Election Night Live - European Election Results As They Happen - LBC

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Who is going to win the European Elections? Iain Dale brings you all the results and analysis live on LBC from 10pm on Sunday night.

The United Kingdom is voting to elect MEPs, despite having voted for Brexit. Nigel Farage then launched The Brexit Party, which has been topping the opinion polls, while the Conservatives have slumped to their lowest levels for years.

Find out how they get on right here.

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Congratulations Brexit Party. I am a conservative voter, I voted for Referendum in 2016, and we won the vote for Brexit, and the M Ps ignore our vote. So I decided to vote for Brexit Party and We Won 👏👍🇬🇧❤️


I voted for the Brexit party so by six o clock tonight I will once again learn that I am thick and stupid, I did not know what I was voting for, I should see victory as failure, the election should be rerun, it was only a binary result and I suppose I can compound my thickness when I say that I made this choice because I want the people who make the laws I have to live under democratically electable and democratically removable and to further demonstrate my thickness  if I look at the last time Europe was run by a non democratic centralised, controlling regime 80 million people lost their lives.


Makes sence to cause troubles in the European Parliament, hopefully enough for them to force us out with a no deal.


When are they going to get the message . BREXIT MEANS BREXIT


the ENSTABLISMEN enters the panic mode 😅😅😅


I told you Farage would wipe the floor with them all, and he did.

An astonishing victory.



Good job Nigel and the Brexit Party voters!

As an American, I find it bizarre UK citizens are voting
for MEPs who are not governing in their own country! This is what giving up
your sovereignty looks like; your nation controlled by 20+ other countries'
representatives in what was supposed to be a "trade union". France
and The Netherlands seem to also be turning away from this supra state located
in Belgium. I cannot imagine subordinating our Congress to a body with
representatives from Canada and Mexico. Its bad enough California has so many
votes in Congress lol. The United States of America will never be folded up
into a North American Union or give up the right to make our own trade deals
ever again (NAFTA). Never again! Europeans relinquished their national
independence, their currency, control over their borders (how did that work
out?) and placed a regional government above their national Parliaments. What
is extraordinarily sad is the number of people who still wish to remain in the
EU! From America, congratulations Britain.


I think anyone who voted UKIP in the European elections (bearing in mind the results UKIP recieved) should now consider continuing to be fully patriotic and voting B P if/when they stand for a G E? Purely to cement keeping the Limp Dems out.. How they can still publicly claim they want to stop Brexit still shows they are very liberal and democratic but only if they agree with the outcome. Still totally delusional and that is rather concerning..


All this talk about a people's vote we have now had three, the 2016 referendum, the 2017 general election and the EU elections. What is wrong with these Remainer MP's.


Now give us what we want, what we really, really want, BREXIT!!!!. Got it.


If there is a General Election the Conservatives and Labour parties are going to get a shoeing get Brexit done.


Breaking: The Remainers ask for a second vote on the European Election.


Nigel Farage's new Brexit Party had only being 6 weeks old, yet he manage to Rally people to support Brexit from labour and Tories and has many Candidates that had being elected in European Election WOW a clear winner


we already left on march 29th deal with it


The best that the Conservatives can do, is to put Daniel Hannan in a central position. He has been right all the way and he is the only politician who is open and honest about the failure of the party in this question - and he has good solutions for the future. He is far better than Boris Johnson to restore the respect for the party.


Femi says it's tyrannical to consider 80% of the vote share in the last GE going to parties who said they would follow through on the referendum an endorsement of leaving. Also Femi says Remain won the EU elections because if you add up all the parties opposed to "no deal" they have the edge over the Brexit party. Get your message straight Femi. It's amazing how reality can bend to suit a remainers position.


Brexit means Brexit. And that's on W2S.


😈 question time 😈
who is running UK ? 😨
MPs they are answering to the Big Corporations 😠😠
cheers suckers


i pity this woman who kept saying we are so divided, woman do you know the meaning of MAJORITY WINS eh


5:16:20 Femi completely contradicts himself over what he said 2 minutes or so earlier. He rants so much he forgets his own arguments LOL
