Web Development vs Mobile App Development - Which One to Choose ?

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In this video, we'll discuss the differences between web development and mobile app development, and help you decide which one to choose as a career. We'll compare the learning curve, salaries, skill requirements, job market demand and job satisfaction of both fields. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced developer, this video will provide you with insights to help you choose the right career path based on your interests, strengths, and goals. By the end of this video, you'll have a better understanding of which field offers better opportunities for career advancement and personal fulfillment. So if you're considering a career in web development or mobile app development, this video is a must-watch!

00:00 Intro
01:20 Skills
02:35 Learning Curve
03:30 Job Market Demand
04:35 Job Satisfaction
05:25 Salaries
06:00 Why did I choose web development ?
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iOS Developer here for 7 years now.
In my opinion the learning curve for mobile development is way more easy, especially for iOS than web. Unlike web development, all I had to learn was Swift language, and I can make apps for all apple platforms. I tried web development for 3 months and I was overwhelmed by the number of technologies you need to master like JS, html, css, ajax, typescript. On iOS developing for different screen sizes is not a pain at all. For most cases, you dont have to mess with gestures, cuz OS handles most of it for you.


Exploration is the best way to figure out what you like or don't like. Better to take your time learning and exploring versus rushing to reach an unrealistic deadline and not truly learn anything.


I want to learn both and work according to the requirement.


You labeled Xamarin's logo with Flutter


Im still learning though...i wanna be fullstack
starting javascript tomorrow


Android dev here with some flutter and iOS experience. Android is significantly more difficult that flutter and iOS in my opinion. With that being said, I think both are more difficult that web development. I took a web dev Udemy course, and it was easier than all 3 other mobile platforms in my opinion. I also did web dev in college.

I think mobile is harder because of the constant adaptations and changes that arise, as well as the number of build issues that can occur everywhere. Gradle is not fun. Web devs also have more resources when they run into issues.

Also, mobile devs usually get paid more by a decent margin.


Do i need to be fully skill before i can get an internship offer?


Android apps are coded in Java, not JavaScript. Also, Kotlin is an easier choice. It's more concise, has null safeguards, and no semicolon at the end of every line!


For android you need Java or Kotlin, not JavaScript or Kotlin! There is a slight difference between Java and JavaScript!


Dude with supposedly 10 years of experience doesn’t know android is developed with Java and not JavaScript? Lmaoooo


What do you think about React Native, I think React Native is taking a lot of the mobile market so if you know web you can start making Mobile apps as well, that’s what I think but I want to know your opinion
