Field Guide to Functional Nutrition: problems with the quick fix

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There’s no quick-fix for many of the problems our clients are coming to us for, or for a diagnosed chronic condition, for that matter.
If there were a quick-fix, they likely would have already found it, and they wouldn’t be seeking your help! When you try to be the hero by finding the solution too quickly, you miss clues that will lead you to the next step in helping your clients truly get better.
Let's connect!
Instagram: @andreanakayama
If there were a quick-fix, they likely would have already found it, and they wouldn’t be seeking your help! When you try to be the hero by finding the solution too quickly, you miss clues that will lead you to the next step in helping your clients truly get better.
Let's connect!
Instagram: @andreanakayama
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Field Guide to Functional Nutrition: problems with the quick fix
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