.NET 8 Web API & Entity Framework 🚀 Full CRUD Course (with Code-First Migrations & SQL Server)
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Table of Contents:
00:00 - .NET 8 Web API & Entity Framework
01:07 - Starting Off: Creating the Web API Project
02:43 - Exploring the Project: Detailed Project Overview
06:54 - Data Modeling: Creating the Entity Class
08:01 - API Basics: Adding an API Controller
17:13 - Database Integration: Adding Entity Framework & SQL Server Database
26:43 - Migration Strategies: Implementing Code First Migrations
32:05 - Controller Implementation: Detailed Step-by-Step Guide
35:30 - Retrieving Data: How to Get a Single Entry
38:49 - Data Creation: Using POST to Create New Entries
44:19 - Data Update: Modifying Data with PUT Method
48:30 - Removing Data: Implementing the DELETE Method
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