🤯 how to make Greek yogurt at home 🍨 #homemadeyogurt #greekyogurt #yogurtrecipe #shorts

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Homemade Greek Yogurt 🍨

6 cups of milk
1/4 cups plain Greek yogurt

Add milk to a pot on medium heat, warming it up to 185°F

Then set the pot in a cold plunge until the milk cools down to about 90 to 100°F

Add one cup of that warmed and cooled milk to the yogurt container.

Add the remaining pot of milk to a warmed, but turned off and unplugged crockpot, then pour the yogurt and milk mixture into the crockpot.

Wrap the crockpot in a towel and leave it undisturbed on the counter for nine hours. (8-10 hours works)

After nine hours grab a bowl, set a strainer inside the bowl and a cheese cloth (folded 4 or 5 times) into the strainer.

Pour the gooey substance from the crockpot into the cheesecloth, then set the strainer and bowl in the refrigerator for another nine hours to strain the liquid out (which increases the protein content and removes the whey).

After nine hours, pour your creation back into a yogurt container and now you have your very own, thick and creamy, homemade Greek yogurt 🍨✨

*Straining the yogurt takes it from regular to Greek yogurt

**Once you strain it, your yogurt will have about double the protein content per serving of the milk you use


I like the "don't throw away your last bit of yogurt, just spend the next 22 hours making more of it" format


What a thorough educational video. I will literally never attempt this, but I did sit and watch the whole thing.


There's a lot of commercial yogurt that has been pasteurized and won't work. You need to make sure it lists live cultures on the label.


We make yougurt (Dahi) the same way but we dont strain it out in the end. So those that think its a long process to strain it out at the end can avoid that step and eat it right away once set. The liquid (whey) is actually quite healthy to consume and tastes quite good along with the curd. But incase you'll do strain it, then that liquid can be used to make Chapati/ Roti dough or even used it in the process of baking!


It’s funny how many microorganisms we rely on for food. Yogurt, sourdough, etc etc. Thank goodness for those little guys


We Indians follow this process everytime instead of buying curd outside. It's a very healthy way and also cost friendly way to make it and be healthy.


My mum does something very similar to this. I’m of Indian descent and my Mother makes natural yoghurt using this method! No cheese cloth needed, that water can easily be combined with the yogurt and had lots of nutrients!


My mom always makes homemade yoghurt and its a cycle which is very sustainable and it tastes the best. So, you can say that i am eating the same yoghurt culture since i was a lil baby🫶


I’m just gonna finish my yogurt and carry on with my life.


The juice strained out after sitting in the fridge overnight is called whey and you can use it to start a ferment, like slaws or relishes 😊


People be careful when doing this, if you mess up and take shortcuts or don’t use clean containers you will sleep in the bathroom, our stomach and liver work together like a laboratory, I do NOT wish anyone to go through this, in worst case scenario you can experience organ failure, which can be fatal .


We only buy yogurt once the start of every summer. For the next 4 months, its homemade. Saves the gas money to make a trip to the grocery store as milk is delivered to our house on a daily basis.


✨Pro tip: if you start this process around noon on a Saturday then it will be ready to go in the fridge around bedtime and when you wake up on Sunday it’ll be ready to eat! 😋


As an Indian, this is staple in a Indian household, and we never buy store bought yogurt. And even though it seem tedious because of the waiting time ITS NOT.


A warmed thermos instead of a crock pot works great. Just pour on the milk and yogurt mix, close the top and leave overnight.


Suggestion for the drained liquid. It is Whey and very good for your health.

For BAKERS: use it as liquid (water/milk) replacement in bread recipes, also biscuits, pizza dough, etc. It gives a tangy taste to no-knead bread - similar to sourdough. It can be used in cookies, muffins and cakes too, when a tangy flavor would complement, like lemon cake. Use it with flour to make sourdough starter.

For COOKS: use it as milk/buttermilk replacement. For example- buttermilk fried chicken. Also as a base for meat marinade. It softens/tenderizes the meat. Good for chili and to finish cold soups. Use it to make soup broth. Add part or all replace all water for Rice or boiled vegetables. Use to make fermented vegetables and pickles. Can be added to homemade mayo to extend frig life or use directly in the recipe to make fermented mayo that lasts at least a month in the frig.

For DOGS: use it to make their treats or add a little bit to their kibble to soften it. Can be frozen in ice cube trays with fresh fruit slices (like strawberries) for summer treat.
For Gardeners: use it as a fertilizer. Can be added to compost tea or watered directly on the plant/soil.

For HEALTH: add some to your smoothies, fruit juice, protein shakes, cook your oatmeal. Can be used in post-workout recovery drink.
There are many tested recipes to search. Or just be creative and experimental on your own, if you like creating.

For BEAUTY: Used as a hair growth and strengthener. Good for skin treatment. (Search for directions)

YOGURT STARTER: Freeze the whey water in small batches, or ice cube trays and use as next batch starter culture. (Search for directions/amounts. I tend to use double the amount of liquid. If the directions suggest 1 tablespoon yogurt, Id use 2 T. or more of liquid whey. I dont think you can have too much whey though.🤷‍♀️)

Just a short list to give you an idea of whats wasted when liquid is discarded.
Kingarthurbaking website has an excellent article on uses, too.
Also, watch Alton Brown use electric blanket to make yogurt.


In my country we pair it with steamed rice and add sugar in it. It tastes awesome and makes you feel drowsy in the hot summer afternoon😄


This exactly correct. She used a crock pot old school way is in the warm but off oven. ! Like this modern way ...Thanks


We indians have been doing it since ages..
Now just add this yogurt to a blender with some sugar and water .. Blend for 10 secs and there you have your own lassi.If you want mango lassi, you will have to add mango to the blender. You can also top it up with some dry fruits.. It tastes amazing 🎀
