Why We Say 'Memento Mori'

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You may have heard the phrase memento mori (remember your death)—especially if you hang out with those strange Catholics—but did you know there are three meanings woven into those two words? Sure, the immediate thought that comes to mind may be the fact that someday we will die; and this is good to remember because that day could be any day, so we should live accordingly.

What people may not recognize, though, is that memento mori could also be a reminder to the Christian that we have died to ourselves, so that we may gain eternal life in Christ. As St. Paul says, “I have been crucified with Christ; it is no longer I who live but Christ who lives in me” (Galatians 2:20). The life you live is not your own. Remember, as a Christian you have died to yourself. Entering your day with that in mind may be difficult if you want to live for yourself, but it could also be liberating if we give everything to God.

Thirdly, it is good to “remember your death” because it is a reminder of the joy that will come when we live with Christ for eternity. Remembering our death in that way can fill us with the strongest kind of hope.

Fr. Mike is also a presenter in these faith formation programs from Ascension:

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In 1992 I found my brother after he shot himself in the head with his .357 magnum revolver. Two years later, my step dad died of a heart attack, and there was nothing I could do. In August of 2014, my beloved mum, died of Non Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease. In November 2014, my best friend, my beloved wife, passed away in hospital after a prolonged sickness. I am well acquainted with our mortality. I have a sterling silver ring, with a skull and Momento Mori engraved on it. It reminds me to live as if any day may be my last. Rather than being morbid, I find it comforting.


I'm atheist but I'm fascinated by scripture. I'm normally very critical of religious people but I have to say I love your approach and attitude. We need more fathers like you. Keep doing what you do.


I never knew till recently the tradition of skull symbolism in the Church and the memento mori going back eons. It’s fascinating how rich our traditions are. We usually see skulls representing other things but Catholics….”that’s ours and we’ll give it a good meaning”


I’m Muslim but after listening to you I’m relieved and I wanna become more faithful and prepare for the day of judgement


I started crying as soon as Fr Mike said as Christians, we have already died in Jesus Christ ... really going to reflect on “Memento Mori” from now on. Thank you and God Bless You Father Mike. ❤️


What a comfort this message is to me as a Catholic that I can wear my momento morí ring again. Thank you, Father.


I discovered Momemto Mori earlier this year while studying the philosophy of Stoicism. Like Catholicism, Stoicism is very deep and profound and most compatible with our faith.


I personally love the couple of “Memento mori memento vivere, ” remember your death and remember to live. Make the best out of what you have in perspective.


YOU QUOTED HAMILTON!!! You’re officially my favorite priest


Memento Mori -“remember death”

Why you ask?


death gives life meaning


This is beautiful. Thank you. I’m nearly 70 years old & have had a ‘Memento Mori’ tattoo on my upper left arm for exactly the reasons you describe. It was wonderful listening to your very articulate presentation. Thank you again.


"I am kind of a professional pray-er" my sides are hurting from laughing so hard


Yes! Thank you so much for this video, Fr Mike! I wear skulls everyday for this very reason. So many Catholics think the skull is a symbol of evil, and I have to keep showing them images of the saints depicted with skulls to inform them that the skull is a VERY catholic image. We HAVE to remember death. We cannot act as though we will live forever. We will be held accountable on the Last Day. Thank you for this wonderful opportunity to evangelize fellow Catholics who've not been taught some of our traditions, like Memento Mori. God bless, and Happy Advent! 💀💀💀


I never heard it like this to remember that we have already died in Christ. I love this because if dead men fear nothing that includes life. to begin to live joy right now in☀ anticipation of Heaven with JESUS!!!
THANKYOU Father Mike🎄🎁💖the darkness feels a little lighter right now.
i am going to recall this video everyday☀.


I sought conversion a month ago and a friend asked me why and I said God is calling it's not my choice anymore. Thank you for your help and thank God.


All my life when I used to think of my death I was indused with an uneasy feeling and sometime I used to cry because I dont know this feeling of death but looking at this preaching gives me confidence and restored my Faith .. God bless you Father 🙏❤
Love from India!!!


This is beautiful. It is very special to me, because I actually got baptised (adult baptism in a protestant church) on the day of 'dead rememberance', 4th of May in the Netherlands, when we remember everyone who died in war for our country, (mostly WW2 but also other wars in which the Netherlands played a role). Therefore my baptism was already tied to the death in a way. The 5th of May is Liberation day. I used to think it would be better if that would be the day I got babtised, because it is a liberation. Now I do think that christians, or at least protestants, focus to much on the freedom that is been given in the new life and to less on the dying of the old self and that we shouldn't live like that anymore. Thank you for making me remember.


Father! Please help me! I purchased a memento mori rosary, one with little metal skulls for the decades, recently so that when I say the rosary I can contemplate my own death daily (I pray the rosary daily) and the eventual reunion with my mother who died in January. My sisters saw my rosary when I was not there and claimed I was worshiping Satan, that I was making a mockery of the faith, I was dishonoring my mother and that I must be deemed evil and essentially cast out. Even my very Catholic sister, whom I thought would understand told me she didn't believe I acquired my rosary in good faith. Please, Father, help me with this. Anyone. They are trying to convince my father that I am evil! I feel so lost. They also threw away my rosary.


I don’t typically agree with the Catholic Church in some aspects but this man is very in-depth he’s very knowledgeable and he speaks very well he’s probably one of my favorite priests and I will continue watching his videos


This reminds me of the mummified person at Pompeii. ..i'm thinking that we are all to remember those before us...and not to repeat the mistakes of the past. ..Amen
