Step by step vocal mixing demo (Plus Safari Pedals)

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This is a real world look at mixing a vocal from the beginning. Starting with a totally unmixed track, we'll dig in to the biggest mixing issues with the vocals on this song and I'll demo not only the solutions, but how to think about the vocals and what to watch out for when deciding what to do with the mix!
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The small movement at a time really speaks to me. Love how you do it at this pace!! I can grasp so much more. Thank you


Hello 😊

I learned something like this from you in another video, so this was an excellent repetition. This video showed me some new important things. I have been way too focused on getting the right compressors, saturate plugins, equalisers, you name it 😅 But now I realise that it is like copying someone's settings in a way. Like looking to buy the best car in the world before you even know how to drive a car 😅 So for me the right order would be to learn how a compressor works before trying hundreds of them hoping for a result, purposely leaving out "better" (result) because I didn't even know what the tool is suppose to do. These wonderful cool looking Safari Pedals you used in this video was totally different from what I have seen before, but they sure did the job! Another thing is that if I had used this plugin, I would have gotten to occupied by all the other function The Camel Strip offers. It is like I have to use them in a way. What I mean to say is that I see how important it is to focus at the task at hand, and ignoring other non important things. At least for me 😊

In the beginning of the video you were talking about referencing with the "Fader Mx" and when after many many many hours (usually for me) you realised that it sounded way better before all the processing and work done. This has happened to me so many times. I would dare to say every time. It has discourage me so hard. To a point where I even deleted my projects 😡 I stopped deleting now 😅 So when I hear that you also experienced this tells me that I am not the only one this happens to. It feels kind of mean to thank you for also "making mistakes", and maybe even wasting time, but it gave me strength 😊

Big thanks Mr. White! Superly Video 😁


Lovely to watch you experiment with different techniques and really appreciate you being open to mixes sounding different for taste.
Some producers I feel are "It's my way or the highway" and I really like that you are open to it sounding different depending on taste and intention!
