Unreal Earth Planet Shader Tutorial

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In this tutorial we make a planetary Earth shader in Unreal Engine 4.27 and also get into how to configure the default SkyAtmosphere system to look good around your planet.

r.SkyAtmosphere.AerialPerspectiveLUT.FastApplyOnOpaque 0

Known Errors:
-You may need to recreate the NormalsWS reroute node that we made for the shader to work in a build or if you reopen your project.
-CloudOpacity does not work as originally shown. You will need to adjust it as we do in the video to get that variable to work and not only work on the cloud shadows. Though it still does not work on the night side clouds. A better fix would be to put that variable in the cloud mask and cloud offset mask itself so it can propagate down to the rest of the material.

Where the textures come from:

Other great Unreal planet shader tutorials that this video is derived from.

Unreal Engine 5 - Create Planets:

Unreal Engine Planet Shader Tutorial:

Unreal Engine 4 Planet Shader:

00:00 Intro
10:32 New Unreal Project and Importing Assets
13:28 Starting the Material [Layout]
25:36 Setting up the scene [Atmosphere]
31:06 Draw the rest of the fucking owl
01:30:32 Overview / Moon / Stars / Sun

Daily Dev Month 35
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