Web vs. Mobile development. Which should you learn?

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Web development vs. Mobile development. Which one should you learn? In this video, I compare and contrast the two and talk about multiple points such as Salary, Demand, and learning curve for both. Hopefully, by the end of the video you will have a solid idea of which one you should pick if you're considering the two.

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I'm 41 years old and unsatisfied with my career path so far. I got a Bachelor's degree in English 15 years ago, and it has basically gotten me nowhere. I'm going to take a year-long course in mobile dev next year to try to kickstart my professional life and give me a new career path. This video is very encouraging, and I'm even more excited to start the class.


Start web dev, go into mobile …sounds like the best route. More jobs in web, better opportunities, pay, niche demand in mobile. But when you need that FIRST job, web will probably be easier.


I really like that you tell us what you really think is the best, and don't just gives us information and says something like "there's no better option, that depends on you"


its true. Web Development is very saturated because its easier, there are alot more tutorials and help for web, its very easy to publish the end product etc etc


You’re about to blow up! I usually watch Aaron Jack, Stefan Mischook or Ben Awad... but you’re way more down to earth than those guys! Definitely convincing me to go back to mobile dev. I taught myself how to make an android app when Java was still the boss🤣 Now I’m a web developer and I use ReactJS, so naturally rest native has been tempting me, but soon I’ll follow your advice and focus on native development before cross platform


Ex. Mobile Developer turned to Backend Engineer here. I prefer backend development because I'm in control of where my code runs.


TBH, Web development is a real pain in the ass. I realized this while making my portfolio website from scratch and its not easy lol


I would suggest beginners to learn:
1. Mongo, Express, Flutter, and Node (mobile).
2. HTML/CSS & React (web).
This will make you a full-stack mobile dev and a full-stack web dev too with JS as your common ground between both, MEFN + MERN stack!


I am a senior in college (Computer Programming) Dude, you just helped me so much 💜💜 I’ve been gravitating towards Mobile development.


great vid. web dev salary is a bit hard to pinpoint though. With cloud blowing up and the increasing demand for full-stack understanding and SRE roles, web dev salaries are much higher than what is shown on these charts. Many web developers are making 250k plus at companies. But then you also get people who claim they are web developers but are more like web designers using CSS. So it's very hard to determine.


I would say nearly everyone starts with either web based stacks for learning or building something in a language like C/Java/Python. Mobile development is huge now but way more people start off in web development and keep that course. Thinking about my own CS program I did some web programming and general programming, but the only mobile development course I took was an elective I chose to take (pretty much same experience for SQL).


I am thinking Relocation is going to be a thing of the past with COVID and most things becoming work from home, you can do either of these from anywhere in the world


The most important thing is to choose what you like best. I don't like web development at all. And I really like BackEnd and Mobile. I don't care how much they pay. It's interesting to me.


True, thank you. because I dont have degree about computer science, i am afraird that it will be harder to find a mobile development job


I think beginner should start with web dev because that will give more knowledge and concept and more over you can use these knowledge to do mobile development through hybrid framework like ionic, react native, flutter to create mobile apps.


This video cleared my doubts about Mobile dev vs Web dev, Thank you for your informative video.


I'm 29 years old and i started my carrer in 2014 as a mobile app developer with the Cordova framework, then i switched to web development in 2015 when i came to Paris. And now i thinking again to go back to android app development but this time i want to be a native developer.


This has to be one of the best videos I've seen regarding the dilemma of web or mobile dev


Great style of content man, you're so chill and down to earth. :D


Hi, I'm Brazilian, 38 years old and this year I started learning programming.
I was in doubt if I'll focus in Web or Mobile, and your video give us very important tips, thank you!
