16 Personalities Starting a New Job

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The 16 Myers-Briggs Personalities as the new person at a job

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The 16 Personalities of the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator are INFJ, INTJ, INFP, ISFP, INTP, ISTP, ISFJ, ISTJ, ENFP, ENTP, ESTP, ESFP, ENTJ, ESTJ, ENFJ, ESFJ

Written by Holly P and FJ

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#16Personalities #16Types #MBTI #MyersBriggs #INFJ #INFP #INTJ #INTP #ENTP #ENFP
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ENFP 0:01
ESTP 0:14
ISFP 0:24
ENFJ 0:37
INTJ 0:57
ESTJ 1:18
ISTP 1:32
ENTP 1:42
INTP 2:01
ESFP 2:06
ISFJ 2:15
ESFJ 2:24
INFP 2:39
ENTJ 2:45
ISTJ 2:57
INFJ 3:06


INFP: "Man, I am already zoning out and dreaming of a more fulfilling life. And I just clocked in three minutes ago."

Lol this is so accurate 🤣🤣


The INTJ is the sneaky ninja of every office. You never know we are there, but we get the job done in the shadows.


I was just having an existential crisis the other day about probably not being able to retire when I looked at my 401k account 😂 Spot on for us ISTJs!


INTP is spot on. Difference for me is I get my work done during the last hour of the work day instead of the first.


The most relatable INTJ sketch for me lol. Having asked to introduce myself scares me the most out of everything about starting a new job


Two personality-types trying to convince the other side to surrender in war would be a great idea! ENTJ and ISTJ/INTJ would be a great example


The danger of introductions is when you double up on someone you were introduced to 5 mins ago because you already forgot they existed. - INTJ


As an ENFP this is slightly exaggerated but still fairly accurate. I think I have had about 30 different jobs in my lifetime.


INFJ here, I didn't know what "imposter syndrome" was so I looked it up and now I feel like it's one of the things I've most identified with in my life :')


Okay but I’m an INTP and… that’s LITERALLY me. I get my work done way early, goof off on my phone and just don’t tell anyone


OMG! The INFJ is so accurate! I went to counseling last year and one of my goals was to get a job because I graduated in the spring with a bachelor in social work. I had major imposter syndrome when I first started working with her. It is a work in progress still, but I am trying to own my skills and abilities. Here we are in January and I haven't been able to find a job I qualify for in my area yet. I just interviewed for a remote crisis counselor job I am hoping I get! Anyway, my counselor made me stop talking negatively about myself and said that I am qualified for the degree I have! I just might have to learn things as I go like everyone else!


The infj one is so accurate. Every day I'm convinced I'm gonna be fired lol


INTJ here. When I was in AIT, after about 7 weeks, one of my sergeants accused me of intentionally flying under the radar. He was correct.


Wouldn't it be fascinating to watch the sixteen personality types (specially ISTPs) as Princesses?


Yepp. As an ENTP with ADHD I actually agree that a cubicle is basically a recipe to make sure I will be the least productive I can be. And don't even statt with "we keep our doors open here". I'm here to work, Janet. Not to be social with you.


😂 ESTJ made me lol, especially since my husband is ESTJ and is the boss of IT.🤣 I admit a lot of these have gone through my head at a new job, although I never thought of a liquor cabinet.🤔 And, I did “hold it” for 8 hours on my very first job when I was young. smh☺️🤦‍♀️


I want to see how close my experience matches up. I'm an ENFP scientist. My last job I was a lab manager. First thing I did was T pose to assert dominance over the scientists which they loved and then set up a DND group. I then started to get to know everyone, tried to work and help in every position so I can get as much information as possible about the WHOLE operation while also finding out who I can socialize with. I end up having super deep convos within the first couple of days with my colleagues and we are super chill after a week or less.


A few ideas:

1. 16 Personalities at a Costume Party
2. 16 Personalities at Band Camp
3. 16 Personalities as

I have others, too…


Very interesting. As an INFP, I always thought capitalism might be a better system for ISTJ-types, who don't get into the abstract debilitating nature of the system and can just stay in the moment and get work done. Watching your representation of the ISTJ (and seeing some actual ISTJs confirm it in the comment section) has been a mini spiritual awakening.
