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Unapologetic answers are the most confident and straight forward it shows that there is nothing wrong to hide or sugar coat, I wish all other muslim speakers learn.


I love how this man is unapologetic about his Deen and don't sugarcoat stuff, jazakallah khira for these videos akhi


I am a Christian and was a huge David Wood and Apostate Prophet fan last few years when i was in high school. Eventually almost all their argumentation made me realize that they dont engage in actual islamic claims but attack a cartoonish version of it. I started realizing all these things you are explaining on your channel on my own by just listening to their objections and ridicule. Christian critics of islam are especially worthy of blame because they accuse our own religion by objecting to islamic standards. Christianity became whitewashed liberal feelings based religion that claims the moral high ground above Moses and the prophets of God. Thank you for promoting old patriarchal non liberal standards.


8:54 lol how he opens his eyes when brother Daniel says beat the employees.. you can tell he wasn't paying attention to the conversation and suddenly he found golden content that he can use out of context for his brainless followers.


The wife of the holy prophet, 'A'isha reported that *Allah's Messenger (ﷺ) never beat anyone with his hand, neither a woman nor a servant, * but only, in the case when he had been fighting in the cause of Allah and he never took revenge for anything unless the things made inviolable by Allah were made violable; he then took revenge for Allah, the Exalted and Glorious.( Sahih Muslim 2328)


Everyone, be sure to tune into the debate tomorrow with Hammer Time.


"We hear and we obey. [We seek] Your forgiveness, our Lord, and to You is the [final] destination."

Everything Allaah has legislated is Perfect because He, sub'haanahu wa ta'ala, is Perfect. We submit to Him.

Indeed, my prayer, my sacrifice, my living, and my dying is for Allaah (alone), the Lord of the worlds.


Finally a true unapologetic answer that I will always preach and shout out brother Daniel.May Allah bless you


Authentic Hadith of Prophet Muhammed [peace be upon him]
Narrated Mu'awiyah al-Qushayri:
I went to the Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) and asked him: What do you say (command) about our wives? He replied: Give them food what you have for yourself, and clothe them by which you clothe yourself, and do not beat them, and do not revile them.
(Sunan Abu-Dawood 2144) Grade : Sahih


Daniel broke this down so beautifuly.
only a fool wont agree with his explanation and analogies


Just when you thought Snailtan was done being roasted. The French will take him either way lol


We really needed you a long time ago Brother Daniel, this awesome unapologetic content didn't exist back when I debating christians and atheists on comments section


I am a woman. I have no problem with this verse or it's interpretation. Not sure why every person keeps nit picking this command and refuses to understand that the meaning is really not as bad as they're making it out to be. ISLAM DOES NOT CONDONE OR PROMOTE DOMESTIC VIOLENCE AT ALL. DOMESTIC VIOLENCE IS SOMETHING ELSE, THAT SHOULDN'T HAPPEN. THE MAN TAKING CHARGE AND KEEPING DISCIPLINE IS SOMETHING ELSE. RESPECT THE MEN IN YOUR LIVES LADIES AND YOU WILL DO A LOT BETTER.


Let’s also not forget how messed up a woman must be acting for her to warrant physical discipline from her husband.

Harris is talking like “oh you didn’t fold the laundry ok let me leave you bloody and almost dead on the floor”
No it’s not like that at all.

Daniel maybe you could make a video about what physical discipline is ok (like where the line ends), and maybe also what actions from a woman would warrant physical discipline. These answers would be beneficial for Muslims. Jazakallah for you work


So where is the Islamic passage that states a woman should beat her husband when he is disobedient and immoral? 😂 I can't believe you drew a parallel between Islam permitting a husband to physically punish his wife to a cop arresting a criminal in the act. Wow.
Violating the law is a lot harder to do than violating Islamic values as a woman. If your wife does not wear her Hijab correctly one day, you are within your right to beat her. If she disobeys her husbands command, travels anywhere alone, or even LOOKS at another man let alone touches them, It is then permissible to beat them. This happens everyday is Islamic households and Islamic countries.

You talk about comparing apples and oranges, but I just watched you do exactly that again, and again, and again.

If you love Islam and Islamic countries so much, then why do you not move to an Islamic country? Why stay here in the Christian country of America where we believe in freedom of religion, freedom of speech, and preventing things such as spousal abuse and wife beating?


3:20 petition for Daniel to tell us what putting trans inmates in women prison leads to.


1.If authority is delegated to the members of family / within kinship rather than state how do we safeguard against a misuse of this authority? All men are not saints and some men will use this authority to mistreat women. What is done to prevent it?
2. To understand fiqh it takes years and years of study. Even there is differences of opinions among the ulamas regarding the rulings on certain issues. How can we expect every single man (many of them have no knowledge of fiqh or no religious training) to implement the rulings correctly?
This leads me to believe that, in an islamic state, ultimately the jurists /fuqahah will give out rulings. The state will enforce those laws. But then how is this different from the law enforcement in a secular state?


Daniel Akhi May Allah protect you, the debate will start at 4:30 a.m here in Iran!😪 hope that I can wake up inshaAllah.😃
Fajr is around 5:30 a.m.


Hindus loves to point at Islam and pretend as if their religion liberates woman and is modern, check this out

Women shouldn't be given freedom according to Hinduism : Srila Prabhupada Issckon founder

He is just quoting Hindu scriptures :

Rama said in valmiki ramayana 2.24.20 "As long as a woman is alive, her husband is her god and master to her"
Ram in Ramcharitamanas जिमि सुतंत्र भएँ बिगरहिं नारी
Means "Independence ruins women"
Gautama dharamsutra (18.1).-'A woman is not independent with respect to the sacred Law'
Baudhāyana dharamsutra (2.3.44).
Women do not possess independence
Vashistha smriti (5.1).-'A woman is not independent; the males are her masters.
Vishnu smriti (25.12).- A woman shouldn't act by herself in any matter.'
Yājñavalkya smriti (1.85). There is no independence for woman at any time.'
Brihaspati smriti (24.2).-'A woman must be restrained from even slight transgressions by her relations, by night and by day she must be watched by her mother-in-law and other ladies of the family.
Shukraniti (4.4.11, 23).-'Women have no separate right to the employment of the means of realising the ree ends of spiritual merit, wealth and pleasures

and my favourite
shiva purana 2.3.54 - 19- " a chaste lady should never take her husband' s name, if husband scolds or rebukes her she should not abuse in return. EVEN IF BEATEN BY him she shall remain glad and say" i may even be killed my lord, be kind to me "..!!! 😂


The manager have the right to beat you?? And compare the situation with beating ur wife???
