How to Make Your DOG HAPPIER - 10 Key Tips

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All of you watching this trying to make your dogs happier are the best kinds of people and I hope you all find the same happiness you want for your dogs.


You searched for this??
You're a good hunan being.
I wish your pet live long, healthy and happy life.


I just got my puppy 3 days ago and I want her to live a good life, I’ll do anything for her 😊


1. Healthy and tasty food
2. Play with them
3. Exercise
4. Positive Education
5. Hygiene
6. Learn their language
7. Comfort and security
8. Health
9. More attention
10. Love


i’ve had my dog for 6 years and i have only taken the bare minimum steps to make him happy. i’ve never felt so selfish and immature in my life. im going to make him the happiest dog on the earth


I believe dogs need all the attention you can give them 🐕


8 hrs? if I leave my alone for 10 min he will try to attempt suicide


my dog had a twin, but he had cancer and passed away. Now the one who is still alive just mopes around, but i want him to be happy again ☹️


Talking to your dog. My dog(s) have always made eye contact when we talk together. In fact, when I cook, one of my dogs was always curious as to what I was doing. It was so much the food as it was, what was keeping my hands busy. So I’d lift him up and let him look at what I was doing. He never when for the food. In fact he really paid little attention to scent. But, loved looking at the array of stuff I had going on.


The family pet dog I had since I was 12 is starting to show sign of old age now and the thought of not having her around makes me watery eyed. She is part of the family and I know we won’t always have the ones we care about with us forever but when you start to think about that time coming it’s really heartbreaking. It’s something most people have gone through at one point or another but I never really thought about it ever happening to us until now. She is a small dog and is still so cute and adorable that we always still think of her and treat her like a little baby. She’s 13 now and I hope we have her for at least another 7 years in good health.


My dog loves to have her neck and shoulders massaged. If I’m sitting on the couch, she will come and sit, turning her back to me, because she wants a massage. lol


1. Feed them well
2. Play with them
3. Make him exercise
4. Positive education
5. Care about their hygiene
6. Learn to understand their language
7. Provide comfort, security and confidence
8. Pay attention to their health
9. Give them more of your attention
10. Offer your love!


That little cocker spaniel is adorable 💕


I was happy to see I already do all those things. I have also had 3 distaste bets day my Australian Kelpie had the best teeth they have ever seen. She is now 12 and still had left white teeth. I give her a bone every one to 2 weeks and this teeth chew sticks inbetween. She had never been sick. Best smartest dog I have ever owned and she is beautiful as well as friendly and helpful.


I wish i could bring my dog to work with me 😭 the office next the one i work at bring their dog and im like damn.. thats goals


I want my family dog to be the happiest girl ever especially as she has been so kind to our family 💕


i got mine 1 year ago and everyday he would cry and bark at the window because he misses his family, i tried my best to make him happy by giving him all attention and buying him toys but it wouldn’t work so one day i made his favorite food, took him out for a walk, let him play with his family and friends, and cuddles ofc now that has been our daily routine and he always has his tongue sideways i swear it’s the best view


Our lovely dogs deserved those time and attention from us!


Currently laying in bed giving my dog a belly rub while watching this ❤️


Who else couldn’t stop saying HE’s A GOOd boY!!!” To the dog clips while watching this video
