'Let It Be' (The Beatles Cover) | GENTRI Covers

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“I went to bed one night and had a kind of restless night.
But I had a dream where my mother, who had been dead at that point for about 10 years, came to me in the dream and it was as if she could see that I was troubled. And she sort of said to me, she said,

‘Let it be.‘”

-Paul McCartney
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Thank you for giving me comfort in my time of loss. My wife passed away on June 7 and I listen to this song when I need reassurance she is there with me through this time of mourning.


The piano guy. Warms my heart they included him in the video…. Exquisite performance by ALL — including the piano. Pure talent, all.


The pianist is fabulously talented. Raised the song to a new level.


How did a COD cover from TikTok prompt me to search for this masterpiece?


A lovely rendition of this Beatles' classic that brings hope, grace and beauty to us in these challenging times.


My son loved Oklahoma when he was a little boy. It was one of the two shows he would sit still for. This song reminds me so much of him. He would wake up everyday and say this is going to be the best day ever! He passed away in 2022. This cover of the song is perfect and has brought healing to my heart. Thank you for it.❤


I keep coming back to this video while I continue to mourn the loss of my mother, it seems to be the only thing that gets to my soul and makes it ok that I miss her. Thank you @gentri


I love this. My Mom's name was Mary. She died in 2009 but, every so often, she comes to visit in my dreams. It's bittersweet. Wonderful to be with her again and heartbreaking to wake up and know it was just a dream. Stunning rendition of a beautiful song.


My grandmother, Mary, died 50 years ago, but I still pray to her when times get really tough. She's always there for me.


This song reminds me of my grandmother. She used to always say "This too shall pass" when I was growing up. She said it more and more often as she struggled with cancer. She passed when I was 13, about 17 years ago. When she was gone it was like a light switch was turned off and never turned back on.

To this day I still think about her. Sometimes I dream about her. Those are the sweetest dreams. Any time I am going through a tough time I hear her words in my head and it makes me relax and move forward. I am convinced we are given important people in our lives, even if it's just for a short time, in order to help us deal with the harshness of this world. I truly do not know where I would be without her.

I know this comment is very late. I always go back to this video and it makes me remember a sweeter time. I'm finally writing this comment out years after first seeing this. IDK if anyone will even see it but typing this out has made me feel better already.

Thank you for this version of this song. It's very touching.


These gentlemen singers are very talented and so is their pianist. I love the "transition bridge" that begins around 2:26....


In this hour that we're living in, this time of 2020, this season of unrest, this song has more meaning for me than it has had in the past. This is an incredibly beautiful rendition of the song. It's hard to just "Let It Be" sometimes.


One of my favorite Beatles songs, this right here is what you can call harmony. Perfect pitches, rifts, timing, everything absofreakinglutely phenomenal! I've heard many versions of this song through the years and always went back to the original version. This, this right here, is what I would be putting on my playlist. On repeat!


A three-piece male vocal group from Utah, gathered inside of a gorgeous church for this rendition. Their angelic voices will make you feel chills down your spine, but they did not stop there. They made sure to give their respect by providing a little history behind “Let It Be.” These guys just turned this already amazing song into a true feast for your ears.


This is such a beautiful rendering of the Beatles classic and feels as close to a religious and spiritual experience then I’ve ever felt in a long while.


This is one awesome group of gentlemen. This song is so comforting especially in this day and age of unsettled circumstances. God bless you Gentri for such a wonderful song.


Just as relevant today, I had never heard of these guys, but love them.


All I can say is you have made something special with this arrangement of this classic Beatles tune. I come back to it again and again. It has that classic ring and yet it is somehow better. Let it be.


So beautiful. I remember my grandpa played this for me when I was four and I fell in love with the song and lyrics ever since. When I’m going through a hard time, I listen to this song and it instantly makes me feel better. So beautiful great job, you guys brought tears to my eyes!


it has melancholy, power, sorrow, inspiration, peace, and righteous all in one rendition.
