Get rid of Moss in Lawn - How To

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Moss doesn't like iron rich water. So if you have a ground water pump and the water happens to be iron rich use that water to water the grass. The grass loves iron rich water and it will turn nice dark green. You can also buy chelated EDDHA iron and mix one or two tea spoons inside a spray bottle, 10 liters or two or three gallons, and spray it on the grass and the moss. A small bucket chelated EDDHA iron will last for years and it will cost around 25 Euro or dollar depending on the size bucket that you order. You can also use the chelated EDDHA iron for the plants in your fishpond if they look a bit light green. It's not toxic. Although it turns the water a bit reddish for a couple of days. Don't leave parts of the lawn untreated because the moss can be hiding underneath the grass and spread rapidly again.

Also use lime and if you water the grass do it sufficiently and don't water again for at least 5 days. If you water too frequently the roots from the grass get lazy or spoiled, as they call it, and it won't develop such a nice rooting system, and also the moss likes wet conditions so if you water too frequently you are helping the moss. Once the grass has a nice rooting system it can get water from deeper areas in the soil and that makes it harder for the moss to survive because moss takes the water from the top layers.

If you combine all the things that I mentioned you should not have moss.

After you treated the lawns and the moss is all gone use compost tea or fish waste tea to water the lawn so once in a while.


The moss is the best part of my lawn. I love it.


"Look at this molded grass" ~nickleback.


I use baking soda (alkaloid) to neutralize acidic soil. Had a MAJOR problem with yard moss and took a couple years of repeat 'dusting'. Buy my baking soda in the 5 lb bag less than $5. (Sams Club) Same stuff used in cooking. Moss goes brown in a couple of days.


I got a new house, but the lawn was 80% moss. I used moss out and crushed limestone with a Scott spreader after doing a ph test. I did two coats of moss out about two weeks apart since I'm still raking out moss.


DO you have an update on the Moss treatment you did in April 2018? Did it take care of the problem? Any updates or improvements on the treatment you did?


Thanks, dude. Can't wait to try the pump sprayer method.


You can also treat moss naturally by spreading wood ashes over, ashes won’t harm your lawn if sprayed lightly. You don’t have to water if u have rain or due. If u don’t get rain, then lightly spray treated area with water.


I have decided to leave the moss at the side of my house. It actually looks nice. But is it bad? Moss looks nice with decorative rocks or tiles.


Lol I'm cruising youtube on how to establish a moss lawn and I read "kill it!" Lol. To each their own, but I'm tired of mowing and I feel like there's so many easier, more aesthetic options out there.


Nice video on moss but your main problem is excessive thatch in your lawn. Take care of that first.


Doc good video. I have watch many if your others. Any thoughts on getting rid of moles, voles and the like??


Have you ever seen small black patches that almost favor black Raindeer Moss? I have patches throughout my yard and I don't have a clue how to treat it!


This is all great and I killed mine but how do I get it to disappear????


Not allowed in Canada. At least thats what the home depot employee told me as she was going on her break.


How has those products worked from last year to this year? I've been having moss come and go, my back yard used to be full of Bermuda grass and now its patchy. I've checked the ph level and it's actually close to a 6.5 to a 7 and has been that way for a few years. Hopefully this next year I can get back on the yard good and get it going again


Moss may be a problem but if it comes back every year then think about changing the use of that piece of ground to borders the repeated treatment of an area with any moss / weed killer will eventually kill things that you do not want to, you can kill trees that have roots under the lawn. in most cases it takes ten to twenty years but repeated treatment will eventually poison the soil not the top layer that your grass grows on but deeper down where trees and shrubs have their roots. Scarify / power rake, aerate this will bring up plugs of soil smash them to a fine loose dust that dries easily preventing moss growth but allowing the deeper rooted grass to thrive as the thin layer of loose soil stops evaporation from the surface and helps retain moisture lower down where the grass roots are. Aerating the soil dose not aerate through the holes as much as it gives compacted soil the chance to move and aerate its self when it dose move.


how to use moss to replace my lawn and stop the growth of persistent grass growth?


Hey Doc, thanks for the uploading all your videos just curious if left untreated can moss spread to sunny area's?


Discovered some moss.... Gonna mix up my sprayer and do spot treatment. What's the best time of year to do this, Doc? Thanks, for another awesome tip!
