Introduction to ASP.NET Core MVC (.NET 8)

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In this Introductory course, we will learn MVC (Model-View-Controller) with .NET 8.

When we are working with .NET Core Web Applications, there are two common ways of building website.
1. MVC (Model-View-Controller) Web Application
2. Razor Pages Web Application

In this course we will learn the basics of .NET Core (.NET 8) and then learn basics of MVC and Razor Pages as we enhance MVC Application to a more complex final project!.

Topics Covered
- Fundamentals of .NET Core
- MVC Application
- Razor Pages
- Entity Framework Core
- Repository Pattern
- ViewBag
- ViewData
- TempData
- Toastr and sweet alerts in .NET Core
- Datatables in .NET Core
- Assignments
- Errors and how to solve them!

Because of the extensive length i could not break out all sections but below you will find the section breakout timestamp.

⭐️ Course Contents ⭐️
⌨️ (0:00:00) Section 1 - Welcome & Getting Started
⌨️ (1:06:53) Section 2 - Category CRUD Operations
⌨️ (3:36:22) Section 3 - Razor Project
⌨️ (4:19:04) Section 4 - N-tier Architecture
⌨️ (4:57:36) Section 5 - Repository Pattern
⌨️ (5:48:38) Section 6 - Product CRUD
⌨️ (7:49:08) Section 7 - Home and Details Page
⌨️ (8:05:00) Section 8 - Identity in .NET Core
⌨️ (9:25:19) What's Next?
Рекомендации по теме

15:08 Tools needed
26:33 wwwroot folder - all static files go here (images, CSS, JS etc.)
28:59 appsettings.json - all secret keys go here
31:14 Program.cs file - starting file of the project
41:30 Routing
48:20 Views that correspond to a certain controller are locatted in Views folder.
1:07:58 Create a model - class with certain properties
1:10:19 Data annotation
1:13:17 - Connection to a DB
1:14:00 - Download package using NuGet
1:17:15 - Project file has the list of all dependencies
1:17:56 - Add connection string to a project
1:23:03 - Configure the connection to DB with Entity Framework
1:35:49 - Create table with Entity Framework
1:45:38 - CRUD operations
1:57:21 - Get data from DB and pass it to view
2:02:25 - Display data in the view
2:11:17 - Add CSS Bootswatch css file (modified bootstrap)
2:18:22 - Create new category (click on button)
2:29:15 - Bind form data
2:33:21 - Add data to DB via post method in form
2:37:09 - Redirect to a certain page after clicking "Create"
2:38:49 - Form validation
2:45:28 - Custom conditions for validation
2:53:42 - Client side validation
2:58:45 - Editing
3:18:46 - Deleting a category
3:23:39 - Notifications with help of TempData
3:27:13 - Create a partial view for dispalaying TempData notifications
3:30:52 - Using Toastr for Notifications
3:37:12 - Using Razor pages instead of MVC stuff (Also shows how to add another project to the solution and set it as a run project)
3:38:58 - Differences between MVC and Razor pages
4:19:04 - Create DAL - Data Access Layer. Separation of concern.
3:33:20 - Puting the files from monolith APP to separate apps: DataAccess, Models, Utilitiy
4:43:09 - Migrations
4:46:19 - Dependency Injection Lifetimes


53 minutes in, and I refunded the stupid course that I bought on udemy from Neil Cummings. He may have very high point averages, but he does NOT explain things like you do here. I appreciate that from the buttom of my heart, thank you, I am looking forward to completing this 9 hour journey and hopefully, I will FINALLY get a good understanding of .Net.


Can’t than you enough.🎉
Clear, precise and easy to follow.
I knew only Mosh at this level of clarity in the explanation but you’re a rock..


Absolutely fantastic tutorial. I've lost count of the amount of tutorials I took trying to understand ASP. This one did it for me. Thank you for this. It is much appreciated.


This tutorial is fantastic! Thank you so much for sharing your knowledge. I hope you receive many blessings!


I usually never comment on videos, but you deserve this comment. I am 1 hour into the video and I already love it. You explain everything in a simple and easy to understand way. And when I say everything, it's literally everything, which is really important. I pay for Web Development courses and they just don't, I have to look on google what certain things do, how to do stuff etc and yet here you are with this video making everything fall into place. Thank you! ❤


Incredible Human...! Sir you're simply great without money minded. If someone else made this video, surely they'll Charge huge amount for it....!


I have been a teacher for many years and I am fascinated by how each element is explained and linked step by step. Simply spectacular.
I have followed the video step by step, 2:30 in, totally engaged.


I had to subscribe to this channel just done 2 hours and have learnt a lot. Great tutor, great tutorial.


"LET ME SHOW YOU THAT.... IN THE NEXT VIDEO🥰🥰🥰" : is a punchline I'll never forget, loved his gentleness so much🥰


Simple English, Simple explanation, Simple everything. I have downloaded a lot of MVC Core videos and after coming across your video I have since deleted all of them. I am only left with this. This is the best MVC Tutorial I have seen on youtube. I want to watch this video many times until I understand everything. God bless u


Hi, Master! What you're doing is really incredible! I have been trying for a very long time to find courses that would give me a complete understanding of how commercial products are written in a structured form! I will look forward to even more courses from you!


Dear Sir, you are my dot net core guru sir 💯💛 ....i have learned easy many complex dot net things from your videos from chennai, Tamilnadu, india sir


You have explained everything in excellent detail.. Your explanation is nice to start with.


6:10:40 Add DB Foreign Key using Entity Framework Core
6:20:00 Create enumerate list select with viewBag viewData
6:44:00 Add file type data type
7:25:00 Create Search bar, pagination with list


I recently graduated from a C#, .NET Full Stack Bootcamp. I had a great background from them and everything you said made sense...but the way you connected the dots and fleshed out my previous learning was awesome!! I was an educator before taking the leap into Programming and I will say that this is a wonderful educational course by a very talented instructor. Thanks for all you do!


What an extremely clear explanation of things. Love it, amazing work!


I am new to ASP .Net, but what i have learnt from this your video tutorial is immeasurably superb.

thank you for what you do.

sweet blessings


What a great masterpiece you are. I have done your Dependency INJ and asp 6 Razor page course. Honestly, it was incredible and the best dollars I have spent so far.
Also taking the time to appreciate that you are making the contents free for everyone to learn.



Love the content of the video and how you explain things. Makes learning DotNet soooo simple and more enjoyable.
