How To Clean Your Patio and Kill Moss - Patio Restored!

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How to clean your patio and kill moss and algae that can take over concrete patio pavers. In this video I provide tips and show how I restored our patio to a moss, algae, and mildew-free entertainment oasis using a pressure washer and 30 Seconds Cleaner (bleach). I also explain how to apply polymeric sand, which will prevent weeds and moss from coming back.

Points in The Video:
0:18 My Process - The 5 Steps
0:47 How To Reduce Moss
1:05 Removing Moss and Debris
1:49 Repairing Sunken, Sagging, and Lifted Pavers
2:29 Pressure Washing To Clean Joints and Remove Moss, Algae, and Mildew
3:31 The Best Way to Dry Wet Shoes
3:37 Pressure Washing Results Without Cleaner
3:52 30 Seconds Cleaner (more like 15 Minutes Cleaner) - How To
4:37 Applying Cleaner To Kill Moss and Weed Roots, Algae, and Mildew
5:00 Rinsing and Drying After 30 Seconds Cleaner - USE TARPS!
5:39 Applying Polymeric Sand - How To
6:24 What Sounds Like A Juicy Fart, but it's the Audio from the security camera 🤭
6:51 Why Polymeric Sand and Not Sandbox/Play Sand
7:01 Patio Before and After
7:47 Disclaimer

get rid of moss, clean moss, remove moss, kill moss, dirty patio, cleaning patio, cleaning pavers, pressure washing patio, power washing concrete, pressure washing walk and walkway, mold, mildew, green algae, patio restoration, DIY, tools in action, how to clean moss from patio pavers, remove moss from patio pavers, clean moss off patio pavers, clean moss between patio pavers, clean moss out of patio pavers, how do you remove moss from patio pavers, clean moss out of pavers, best way to remove moss from patio pavers, prevent moss on patio pavers, 30 Seconds Cleaner, 30 Second cleaner

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***Always refer to the manufacturer's instructions or consult the manufacturer for exact product specifications. Opinions expressed in this video are merely my opinions.

Disclaimer:The author assumes no liability for any incidental, consequential, or other liability from the use of this information. All risks and damages, incidental, or otherwise, arising from the use or misuse of the information contained herein are entirely the responsibility of the user. Although careful precaution has been taken in the preparation of this material, author assumes no responsibility for omissions or errors.
Рекомендации по теме

You get an upvote just for having a summary at the start of the video. Nice.


Really a fantastic "how-to" video - one of the very best. Excellent mix of tips, tricks, tools, brands, ideas, recommendations and some humour. AND NOT TOO LONG!!! Thanks!!!


Great video, appreciate the non-tool person perspective ("except I didn't have a compactor") and humor. Thanks!


Wow!! That was a lot of work!!! But it looks GORGEOUS!! Great job!!


Well done Bruce, u did a great job 👏 👍 🙌


Plenty of hard work but an excellent result. I only have a walkway to do, but am procrastinating. Your video has inspired me.


Holy cow - the before and after shots are truly amazing. I just power washed my paver patio (giant mess as you said!!!) and am getting ready to apply the polymeric sand. Thankfully I didn't have much moss or the need to clean the pavers beyond what my little pressure washer could do. Thanks so much for the video!


So thoughtful of you to share your work. It looks amazing. So very very great. 🫒


what a satisfying experience, the efforts are worth it!


Amazing job! This can also be a video about “How to make good how-to-videos!”


Wow! That is a HUGE job! You are awesome!!!!❤


Excellent video -- confirmed I did this right, and your extra comments/ideas were very helpful. Thank you!


I love the way the moss looks on stone. Realize it's slippery so wouldn't want my patio completely covered, but here and there gives it a cottage look.


Don’t know how you stayed so clean. I look as if I’ve been ‘pebble dashed’ doing the same…the missus has to jet wash me down…good job mate.👍


I do the moss scraping with a 4 foot handled weed puller. no bending or squatting.


Nice!! and Yes, you sounded like this is a short, easy job but just "repairing" 30 or so uneven, cracked pavers took awhile....used Level 1 rocks and Level 2 sands from home depot...will need to do more thorough cleaning like you have.


I actually plant moss between stones to give an old English look. Landscape contractor 1981 to present


You did a great job and remained cheerful. I need to do our back patio which has moss on it. Great tutorial!


I need to learn how to sound like this when narrating my own videos :)


Great video! Part of the drainage issues are contributed to by the use of crushed stone and the fines it contains. HPB is the preferred material nowadays due to its excellent drainage properties.
