Our Failing Education System

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It used to be that the really bright ones went to Harvard. Now, the really bright ones drop out.

#CharlesEisenstein #Education #DeSchool #Unschooling #Parenting #Philosophy #Authors
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Both my daughters left mainstream school and are home and community educated..The deep shift I see in their beings is so incredible and moving. Here in Ireland more and more families are shifting away from the colonial education of this land.
Watching my daughters return to the land and language and feel a sense of belonging here on this island is for us what “education” is. In this space horses have found them and everyday teach them about life..

Thankyou Charles for sharing your gift of truth and inspiring us to see this. grá ó Éirinn


I’ve only just found you through Aubrey Marcus, and I must say, you have given me so much hope for our future


Wow. I am so happy to find Charles. I have felt this message in me, but my family and friends don't understand. My children's grandparents put so much pressure on my kids to go to college.


Universities in today's world is a business institution and has not updated its method to provided better education. The world is changing fast towards 4th industrial revolution and these students graduation with degrees find their education is no longer relevant. Government and the leaders should stop putting people in a box instead help them discover their potential to be great.


Thank you for the video. Terrific selection courses for The Technologies of the Story of Interbeing.

I found out too late that the education system is built to entrap. My parents were sure it was the way toward a good life. I can't say that I regret my choice to buy in, but that was many years ago. The world has changed so much since I was in school 40 years ago. The system has no idea what our young people will need in 10 years, much less in 30 or 50 years.

Make stuff. Create. Show what it is to be human. Art, food, homes, clothing. Learn to heal and care for people and other beings.


Seems like Charles and I have a lot in common. Same age, similar childhood thoughts, struggles with school and expectations, etc. One of my sons dropped out of high school, the other didn't finish college, for exactly the reasons Charles talks about. I had a good college experience; not because of its structure but because of the good fortune to sign up for the right classes from the right teachers and to meet the right grad school advisors.


My son is almost 2 and I am looking for ways to teach him that will lead to a loving caring life of service to others and the world . The classroom is grounds for competition. And doesn't instill the community values I want him to embrace


This came such at the perfect timing. I just got accepted to a farm which provides a learning space for self-sustainable living and permaculture. I just held a presentation to my parents why this is essential for my education.


Well said, encouraging, thoughtful and without degrading the past efforts of others. Time for change.


Thank you, I really appreciate this message!!


All forced into a high speed race to nowhere. Just think what they could have seen on there journey if they were going a little bit slower and had a GPS. Direction is much more important than speed.


Once a man or woman has accepted the need for school, he or she is easy prey for other institutions. Once young people have allowed their imaginations to be formed by curricular instruction, they are conditioned to institutional planning of every sort.
Ivan Illich


Hello Charles, I would love to see a draft of this idea of a 4 year curriculum for interbeing. What other areas of life would you include?
For me depth psychology is one.
I wonder what are yours?


Charles, i love yr tshirt, please tell me where can i get one 💕


Gotta love the cookie cutter, one size fits all educational system.


Thank the Corona virus for helping to force reform to the public school education system.The lesson that will be learned will be Maybe we don't need 100, 000 school buildings in the United States, 3 million teachers and three and a half million support to educate 53 million public School students at a cost of approximately $15, 000 per year per student. Summer vacation paid. The public school system is still riding in a horse and buggy in 2020 we have cars that drive themselves.


Wait! What! 21 and 19 year old son? How old are you?


152 thumbs up one thumb down must be a public school teacher.lol
