High Efficiency Washing Machine Water Level Trick

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How to trick your High Efficiency Washing Machine into putting more water into the tub during the wash cycle.
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My wife tried your idea and it WORKS GREAT! Finally, the clothes get cleaner and smell the way the old washer performed. Of all the suggestions on YouTube you win. You are a genius!


The fact I have had to resort to this to solve the low water issue in a washing machine is ludicrous. Every single person that has this issue should file a complaint with Maytag and maybe even move up to a class action lawsuit.


Glad to know I'm not the only one with this ridiculously aggravating problem. I used to do what Diedre does but it takes so long. Today I ran the garden hose into the house to "out smart" the water sensor by adding water. It still took an enormous amount of time to get the water level to where it should be. At least it worked ... dang, I never thought I'd say this....I miss my old washing machine.


Omg! So glad I found this! Just got my new LG and was almost in tears seeing the water barely covering my clothes! Your tip worked beautifully! Thank you


Great tip. I’m going to try it tonight. I hate low efficiency washers. I get “laundry ropes” regardless of how many clothes I wash. I don’t think it gets clothes clean, doesn’t wet them, excessively twists them and I have to literally untie the laundry ropes. I want my old washer back. My water comes from a well. I paid to install my well, pay to have the water pumped from the ground, pay to have it tested, pay to have it cycle through a water softener... and I cannot get enough to clean my clothes?


Here's a HE washer trick dont buy one, I'll keep my 1992 maytag till it falls apart and bolt it back together


Thank you for the tip! I detest these new machines! My white sheets that I have had for years were not getting clean. My habits have not changed. I could rant for days on this stupid invention.


For best results, thoroughly wash clothes before putting in machine.


Thanks again, I've been using your tip for about 3 months. I also took the lock off of the lid. Simple unscrew. I can check the water level at any time now, as a 'just in case'


Thank you so much for this tip! I was so excited to get my new HE machine, but now I would love to have my old on
e back! Your water tip is genius! Thank you!


I hadn’t thought of your tip but I like it. Part of the problem with these HE washers is that most don’t have an agitator to move the clothes from the top of the load to the bottom. I have had mine for over five years and after the first few loads, I was ready to call Sears and have them come get it. I finally figured out that if I did every load on bulky, it would fill the tub with more water. With the bulky setting the washers computer system assumes that the contents of the tub will be larger pieces but not weigh as much. I’ve not had a problem with dry clothes coming out after a wash cycle. I know this original post is a year old but I hope this helps someone?


You are a genius. I just got the HE washer and thought perhaps I was going to lose my mind or have to call the repairman. THANK YOU for sharing your trick. CANNOT WAIT to try it. I have used the traditional machine for 40 years and have never been disappointed with the system, but our washer was 15 years old and we needed to update. You just made my day.


This is one of the reasons I will keep my current washer as long as possible and will repair it as needed until it can't be repaired any longer :).


I always had used equipment & was happy the day I finally at 62 got to buy a brand new washer & dryer. Immediately hated it & then found out they're all the same. Thank you for this tip. I'm trying it on my next load.

Update: made a world of difference & my clothes got clean. Thank you for this lovely and accurate tip.


Your tip made all the difference. I've also found that if I do a pre-soak it really wets the clothes & helps in the cleaning process. Most people don't have the time so your gallon trick is quicker. I'm retired so I've the time. You've helped me a lot since I'm stuck with this. Thank you for your video.


I'm happy to know that I'm not the only one complaining about this issue. Thanks for the tip! Another thing that confuses me about the high efficiency washers is the fact that they take so much longer to wash a load of clothes. Some of the cycles are over an hour long. How is that efficient?


Thank you works like a charm. Have been struggling with my washer since purchased a year ago. White lint marks on dark loads and parts of my clothing coming out not even touched by water from a 1/4 load.


We just used your tip in our brand new Whirlpool and it was amazing! I was so mad at the mistake we made in giving up our 20-yr old Whirlpool Gold, but you have brightened our day. Now, if someone (hint, hint, Deidre) could figure out how to get the impeller to be more effective. I prefer the old-timey buttons and knobs, but it is what it is. Will learn to live with the lesser product we are now stuck with.


thanks for your advice... this machine really takes a lot of time from people using it because now we have to search online and find the solution and put the extra water in carefully every single time! GREAT!!!


When you said it needed more weight I thought you were going to say put a brick in it.
