How to Install Home Assistant Operating System (Complete & Updated)

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00:00 - Intro
00:27 - HAOS Definition
01:18 - Host Requirements
02:35 - Comparison of Installation Methods 1 & 2
03:18 - Required BIOS Changes

06:02- Method 1 Overview
06:32 - Method 1 Walkthrough
07:04 - Step 1: Download Ubuntu
07:50 - Step 2: Download BalenaEtcher (Or Alternative)
09:05 - Step 3: Write Ubuntu to USB Drive
10:12 - Step 4: Setting BIOS Boot Order for USB
10:42 - Step 5: Booting into Ubuntu
11:36 - Step 6: Writing HAOS to USB
12:39 - Step 7: Boot into HomeAssistant OS

13:03 - Method 2 Overview
13:25 - Method 2 Walkthrough
13:53 - Step 1: Remove SSD from PC
15:00 - Step 2: Download HomeAssistant OS
15:13 - Step 3: Download Rufus
15:24 - Step 4: Write HAOS to Drive
15:46 - Step 5: Replace SSD in PC
16:31 - Step 6: Boot into HAOS

17:08 - Static IP Setup

19:35 - Wifi Setup
Command: network update WIRELESSINTERFACENAMEHERE --ipv4-method auto --ipv6-method auto --wifi-auth wpa-psk --wifi-mode infrastructure --wifi-ssid WIFI-NAME --wifi-psk WIFI-PASSWORD
Use Quotes on WiFi Name or Password if they contain spaces

21:05 - Fix Balena Flash Drive

22:00 Outro
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Just wanted to thank you SO much for this video and all the steps! I had been so frustrated with VM's crashing almost constantly. I thought I was going to have to give up... But this video saved me. Thank you! Thank you! Love the HA videos, and I hope you continue to make them!


Thanks for this Chuck, did my setup this evening and went perfect, just as shown.
Great work and underrated channel!


Thanks for the clear instructions !! I managed to install Home Assistant to my HP T630. Now let's see if I manage to link my complete home to Home Assistant.


This video is brilliant, thank you so much for the walk through 😊


Hey, I like the way to created this video, very easy to follow for a new user. You help the user go from point A to B with easy explanation. Hopefully we can see more of these kind of videos. Just a shout out to you.


Beat video on youtube for installing home assistant on mini pc . Thanks 🙏🏼


Hey man, awesome job, very clear, helpful, efficient video. Thank you so much.


I only wish I could like this video more than once. So helpfull.


As always docs have been updated since HA is awesome at documentation. Only really one minor change, possibly two. Thiz method still works 100 percent with zero issues.

They now recommend using the built in Disks utility in Ubuntu. I believe because it just works, no software download is required and it the HA image opens in Disks after downloading prompting what disk to write to because there is no third party software installed per option. Just makes it a bit quicker and more straight forward.

There is a note at the very bottom that using the USB method may require ruining 2 terminal commands by booting back into Ubuntu. Since it's a footnote at the bottom I believe this is extremely rare. I have zero idea if this footnore was there at the time this video was posted because its after the second method at the very bottom of HA's docs.


A couple of comments - First, thanks for the awesome video ... Second, there are a couple of "gotchas" with older UEFI bioses. The first is that they default to legacy bios - if you boot to the Ubuntu live USB, the default may be to use the legacy mode - in this case, you can not install HA in UEFI mode - to get around this, when booting the Ubuntu live disk, hit F11 (or F12) to bring up the boot menu and explictly select the UEFI choice for your USB stick. Then follow the directions. You will then probably have to explicitly enable the EFI boot as specified in the homeassistant instructions using efibootmgr


Good set of videos chuck. Keep up the great work. I started with HA on a pi 4 and am now running my production version of HA in a VM on proxmox. Looking good 😀


I managed to install HA using method 1 but using rufus instead of balena. I used balena at first try and it didn't boot up HA
Thank you for the instructions!


great video i did watch your other video the other day it helped alot as HA had changed the format this new new video is spot on 👍


thanks so much for this video worked a treat!


Chuck, the timing is perfect. Today I received a usb to sata adapter and I'm going to give this a whirl. I do have a question about IP addresses. My intention is to set up a HA network in a motorhome. Sometimes it will connect with my home network, but when we are on the road I don't see a need for a connections. Being able to have a completely local "smart home network" is one of the main reasons I wanted to use HA. My question is, If for some reason I do need to connect to a live network in the future on the road will there be any IP conflict issues? We have not figured out our mobile internet yet and that will be down the road so to speak, for now it will just be cell phones. Again timing is perfect, saw your earlier video and kept checking back to see if you had an update to that. Definitely going to subscribe and like as soon as I send this, Thank You. John


you need to install gnome disk utility if using kde iso of ubuntu


please review how to install proxmox on M.2 NVMe SSD and then homeassistant Thank you


Thanks for sharing your experience and enriching ours. I finally did HAOS setup in the most efficient way. However it seems we need to connect to an Ethernet outlet without which the setup was not able to hook up to internet over WiFi and complete the setup. Am I missing something?


What are the benefits to installing it directly or using a virtual machine on a windows PC


Hi chuck. Thank you so much for the video! I have successfully boot HA into the ssd. However when I restarted the laptop it keeps giving the message:"' No bootable device''. I'm using quite an old laptop Hp Presario cq56 with intell celeron. Not sure how to fix this
