The Surprising History Of The Statue Of Liberty

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Academic and Historian Tyler Edward Stovall talks about how the influence of Eastern European immigration and the evolving definition of whiteness shaped what the Statue of Liberty came to be. Stovall also talks about how the Statue of Liberty was supposed to celebrate the final emancipation of slaves hence the broken chain on the statue's foot, but instead, it became a symbol of enlightenment. The Majority Report crew discusses the influence of the destruction of multi-racial democracy.

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Tyler Edward Stovall: one of the most interesting things about the whole idea of whiteness is that whiteness is a slippery concept: who gets to be white ,changes over time. And for example, and this goes back to the statue of liberty the immigrants that were came into america the first couple decades of the 20th century the great wave of immigration from eastern europe we now look upon as white but they were not seen as white at the time for the most part. That sort of changed there's a book about italian immigrants called white on arrival which suggests that these are people that once they came to america they got to be white. Although, and not for not for many people they still weren't considered white, and for many people the statue of liberty was seen as an anti-immigrant symbol because these were people there's a wonderful cartoon for example that shows a stereotypically looking italian anarchist threatening the statue of liberty with a bomb right? that comes from this period so the idea that you can become white over time is one of the the most fascinating things about the idea of whiteness...
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This is why it is important for people to know your own history


Great subject for discussion, MR.

This professor passed away on December 11 according to Wikipedia. :(


Growing up Italian in the 50s there was residual racism leveled at us. But by the 60s it had dissipated. I prefer Italian over white.


In her book Post Traumatic Slave Syndrome, Dr Joy Degruy has a chapter on her quest to get those shackles known and seen, which even in the tours were never talked about.


Just gonna slide in and recommend the Monument Mythos series here on YouTube for anybody who likes analog horror sci-fi alternate history ARGs. The Statue of Liberty plays a significant role in it. James Dean is the president. It's excellent.


Didn't they also believe Irish people were not white?


Actually learned about crt in sociology when we were doing a project on white flight in Detroit after WW1 and WW2.


100% it reminds me of a conversation some coworkers and myself were engaging in about BLM. I voiced my opinion that I agree with the cause and the need for drastic reformation of the system of police enforcement, my coworker responded that "I'm only saying that because I'm some kind of Italian" and that I wasn't really white which was hilarious to the majority of the group.


I'd say most Anglo, Celtic types are pink. Not white. The pinks have done terrible things in the USA.


Knowledge is power and the more knowledge gained can secure the truth !!! The truth that has been deliberately hidden from view !!!


I never heard of or saw the chains of the Statue of Liberty in my life. I'm pretty sure I read descriptions of the statue: torch in one hand, book in the other hand, etc. but no mention of chains.


Hey a conversation i can agree on from the first sentence


That woman in the Delacroix painting is named Marianne.


The Statue of Liberty is functionally the largest Civil War monument in America lol :P


Going half way on freedom, justice and equality for some and not for others, makes it persist in society, to affect you. Like with blacks by the few slaver owner elites validated the perpetuation of feudalistic society that their ancestors fought against and fled from by having a pro inequality feudal racial slave society, turning whites back into serfs by not being able to compete with free labor of the injustices, liberty and anti equality laws put towards blacks. Moving them closer and closer back into the direction of a feudal serfdom with elites. Thats a white fight that took centuries to overcome against powerful wealthy elites, in a pro inequality roll that blacks took over for the self preservation of the ideology of pro inequality mindset, since it was overthrown. Where blacks who had the security of food clothing and shelter towards needing the mercy of slave owners to survive, was beholden to, that was craved & resented by whites. But what can jeopardize the expense of liberty being infringed on, that would transfer back over to more security being taken as a trap 🪤 . In where people would be payed less up to the point of indentured servitudes towards being beholden to others, to becoming slaves, because other fellow members that are Americans in are treated like crap, that would validate it therefore inevitably being transferred over into you, by an other who sees them selves as superior. Where and them! What a tool. That guy dont get that blacks are used to manipulate whites against their interest, than help. How can you want freedom justice and fairness in society and not want it in society, hypocrite. Listen to the southern strategy lee atwater tapes thats not too long ago, of using racism to get elected & talking about blacks not moving on.


Yo shes not even american


He said Freedom is holding broken chains on Delacroix's painting ?
I don't see them... 🤔


whiteness can be defined as biology or culture

the cultural definition is more important


history is GREAT if you learn from its mistakes!!! SADLY we don't!!!


Interesting take, and some interesting history. But everything is still completely from an American perspective, as if in 1920 the rest of the world was just a collection of random, unorganized, societies, as if history started when America got its independance. It is as if the war happened to America, not the rest of the world, it is just more delusional American exceptionalism, as mild as it is, it is what it is. Even when you criticise American actions, it is always 'them', never 'us', just listen to how you talk about each other.
