What principles of interpretation can help me read the Bible?

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The Bible shows us how to read its pages by interpreting numerous passages for us. From one of our Ask Ligonier events, Burk Parsons recommends some tools that can help us interpret God’s Word as God intended.

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Hermeneutics (Biblical interpretation)

Biblical literal interpretation- interpreting the Bible the way it was written.

The Biblical text must be understood as the original hearers/readers would have understood it. As the writer intended it.

Context must be used in interpretation. Text without context is a pretext for a proof text.

The clearer passages must be used to interpret the less clear ones.

Genre must be considered. Not all genre are to be interpreted literally. There is historical, Psalms, wisdom, apocalyptic, etc.

The Bible is always its own interpreter.

RC Sproul 10 principles.

1. Read the Bible as you would read any other book. (Grammar is the same).
2. Read it existentially (not existential philosophy). (As it is presented).
3. Interpret the narrative by the didactic. The didactic approach is to make the narrative clearer.
4. Interpret the implicit by the explicit.
5. Pay close attention to the meaning of words. Both English and the original languages. (Example: "will".) II Peter 3:9 is a classic example. "A woman will be saved in child bearing".
6. Be careful to observe the presence of certain literary forms. Isaiah 46:5 "evil". Parallelisms.
7. Different between proverbs and law. (Proverbs 26:4, 5 answering a fool). Proverbs give general wisdom.
8. Spirit and letter of the law. Keep both.
9. Special care with parables.
10. Careful with predictive prophecy.


really like this guy man, well spoken, peaceful godly man. hope you all had a good Lords day yesterday.


Get Jason Lisle’s book “Understanding Genesis.” A good book on how to accurately interpret scripture. Not short 500 pages but worth it. A good next step after you read “Knowing Scripture.”


Reading the Bible we heal our soul !!!


I believe studying Scripture properly that is the field of hermeneutics is very important because after all the Christian faith is grounded upon the Holy Scriptures, it's the source of all our theology. I engage with the cults regularly and found out the cults cannot defend their beliefs properly with using the Scriptures because their interpretation skills are terrible hence why they believe false doctrines. How does one get into a cult in the first place? By ignorance of the Bible (terrible understanding of interpretation). Usually it's the church (which they believe is from God) tells them what to believe. Everyone has a Bible but they don't know how to interpret it correctly. So, with this it's important to read commentaries and learn from that, our brethren in the past whom God used, it would not be wise to neglect. The Spirit doesn't bless us if we are lazy to interpret the Scriptures correctly, we are to "rightly handling the Word of truth" 2 Tim 2:15. Last of all, you must understand you could be wrong with certain doctrines and change them if the Scriptures are clear on a passage.

Important considerations to remember

Read the context or the chapter of the passage.
Who was the audience of the book or letter the author writing too? Would it make the interpretation make sense with the whole chapter or letter?
Does it apply to you?
Could you defend the interpretation if it was challenged?
Read other interpretations, others could make more sense.
Does the interpretation have support in other books in the Bible?


While I don't necessarily agree with every aspect of theology Burk Parsons ascribes to, I agree completely that proper hermeneutics is essential. The Bible is God-breathed and sufficient for all believers (2 Timothy 3:16-17), therefore it must be properly studied and searched (2 Timothy 2:15, Acts 17:11) based on the content, context, and grammar in order for us to get a proper understanding. And though God gives us gifted pastors/preachers to teach us (the crux of Ephesians 4:11-16), we must be ultimately taught by the Holy Spirit (John 16:13) through the truth of the Word that sanctifies us (John 17:17).


The issue is that many people study the Bible to defend what they believe. Instead read it for what is says!


Then why don't you baptize in Jesus name for the remission of sins?


Those who accept any denominational statement of faith are unable and unqualified to provide proper interpretation of Scripture because they are only able to see the Scripture through the lens of their denominational doctrine which stops the flow of understanding from the Spirit required to understand the nature and character of the Father. They do however become very good at using Scripture to define their denominational beliefs.


And he still doesn’t understand salvation!


I can’t believe that this guy who claims to understand proper scriptural hermeneutics is using the unscriptural terms old and New Testament.
