Failure of concrete anchors explained

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This video investigates critical failure modes in concrete anchors. Concrete anchors can fail in a number of ways; during design, engineers have to check all possible failure scenarios and ensure that they will not occur. The design process involves a number of parameters that need to be carefully considered and optimized. The most important of these parameters include: embedment, bolt diameter, edge distance, and prying.

The design considerations in this video are based on the Canadian Standard Association (CSA) A23.3 Design of concrete structures, 2019.

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As a licensed professional engineer I can say you did an amazing job with this video. Also Simpson Strong-Tie also makes a really good software and is my preference for design and product selection.


This was really interesting to watch as a hard surface concept artist for the game industry. It gave me some insight into how to better communicate believable patterns of both construction and damage.


7 whole minutes on concrete anchors. I needed this


Italian restaurant in Canberra, waiting for my wife to have dinner. This popped up on my YouTube and I watched it without sound immediately sent to my best mate. Builder and my favourite apprentice in Sydney. Great work


I appreciate the information . I was once told by my brother of a failure of structure that the root cause was where the rebar placed in the concrete was not correct . It was at the wrong dept in the concrete . Not shocking news but it was important to note how placement of the rebar effects the load handling of concrete


I've been a drafter specializing in precast concrete structures for the past few years, and I like the way the info in this video was presented. I'd love to see a video on concrete embeds and prestressing strand. But for now I'm off to watch any other videos you have.


explanation is simple and concise.
thank you.

wonderful after images and failure animation too.


Excellent presentation on anchors. In the past, I preferred using post install types. I found it easier to accurately place anchors when working on a flat finished slab. When using J Bolts, we used a template made from plywood with holes for the bolts. We would place template and bolts in concrete together; depth, spacing, final dimensions. in 1 step. We also had dimension points on template and outer forms. This helped getting accurate placement. Once the concrete has hardened, very difficult to fix an error. It was always less expensive doing it right, than having to fix it later.


Hence the famous movie quote "We're gonna need a bigger bolt". Who knew Jaws was an engineering movie?


I don't do civil or concrete, but my bet as an electrical engineer with a materials background:

Best anchor: welded to the steel reinforcement or glued to whatever other reinforcement. All other anchors subject concrete to tension.


You have done an amazing job! You have shown the impact engineering can have in solving global problems. Bravo for your hard work and dedication!


I built some footings/bases for some very large planters and being an auto technician thought I would get some advice first, Which I sought from a guy in our village who designs big civil engineering stuff docks, quays, bridges etc.over a couple of pints in our local pub. Following his tips and adding my own idea by constructing a welded framework of 3/4" rebar to hold the fixings so the load is spread more evenly through the concrete base. Later when he came by I proudly showed him them, he said that they were far too big and his quick estimate reckoned the fixings offered about 40-50 ton of clamping force and that combined they could support one end of a typical pedestrian overpass🤣🤣🤣.They are still there though😁


I'm just a homeowner diy-er and was looking for which anchors i should buy for my aluminum pergola and i ran into this head just exploded.

Now I'll never be too sure in the way i install this pergola 😅

Awesome video though. 2 thumbs up!


Thanks for the explanation/information I work in the rope access field and this helps a lot to keep remembering all this types of works


Considerations, Specifications for anchor bolts via use of concrete: no to be used when vibrations and exposure to freezing temperatures are present…in time they such type of anchorage will fails. (vibrations will be a pulverizing action between the bolts threads and the holding concrete…freezing temperatures will act as a expansion and contraction of water moisture between the bolt and holding concrete reducing the holding strength bolt-concrete to failure.


very impressive demonstration.
Further more comprehensive videos will be awaited on "Anchors"


Thanks especially for the math. Math for these subjects is greatly under-appreciated. I over the weekend, I was installing a handrail for my swimming pool - it bolts to the concrete on the edge of the pool and has a massive 48" overhang out over the underwater steps. So the leverage on it is huge and I worried that the four drop-in anchors provided with the kit might be insufficient. I did the math for a 300lb person leaning on the end of the handrail - and looked up the specs on those anchors - and...holy cow...nowhere near enough! So I got some 1/2" undercut anchors and was happily installing them when I found that the holes in the base plate of the handrail were a little too small. So...drill them out - right? Well, it's a 5mm stainless steel plate and I wrecked three drill bits trying to do that! So, score 10/10 for the math, 1/10 for my own materials knowledge!


Being a psychology grad from a family of engineers I thoroughly enjoy your content to relax before bedtime


Very nice and short, and perfectly illustrated, thank you.


Amazing video, Dude. You're killing it
