Python Tutorial: Integer Type In Python

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In this Python tutorial, we teach you about the integer type in Python.
Integer Type In Python
In this Python tutorial, we will be looking at the integer type in Python. This is just an overview of the integer type. We will be diving into numbers, operators and much more soon enough.+
Integers are referred to as a built-in type in Python. Python integers have an unlimited precision to a point. The unlimited precision can be misunderstood, the precision is up to the memory available for the integer. It is pretty precise, for most applications.
What is an Integer?
An integer is a whole number that can be positive or negative. A whole number is a number that does not contain a decimal. For example, 5 is an integer and 5.0 is not.
Coding Exercise
Fire up your Python interpreter and give the built-in function type() a go. This function returns the type information that is stored in an object.
In this Python tutorial, we teach you about the integer type in Python.
Integer Type In Python
In this Python tutorial, we will be looking at the integer type in Python. This is just an overview of the integer type. We will be diving into numbers, operators and much more soon enough.+
Integers are referred to as a built-in type in Python. Python integers have an unlimited precision to a point. The unlimited precision can be misunderstood, the precision is up to the memory available for the integer. It is pretty precise, for most applications.
What is an Integer?
An integer is a whole number that can be positive or negative. A whole number is a number that does not contain a decimal. For example, 5 is an integer and 5.0 is not.
Coding Exercise
Fire up your Python interpreter and give the built-in function type() a go. This function returns the type information that is stored in an object.
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