My Thoughts on XFCE and Xubuntu

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I ramble on about XFCE and Xubuntu. :)

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I use XFCE on Manjaro (by far the best implementation of it). But I've used Xubuntu, Mint XFCE and MX Linux. Never had a bad experience with it.


+1 for Xubuntu
I do a lot of memory- and CPU-heavy work day in and day out, with Java development, Docker, VMs, DBs and other taxing stuff. On a typical day, the CPU and RAM on my machine are maxed out most of the time, with 4 to 8 virtual desktops full of stuff.
I wouldn't be able to do it but for Xubuntu 18. I tried dozens of systems over the years and this is the only dependable one. Never a single crash, never unresponsive, never hogging resources that should be left for the stuff that I need to run.
If development ever stops again, I (and others) will pick it up. This is not (only) a system for low-end computers; it's a system for high-end computers that need to be put 100% to use!
Thanks for your content, keep it up!


As a relatively new user and distro hopper I would actually like to see a video about your quibbles with kde! It helps to see side by side comparisons and why people have the preferences they do


Distros like Lubuntu and Xubuntu that are lightweight are pretty cool, especially when you run them on a really old system you never expected to ever be able to run a modern OS.


thanks for yet another great video in these unfortunate times, Joe!


I love the background on your Xubuntu desktop. I can smell the water and the aroma of seafood from that one shot... :)


I think one of the factors that REALLY got me into Linux was discovering the XFCE Desktop. Actually, it was one of the first videos of yours I ever watched way back when you did a video on Linux Lite 2.4 or something like that, which runs XFCE.

At that point, I ran Ubuntu 12.04 with Unity on a super low resource machine and it wasn't my daily driver yet, and the way Unity was, especially back then, made me think all of Linux was not very customizable. Seeing how deeply customizable while also familiar XFCE was like a huge relief, especially when I found out that most Linux distros could be made to run XFCE and began to understand the concept that distro and DE were two different things entirely.

Fast forward to when you did your first video on Manjaro, back when Manjaro was just a wee babe, this exotic, non-debian based up and comer that ran probably the nicest XFCE I had ever seen at that time (and even to this day this is still the case), and I knew for sure this was what I wanted to run on my PC when I got it.


YOu are always a joy to listen to Joe. Your point of view, and down to earth view of things is refreshing, and often makes me reconsider things in ways I'd not thought of. Enjoy your style, please don't change. :)


xfce rocks and xubuntu 18.04 been rock solid on this lappy since released


Thank you, Joe. I clicked. Xfce is a favourite of mine. I first had it as a log-in option on Ubuntu 7.10 when there were no pre-configured panels or anything. But I used to get video tearing a few years ago and haven't used it since. And the Xfce community is great and I am still on the dev mailing list.


I use XFCE, have for several years now. I like it because for me it's much more customizable than all the others. It also has a menu app for the panel that can be set to use a custom menu file, which I make use of. Lubuntu does too, but Gnome and KDE do not


XFCE reminds me of Windows 2000 but better.
I find it way more intuitive than Cinnamon or Mate or Gnome.


Joe, I've been an Xfce user for many years. I'm with you, I haven't touched KDE for quite some time, and never cared for the bloat that it brings. I liked Gnome 2, but never really cared for Cinnamon. And the same goes for Mate and LXDE, never really cared for them, either. And forget about Gnome 3 or Unity, neither appealed to me at all. Anyway, I just "FUBARed" my Mint Xfce installation, after a solid 3 year running without a hitch. I was working on an update, but wasn't paying attention. It was late and I got in a hurry. Thankfully, because I have good backups as well as a ZFS configuration for all my data files, nothing was lost. So, I decided to install Xubuntu 20.04 (wiping my Mint installation, because Mint was installed on it's own separate drive). The Xubuntu installation was beautiful. Afterwards, I was able to recover my ZFS configuration, along with all of my data files. Tomorrow, I will focus on the remaining customization I like to have, as well as all the apps I normally use.


Xubuntu works great on my 2006 Dell laptop. I hope it stays around for a long time so I can keep that laptop current.


I love Xubuntu.

Nice to see you testing it :)


I use Debian xfce . I have used it since Debian woody. It does not change a lot but that is one more reason I like it . It does not try to reinvent the wheel it just works. I leave the panel on top because I do not feel the need to make everything look like windows. This is the great thing about Linux you can do whatever you want. Very nice video Joe. Thanks.


Don't worry @Joe Collins, you're not pissing me off. People are allowed to have their opinion about different desktop environments, and choose the one they want to use. That's what's so great about Linux : you are in control, you have a lot of choices.


I have made my XFCE, installed yesterday, almost the same as from Xubuntu 10.04. I love the fact that I can not keep changing my interface. It runs all all my computers really well, whatever the spec. When I upgrade I was security and stability, not to have to learn everything again. Some things change, but you can't have everything.


I used to use Xubuntu because it was so lightweight and all my computers were old junk that I cobbled together from the scrap bin. Now I just use it because I can. By far my favorite distro. I've used many others, but Xubuntu is the one I install again and again.


Min 19.15 and 20.30 :D , you made my day !!! Anyway, I almost always watch your videos at 1.5 speed, and in this case just AWESOME !!! Keep it on with this videos, good job Joe !
