Pope Francis: Church can't interfere with gays

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CNN's Eric Marrapodi reports on Pope Francis' wide-ranging interview with Jesuit journalists.
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I went to church finally last Sunday after 1 year. I stopped because it was always about "abortion"...I got sick of it and am so grateful that the Pope is renouncing this kind of behavior.

I can now go to church and be at peace instead of being bombard EVERY SINGLE SUNDAY :)


Jesus said "I am the Way - the Truth and the Life, NO ONE comes to the Father but by me"
God bless you


Brother I come in peace! You are absolutely right! Jesus did say "I am the Way, the truth..." But, remember that we are supposed to pray for one another here on earth. We pray for our families, our friends. Especially for the sick, those struggling with problems and sinners. When we do this, we too are interceding for each other. As Christians we are encouraged to do this. The Saints lived before us. Many of them had similar struggles and issues we have today. Some were great sinners


My reply was not meant as an attack. That is just a hobby of mine to read spiritual books because they uplift and give me strong desires to become a better person. I'm glad you watch EWTN. I need to start watching EWTN too.


God bless us. God bless the Pope. May he instill into him the wisdom necessary to lead his Church.


... the spiritual leader of the Catholic church. He is the main pastor of more than 1.2 billion Catholics. With a large denomination like that, a leader is needed to keep the Church unified and in order. I know that for someone that has never been a catholic, our religion seems very strange and foreign. But, we worship Jesus Christ as our only Lord and Savior. He is the center of our faith.



not religious, but i think this is the pope that made me feel less apathetic towards the church. he is so down to earth and loving, and just so genuine. i enjoyed reading news about the ideas and the characters he is showing.


* The church cannot be herself without the women and her role * Exactly, every real man needs a woman to be complete . This is real Love . not the other way around .


already removed a high profile high position leader and recalled him to rome while secular investigations are ongoing. i haven't heard anything about extradition yet.


One example would be the state of the family. When a child has both parents in the home providing a sound moral education, that child has better grades, has greater fidelity to the law, is likely to pass school and get a higher education, will likely be skilled and obtain greater wealth over his or her lifetime. They will engage in less crime, have less mental health issues, etc.


I was raised by two parents in a CAtholic home. I spent 20 YEARS in therapy due to their strict nonacceptance of me and harsh punishment. Am I'm a pretty boring person. My son was raised by me alone. In the CITY of New Jersey. Poor. He is a good Christian, college educated, Police detective, great husband and father. People will be whom they ARE. You can't control them. You can suggest a way of life, but that's all. People do what they want.


Also that makes him the only elected absolute monarch in the world, if not history.


I'm catholic. I welcome this. As science advances then so should theology. As some suggest you can't mingle the two, I agree to a small percent but when acting Christ-like, Catholic Christians are reminded to mimic Christ's action. With that being said we turn to the biblical documentation of Christ. He was liberally loving, welcoming, ever forgiving, and never rejected HIS creation. If we all lived more like him then we would be required to accept diversity.


You are correct! When Jesus came to earth, he shocked many by the way he preached and by trying to change many of the traditions and way of thinking in those days. He rebuked the religious leaders, because they were arrogant, judged others and failed to see their own sins. He reached out to the poor, outcast, lonely and sinners. I believe Pope Francis is trying to do the same with the church. And I for one welcome it!


Actually if you read his statement he made no mention of changing doctrine.
He simply said the church has become too focused on these singular issues.
He spoke of reaching out to people not locking them out. He is not embracing
secular humanist values he is speaking of reaching out to individuals.


...it is a prayer composed of prayers taken from the Bible. It teaches us to pray with discipline. It encourages us to become more humble, holier and faithful to Jesus. We meditate on the life of Christ, from his birth to his resurrection when we pray it. But most important, it teaches us to focus on his teachings, his ministry and to share and understand his passion, his suffering on the cross and his joyous resurrection. Because, when you love someone like a relative or a dear friend ...


Several years ago when Larry King had his show on CNN, he asked actress Dyann Canon if she was 'born again.' When she asked Larry what he meant by that, he said "I don't know." She laughed at him and he looked annoyed. Never ask a question you are not prepared to challenge, or a basis to counter whatever the answer is. These controversial info bites on CNN are supposed to boost ratings, but all they do is stir up the ignorant and low information viewers.


Christianity is in the New Testament. Christianity is forgiveness and compassion


I'm not Catholic. At best I'm agnostic, bordering on athiest. I have little respect for organized religion, including Catholocism. Still, Pope Francis fascinates me. He might not have the power to bolster my faith in God, but he has already done much to bolster my faith in men. He doesn't scold sinners for he is one by his own admission. I think everyone, including athiests can learn from him. He is truely humble. I wish him the best, and a long happy life as Pope.


Funny you should say that, considering that there are over 1.2 Billion Catholics around the world! Making it the largest Christian Denomination on earth. In the last couple of months that he has been Pope, many ex-Catholics have come back to the faith and many more are considering returning back to the church.
