought out in my opinion, and you've adapted it for your daily use, which not a lot of people realize when putting a kit together, well done


Very cool. Only thing you could really add to a kit that small I would say is a magnifying lens. They come in very handy


I think you have some really smart ideas and showed some very useful items and tricks in a small size box. All could be a good thing to have for anyone. If it were mine I would need more Band-Aids ready on the top of the box lid. 😂


I have the same olight light in mine, same with the leatherman. They're perfect for the tin


Thanks for the video. I have been carrying my edc in a tin for 3 years.
It is small stuff that is nice to have but a pain to carry in a bag or pocket, so the box was brilliant. By the way, I got my box from you and it has been brilliant to carry. Thanks


first altoids tin survival kit in a long time that i actualy like and think that its usable. Great job sir :)


I always like comparing my kit to others. Nice seeing different needs implemented


Nice kit. I have made a number of these over the years with similar items (except the Play-Do). I'd like to answer a number of the comments questioning the convenience of taking stuff out of it. The kits I carry in my POCKET are primarily for emergency and first aid use. I do have a number of edc items in it but seldomly take them out because I carry a primary knife and Chap stick in another pocket. I do use its fiber cloth to clean my glasses once in a while and have used the lighter a few times to like a cigar. The most important item in all my kits is a spare car key, that has saved the day a couple of times. I put a lot of time into building them all with the hope of never having to use any item in it. Go figure, huh.


Well thought out. In my experience, the most useful, or used, items are cash and bandaids. Recommend you put the bandaids on top, not on bottom.


Good little pack. I would stuff in a mini Bic lighter. Space is limited in a tin, but ya gotta have it. That boker knife is pretty perfect for tin packs.


Nifty little kit! Inspiring. Thank you


Love your kit the only thing I would add is a couple of cable ties


Nice kit, Take a look at mini clipper lighter (made in Spain) Unlike mini bic it is refillable and reflintable and you can carry just flint-wheel part to produce sparks and start a fire (works well with cotton balls or toilet paper)


Your kit in a tin contains several useful items. The problem with keeping the light, knife, and multitool inside the box is that it makes them more difficult and slower to access when you need them. Opening the box to get to the knife, for example, takes time and risks spilling the other kit contents. How about keeping a few of the kit contents on the outside of the box? Thanks for the video.


What a great little urban EDC !

There's quite a few things here I've never seen before.

I can think of one addition tho', a credit card size magnifier 😆

Thank you very much for going to the effort of supplying Amazon links 👍

PS: You forgot to mention the ranger band makes excellent (but foul smelling) emergency fire 🔥 starter. A tiny birthday candle is a good addition too.


I like the items in your EDC, I do think for a fraction of the price of both the Leatherman Squirt and the flashlight, there are more cost effective alternatives since EDC is really just for a back-up, so the items are probably not regularly used. I see on these videos that a majority carry a regular size leatherman and/or Swiss Army multi-tool in their pocket anyway. $62 for a tiny multi-tool back-up doesn’t seem practical. Only my opinion. I think it’s a great tool for sure, just not practical for what it’s being used for. Also, while a lighter may take a little more room, if opting out of carrying that, I’d swap your current matches for the “strike anywhere” matches. Then you don’t need to worry about whether you lose your striker or it’s gets soaked for whatever reason.
