KUBOTA BLACKOUT What you need to know

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We’re working hard to keep our most frequently purchased parts in stock before the upcoming blackout window. However, we strongly recommend placing your orders now while we can still access Kubota’s warehouse.
If you’re planning repairs, this is the perfect time to review your parts needs and place your orders.
Important Notice:
Kubota’s warehouse will not process any parts shipments until January 19th. Once systems are back online, there will be a backlog of up to three weeks’ worth of orders to process. Because of this, we cannot guarantee when orders for out-of-stock parts will ship.
Place your orders today to avoid delays!
If you’re planning repairs, this is the perfect time to review your parts needs and place your orders.
Important Notice:
Kubota’s warehouse will not process any parts shipments until January 19th. Once systems are back online, there will be a backlog of up to three weeks’ worth of orders to process. Because of this, we cannot guarantee when orders for out-of-stock parts will ship.
Place your orders today to avoid delays!
KUBOTA BLACKOUT What you need to know
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