How to Pack for Basic Training | Boot Camp

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"A lot of recruits ask me what to pack for basic training, so let's make that packing checklist right now. First, you're going to want a plane and a bus ticket. You're going to want several copies of your orders. You're also going to want form 1199, which is your direct deposit form. You're also going to want meal tickets and MEPS, which is your military entrance processing station; all those documents. You're going to want a copy of your birth certificate - not the original. You're also going to want 6 pair of underwear, white only, no crazy colors. You're going to want comfortable running shoes. Two locks, make sure they're combination - no padlocks, you're not going to want to carry keys around with you. Eyeglass band, but only if you wear eyeglasses of course. You're also going to want to pack 6 pair of calf-length white socks. A black marker, Sharpie medium point works best. Toiletries and a small black bag to hold all your toiletries in. Toothbrush with a case. Shaving cream. Disposable razors - not your electric razors, you can't use electric razors at basic training. Two washcloths and a towel. Don't forget that deodorant, please don't forget that deodorant. Shower shoes, all black again, no colors and no logos on those shower shoes. Shampoo and conditioner - one bottle to save space. Soap with case, please don't forget that soap. For women, you're going to want your undergarments; cotton panties and bras. And don't forget, one full slip in case you're ever in a military suit, which you will be. Flesh-tone nylon pantyhose. And quarter inch or less in diameter earrings - they can be gold, silver, pearl, or spherical diamond; which can also be worn with what they call your Class A military suit. Let's go over some miscellaneous items as well. You're going to want a long-distance calling card to call home, because you won't have access to a cell phone most likely. Small box of laundry detergent in a zip lock bag. Stamps, which will be your best friend at basic training, they're like currency. Insect repellent. Cough drops. Small notebook to take notes of course - when your drill sergeant yells at you, you want to write that down so you don't make the same mistake again. And that's pretty much your entire list. I wouldn't recommend bringing anything else because it's probably going to get confiscated for contraband.
"A lot of recruits ask me what to pack for basic training, so let's make that packing checklist right now. First, you're going to want a plane and a bus ticket. You're going to want several copies of your orders. You're also going to want form 1199, which is your direct deposit form. You're also going to want meal tickets and MEPS, which is your military entrance processing station; all those documents. You're going to want a copy of your birth certificate - not the original. You're also going to want 6 pair of underwear, white only, no crazy colors. You're going to want comfortable running shoes. Two locks, make sure they're combination - no padlocks, you're not going to want to carry keys around with you. Eyeglass band, but only if you wear eyeglasses of course. You're also going to want to pack 6 pair of calf-length white socks. A black marker, Sharpie medium point works best. Toiletries and a small black bag to hold all your toiletries in. Toothbrush with a case. Shaving cream. Disposable razors - not your electric razors, you can't use electric razors at basic training. Two washcloths and a towel. Don't forget that deodorant, please don't forget that deodorant. Shower shoes, all black again, no colors and no logos on those shower shoes. Shampoo and conditioner - one bottle to save space. Soap with case, please don't forget that soap. For women, you're going to want your undergarments; cotton panties and bras. And don't forget, one full slip in case you're ever in a military suit, which you will be. Flesh-tone nylon pantyhose. And quarter inch or less in diameter earrings - they can be gold, silver, pearl, or spherical diamond; which can also be worn with what they call your Class A military suit. Let's go over some miscellaneous items as well. You're going to want a long-distance calling card to call home, because you won't have access to a cell phone most likely. Small box of laundry detergent in a zip lock bag. Stamps, which will be your best friend at basic training, they're like currency. Insect repellent. Cough drops. Small notebook to take notes of course - when your drill sergeant yells at you, you want to write that down so you don't make the same mistake again. And that's pretty much your entire list. I wouldn't recommend bringing anything else because it's probably going to get confiscated for contraband.