Stanley Saw Tooth Set Tool Review

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This is a neat tool that let's you adjust the individual bends in saw teeth to restore the cut kerf or modify it with precision. great for hand saws, bow and larger manual wood saws and pruning saws/blades.
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I've been waiting on this one. I have 1 of each of these types (my Stanley type is steel) and a third totally different. Old saws had heat treatment of the whole band of steel so you could actually keep sharpening and resetting until it was a nub. New saws use different material for the teeth. I have several old saws I plan on mastering the technique of resharpening on. You won't find those sets anywhere new now, good score!


Wow! First time I"ve seen a tool like this. I've wondered how to sharpen a saw blade. I'd like to try a 1640 on my hack-saws. Great vid, Ty. Keep'em coming!


I wonder if you could color mark the tooth you have done and then just keep going from there, color marking each finished tooth. Rinse and repeat.


I occasionally still use it to sharpen my jigsaw wood blades.


I have sharpened and set teeth on a table saw blade with a setting tool my Grandfather had. Still have the tool. I'm thinking it's a hundred years old, perhaps more.


I'm glad I found your no nonsense video. Subscribed too. I have a Dunlap hand saw set but the internet lacks info on these tools. I almost sold the Dunlap tool until I watched your video. I'm wondering if it would be easier to mount blade in vise set alternating teeth in one direction, then turn blade around and set remainder of teeth.
Nice collection of videos on your channel.
Cats are cool.🐱


My Dad found one today and he was wondering what is it for? That's how end up here.


I hate that everything is disposable these days. I would live nothing more than having to sharpen and set saw teeth if you want a quality blade.

Unfortunately everything is disposable and nobody would pay for the time it takes to care for anything, so you're forced to go the time-saving route in any trade, no matter how much garbage it produces.


Hate your cheesy vid intro Catus 🐈 but love your content of all sorts of old/new/ & price range tools.


Hopefully I don't offend you by saying you're a bit out of your element on this one,
There are much nicer older models than this particular Stanley, and it's considered a cheapo.

A lot of people myself included still use handsaws.
Maybe not in construction or general handyman applications but professional carpenters fine woodworkers and of course DIY'ers like me still use hand saws.
A corded power saw is a bit of a hassle sometimes, but I don't really need a cordless model so I've got a saw cabinet on the wall full of hand saws.
